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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Supersulo - I get a full screen Donwload Counter.Com board that says "An error has occurred The title says it all - the following error occurred while you were trying to download - 'No Counter for this download exits' Please contact the site owner, chances are they have not set something up correctly or something is wrong blah blah blah?" Not sure what's causing it? [ February 26, 2003, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  2. MG42. No problem and no offence taken. The question posed by the thread is however perhaps a little more provocative than it needs to be (IMHO). In fact I was probably editing my post as you typed in your response. My problem for not reading it through enough before going to Defcon 1 Give them a try. First time I saw them, before becoming a team member so to speak, I thought no way! Even the first 3-4 times I wasn't sure. Now, piece of cake, don't even need to look at the rules for much now. I play both sets BCR and my own variant, BCRAV. I have to say I wouldn't consider AI play any other way. [ February 26, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  3. We worked on the rules beacuse it is something we were interested in because we wanted to do it for our own use. Having put in the effort we considered it worthwhile to make the work available to the community and there have been hundreds of downloads and a lot of positive feedback. As with many tabletop wargaming rule sets there is a fair bit to do and they do take a bit of getting used to, but once you are familiar with the bits you like to use it takes less than a couple of minutes to speed through them. Such rule sets are clearly designed for people who enjoy having a degree of the control of their game handed over to and determined by external factors, rather than their own preference (which led to me playing almost the same type of game with the same type of units nearly all the time). Many also like the feeling of continuity you get with the same units being involved. Some like it because they prefer AI play and the rules do lead to that being made tougher. Others like them because they're a change. Quite simple in the end though, if you don't like 'em - don't use 'em. [ February 26, 2003, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  4. SuperS: Not sure if it's just me, when I check the site and go to the downloads (any) I get 'Fault' come up, and 'No download Counter Exists'?
  5. BCR Apache Variant (1942) available for download!! Visit the link below and elsewhere in this thread. Revisions for '42 include: 1) Panzers/Stugs upgraded on basis of '42 availability 2) Rule governing SS access to Tiger platoon from June 42 3) QB settings increased in some areas to reflect greater armour availability 4) Rule covering Soviet Over-runs of Axis positions 5) Rule/Guidance for use of artillery and TRPs (also made it to 41 Gold) 6) LMG support to infantry battalions. [ February 25, 2003, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  6. ROFL I already have a copy. Getting KOd in the first round will give me plenty of time to read it. Thanks appreciated Lou. [ February 24, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  7. Gary, let me know when U R ready and I'll send you the set up (I'm Blue 3). None of that sneaky flanking stuff this time Perhaps we can suspend starting our other PBEM until this is underway (unless I find cartloads of time available). [ February 24, 2003, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  8. Spot on Sublime. Same but different. BCRAV is just a variation, you forces are fixed (SS Arm Pz Grenadiers or Heer Infantry). Same theme but there are a lot of differences, and as Sublime points out, generally bigger force sizes (with all the gear that goes with them, I like 'gear' ). Try both.
  9. SuperS. Will be trying out the die programme in nest couple of days. Been away. Notice the download counters have both reverted to 4 for both BCR and BCRAV? Do they restart aafter 250 or something?
  10. BCRAV 42 is just undergoing proof reading and will then be available for players.
  11. For some reason CMMOS does not winterise the hull of the above. I suspect (IIRC) it's because it is a v1.01/2 vehicle update and the CMMOS standard pack of whitewash grey vehicles does not have the bmp for it. Turret and tracks have gone whitewashed but not hull. I have all the tanks, gun AG and AC grey whitewashed vehilce sets in and the rules? If it is because of it being a new vehicle does anyone know where this a good grey/whitewash 38t G [ March 02, 2003, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  12. Good thought. I've just re-installed whole of CMBB (deleting all mods, even though they are in a 'mods in use' folder so will be easy to put back in). Think I'll do a straight 'Orig' file of both in the CMBB folder. Disc intensive maybe but I've got little else on my PC anyway. All started because of the Winter Leaves thread (thought either I or cmmos had cocked it up) and because a winterised Pz 38 t G turned up with a grey hull??? Not sure what happened there. Think I might wait for another full winterised set to come out before I do Axis again. Mr Noobs Soviet stuff looks excellent but some of the CMMOS Greay Winterised looks a little plain. I know Gordon was in a rush to get at least a basic set up for people to use. Just a shame he isn't still modding his more advanced stuff. The yellow 'Kit' looks fine though.
  13. Just found out a strange anomaly in CMBB. Never seen it before (not sure if it was same in CMBO). But, it seems that any temperature setting above Frozen in Winter gives you (deciduous) trees with leaves on? Look kinda odd. Only noticed it becuase I'm just strating a PBEM and someone has clearly used a 'Warm' set up Temp.
  14. Thanks. Trouble is I want to keep some of the mods I have in and not some others.
  15. In one or two scenarios I have used a lot of split squads together, led by a coy HQ, with their buddies with the LMGs providing suppression commanded by platoon HQs. I did a few tests and found I actually lost less on some occassions than by assaulting with full squads. Of course, a tank does it better
  16. Unfortunately you can't. You take the aggregate of all the platoons experience to determine what level you buy your company at.
  17. I must admit it always looks the wrong way round to me. The CMBB rough bmps looks more like rocky whereas the rocky looks rough. A kine of halfway house might look better for rocky. I even considered swapping the bmps over (if I knew which they were).
  18. I get that as well. At the moment I've just re-installed the CMBB Originals and left it at that. Another strange thin I noticed when playing a Fall game after installing the winter graphics I go some leafless frost covered trees in the middle of clumps of other trees with full foliage (not conifers), no snow on ground. Christ knows what happened there? Again, OK now I've reverted to CMBBs. I really like DDs mod except some of the terrain seems to have a swirly pattern, esp Steppe. Perhaps it's just my system. Think I need to play with CMMOS and install the terrain section at a time until I get what I like. At least then I can merely revert any bit that I don't like. First time round I installed the whole lot in one go.
  19. Being an ex-Midlander (Staffs) I'll give it a whirl. Same gentleman's rules ? I'll even volunteer a prize of some sorts (book on AFVs/Eastern Front - not sure what yet.) Bloody hell, did I just say that? Need to go and lie down :eek: [ February 22, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  20. IIRC they are all in mp3, as were scipio's. Scipio pointed me to a simple mp3/wav converter that I had on my old machine. You wouldd't know where I can get it would you?
  21. If I roll that I tend to. Seems to be more 'immediate' to me than having another similar (albeit same parameters map) although I know quite a few will change it to. Matter for you really.
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