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Everything posted by Apache

  1. The point I was making re MOH (which I play as well) and BC is that the latter SEEMS TO ME (if I am entitled to an opion) that it will be more like the former than it will CM.
  2. Many thanks for your work on this mod. Excellent. BTW - only one problem I've encountered. I kind of a 'static click' sound that seems to play with the 5001 file. Could it be something happenind when the sound loops? [ April 11, 2003, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  3. FWIW I will buy Battlefield Command just because it looks so good and becuase it is a WWII era game BUT I suspect (and this is not a criticism as such) it will be more like a more realistic Medal of Honour type game than a tactical wargame. The CM series is excellent IMHO. Yes there are a few 'flaws' but the engine is getting on a bit now but they are working on a new one and I suspect that will be pretty spectacular. Flaws or not I will still defintely get CMAK and will look forward to it, more than I can say for a some other games I bought and regretted. Where CM is concerned, when I get a little p'd off because something isn't exactly as I'd like, I just recall my days of table top wargaming. Doesn't matter how well you make the terrain, models and rules it still boils down to a table top without much atmosphere. CM changes ALL that AND gives a lot more than you can get out of most table top rules without rolling a million dice. Don't get me wrong, I don't think CM is perfect, but then rolling a 6 to see if a Pz IV KOs a Churchill which is just hull-down (but which you can see entirely on a board) is less than ideal also. For me BFC and E-sim (Steel Beasts) have about got the WWII/modern warfare sewn up. I might be tempted to get Flashpoint on my son's Xbox mind [ April 10, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  4. Blue 3 v. Yellow 3 just completed turn 21. Still some armour slugging going on.
  5. Must admit I like the sound of it myself BUT it is going to have to be BRILLIANT to justify that price tag!!!!!
  6. FWIW I'm not keen on the 'Mills and Boon' style of 'novel' that rambles on for two pages before much useful comes out. The "Sgt X sat in his foxhole as the sun rose over the valley, then suddenly blah balah blah...........". I know it's probably intended to create ambience and do a bit of scene setting but for me at least rarely manages to achieve it. I do prefer the style of briefing that IIRC Wild Billl advocated with a brief (and MOSTLY) accurate account of terrain, reasonsable intell of positions and enemy forces etc. [ April 05, 2003, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  7. Excellent!!! :eek: Can't wait, an early bonus!! Much as I (convince myself) I like the Eastern front I can't wait to get back to the West (at least I can understand what half of the forces are saying) A problem with a Western front 'total conversion' of CMBB would be getting Russian 'behaviour' etc for allied troops. Not the case here. Tom has already suggested it might happen, being based on CMBB, hope he's working on it. AND........direct purchase from US for Europeans....Yes!!!!!!! [ April 05, 2003, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  8. IIRC the Radeon 9700 is fine, except they do not do fog.
  9. Ammo settings for the AI when playing QBs was a bug that got fixed by patch 1.02, that's the only way you'll get reduced ammo for the Soviets, it will work for the human player though.
  10. Might be a bit unfair to announce a very short battle one phase now. If people had known at the start they could have upped their speed a little whereas too short a time limit now may penalise some. I would certainly change to a higher risk strategy if I thought there was a time cut off, that way you can rush and capture flags that you wouldn't perhaps have a hope in hell's chance of holding to the end and still get the points. That said, they can't go on for ever. Say 7 - 10 days? Only problem with AI selected forces I find is that the AI sucks at force selection sometimes, and really sucks too. If you reduce the points further there may be little point in playing combined arms. 1250 would be the lowest I'd go. I'd be tempted to set weather too, rather than randomise it, crap weather really slows it dowm I find. Don't get me wrong, I play in crap weather a lot (comes from living in Wales ) but I think it can slow tourneys down. [ March 19, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. I am not sure if my CMMOS rules might be in a bit of a mess. Having installed all the original rules, as new ones have come out I have merely DL them and copies them in. I seem to a mixture of rule tabs and it's hard to work out what should be under what? I have Panzers D/Grau and Der Schwein. D/Grau and both have grey tanks under them? I also have P/Martins winter Pz38 installed and cant see a tab for it under the winter dunkel gelb/grau section (despite the preview pic being there under installed mods)? I am wondering whether it would be better to clear all the rules from the rule folder I have, DL all the latest ones only and start again (IIRC once the rules and mods have been put into CMMOS they can be deleted anyway as CMMOS copies the full works). That said, I keep the mods in case I ever get a system zap and have to DL the lot again. [ March 19, 2003, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  12. Hmmmmm. Just found that out I've gone back to 1024x768. As for some of the other obscure ones I can't quite work out what they'd be useful for.
  13. Has anyone played about with these and the different impacts on the game. I had stuch with 1024x768 until yesterday but 1280x1024 seems OK (problem is the text is quite small on both CMBB and esp other Apps (like this forum). I notice my card has a load of other settings too and wondered whether people have tried them at all? I notice that most people I come across seem to use 1024x768. I wondered whether if I set my desktop res to 1024x768 (allowing me to do other stuff at a reasonable size) whether it would force the card to set 1280x1024 if I left the 'Prefs' settings at that? 1024x768 seems fine but the units seem needlessly large at level 1 camera setting.
  14. I'm not sure how new they are but they download as v. and are supposed to carry quite a lot more functionality. I'm a bit paranoid about drivers and wonder whether the latest has/could cause problems. Being on XP I could always use a restore point I suppose. My main interest with them is that my old sound card (SM 1024 Live) used to have an Environment setting called Forest which used to sound good for CMBO. The current Audigy drivers I have contain Env settings that are all indoor (Cathedral etc) which obvviously sound crap. With everything off though the sound is a little flat and seems to be missing something but I don't have the experience of using the settings to create my own environment using echo and reverb.
  15. I'm currently running 1280x1024 which seems good. Evan at level 1 the units are not too big then. I have FSAAx4 and AFx8 on. Can't say I notice loads of difference though but I've left them on. I have exactly the same card as you and time and time again I've been told to stick with the 3087 drivers so that's what I've got. I think the FSAA and AF may have more effect with different cards. I posted an FSAA and AF thred in tech support and one of the guys recommends dl and using a tweaking tool but I'm not sure about that, don't want to risk too much third party stuff. What soundcard do you have by the way? I have an audigy and am tempted to DL the new drivers for that. [ March 16, 2003, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  16. Already got 'em Ed. Excellent as usual. For me your trees are also one of the best things to get released. Can'r belive how good it is to actually see my troops at ground level!!
  17. Thanks. I'll try again. I might try the higher res too. I use 1024x768 at the moment. One thing I noticed with the 1280 x 1024 is that interface shrinks to the centre of the screen rather than going all the way across. I presume that's because it's designed to work at 1024x768?
  18. Ncrawler sounds!!! Now, that will polish it off nicely. Keep us posted re the host.
  19. Been out of the frame for a while guys, quite committed with some tournament and CMMC2 campaign stuff. I do have a Soviet version for 42 that would probable be quite playable. Anyone wanting to trial it at perhaps tidy it up feel free. Post your mail address (if it isn't above your profile and I can mail it). Failing that I can mail it to SuperS for his site but am conscious of the amount of stuff there now.
  20. Blue 3 armoured car has found the Soviet Tank spearhead but they found him before he could do much about it http://grantaj.users.btopenworld.com/Screens/NOWTACfindstanks.jpg [ March 15, 2003, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  21. I'd agree with that. KwazyDogs stuff is spot on and Fernando'd is/was the absolute business!! Not sure if he's still modding now. Not seen any of his stuff for CMBB. Have to try and persuade Mister Noobie to turn his talents to the Axis once he's done with the Reds. I like Panzermartin's stuff too.
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