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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Thanks. I'd noticed the placement markers too which I'm also DLing. I thought the CMBB ones would work, just wanted to make sure.
  2. Thx. Will give it a go over the weekend. Not too annoying but never noticed it before. I still have the original drivers which came with the PC so may put those back in. In fact I don't know why I bother with modem updates because it doen't seem to affect anything (except make CLICK noises!!!).
  3. Can anyone tell me whether these have been modded pse and if so where? I've done a search at CMMODS and cant find them. Or, will CMBB ones do it?
  4. I have noticed of late that my modem makes a rather aggravating "CLICK - CLICK,CLICK" sound through my speakers just before it starts the 'key pad' tones as the number is dialled. I'm sure it never used to do that before and would just go straight into the dial tones. I'm aware I can turn speaker off but I have got used to listening to the tones etc for dial progress. Not sure if a driver update would have done it? The modem is a Connexant Soft V92 SmartSpeakerphone. Any thoughts pse??
  5. I'm still tempted to stick with the 30.87. Not sure what if any these new driver will deliver.
  6. I'd recommend the Chamberlain and Doyle/Ellis books as the best I've seen - as mentioned above.
  7. Nope. I am using 1.01 and they still unbutton and quite often too.
  8. IIRC in CMBB one of the patches 'fixed' a problem with your AFVs unbuttoning so they stayed buttoned if you buttoned them. If so, has that feature been carried across to CMAK? I've had quite a few unbuttoning though I'm not 100% certain they unbutton when under fire. I have had a few TCs killed but it may be through turret penetrations or armour flaking.
  9. HL - Thanks for suggestion. With Shrullenhafts walk through of driver install though, will the old driver still be there. Also, I just wonder if the Ti4200 will benefit from the new driver? I am a great fan of the 'If it ain't broke' school of thought.
  10. I am on Win XP Home and with a Ge-Force Ti 4200. I'm still using the driver at the moment - primarily because of a wish not to screw up my system as a result of changing vdeo drivers which, from looking at threads here over the years, they seem to do with a marked degree of regularity! Is this driver suitable for my system/card and is it stable enough to use. More to the point I suppose is there ANY benefit to installing it?
  11. CMAK tourney sounds good. Been offline for a while with RL stuff and a re-kindled interest in table top Napoleonics (requiring me to paint up half a ton of lead quick-time ).
  12. I must admit I largely played CMBB over CMBO because of the advances it offered in terms of realism. I never enjoyed the theatre us much as I did BO though. Since CMAK was announced I've largely gone dormant with CMBB and eagerly await CMAK. Roll on Xmas (crosses fingers)
  13. I must admit I largely played CMBB over CMBO because of the advances it offered in terms of realism. I never enjoyed the theatre us much as I did BO though. Since CMAK was announced I've largely gone dormant with CMBB and eagerly await CMAK. Roll on Xmas (crosses fingers)
  14. Control over friendly units in PE is crap too. Can't even give them a facing. But, as for the topic, like the other guy said, pse no FPS view for CM.
  15. Personally I can't wait for CMAK, doubt I'll play CMBB much once it's out. Whilst I far prefer the CMBB game improvements over CMBO I just can't work up the same enthusiasm to play the Allies, seems kind of remote. Looking forward to plotting the demise of the Axis with Brit/US troops again.
  16. Apache v Athkatla now underway. Dodgy one this. Nice hills, few ravines, not much tree cover. Hope it doesn't become a long range armour duel with both of us too worried to move. Ah.......what the heck.........wagons roll!!! [ June 08, 2003, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  17. I was halfway through sending a PBEM file when we sufferred a 30 second power cut. Once I turned the system back on (Win XP Home) I could get nothing to work for ages. I got the Win logon screen and got through to dektop but every time I double clicked an icon etc. the machine just froze. Onle after countless restarts have I been able to get it going again. I don't find the XP Help/Support much use. There used to be a 'Repair Windows' under Win 98 (IIRC), if indeed that was the problem. Any advice guidance any techies can give in case it happens again (apart from suing the f*****g electric company!!!!!!!!).
  18. Can someone just confirm - does setting up player in round 2 play axis (too lazy to read all the way up previous thread). That's the basis I've worked on, if I'm wrong I'll need to send a new setup to Athkatla.
  19. Athkatla - set up will be sent today. Have done it in v1.03. Let me know if you need it in 2.
  20. My understanding is that there are no penalties to command radius/bonus if the HQ is on 'Hide'. I do believe however that the HQs greater spotting abilities may be affected if on Hide, not certain though, never managed to bottow it out.
  21. I have the four BFC books relating to infantry and armour tactics of both Soviet and German forces. They are OK but I personally didn't get a lot out of them that I found to be useful for CMBB. There is (and this is not a criticism) a heavy emphasis on the various activities/routines that commanders at squad and company level had to perform with detailed accounts of how to conduct movement and maneuvers. All well and good if that is what you wish to learn (and the books are advertised as tactics of etc etc, not the CMBB guide to...) but I would not recommend them for someone wanting to improve their CMBB. The problem is you don't get the level of control over individual squads to benefit from the detail that these books go into. I personally would place them in this order in terms of usefulness for CMBB 1) Soviet Armour tactics 2) Soviet Infantry Tactics 3) German Armour 4) German Infantry With 1 being best. I am not sure that you couldn't get the information that is of use to CMBB euqally as well from perhaps more generalist books on company/batallion level tactics. That is just my view though, others may differ. I have just bough a couple of books: Closing with the Enemy by Michael Doubler (US tactics 44-45) and The Art of Maneuver by Robert Leonhard. Not read either yet but the first came highly recommended by some US military contacts. The second is, I think, pitched more at the strategic/theory level. I also have Infantry Attacks by Rommel. Found it OK but am not sure it is written in a style which lends itself to readers actually learning what tactical points he tries to make. Again, just my view. Certainly not my favourite, found it quite a labour to struggle through to the end because of the repetitive style of his accounts. In many cases I found myself asking "Yeah...and...the point is????" Hope this is of some use. [ June 07, 2003, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  22. Hi Lou Mine and Gary's game has (thankfully) ended. Well won by Gary with my Axis suffering a major defeat Gary will doubtless post you the result.
  23. All the best VJ. Hope your wife makes a full and speedy recovery.
  24. Hopefully mine and Gary's game should end soon. Doubt I can do much now as those darn T34s seem to have creamed most of what I have left. If it does start to drag (I see little point in letting) what was the suggestions re calling a close - ceasefire or surrender? I may be going on hols next week too so I'd like to get it shut down.
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