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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Can I confirm, the sounds you are releasing now are to compliment the rest in the Father of None series, not replace them. Is that correct?
  2. Tom that night sky is a must have, excellent!!! I like most of the other skies too but I do think some could do with a make over. I liked the 'storm brewing' moody skies that were done for CMBO (Tiger?) and some of the night skies in winter with snow etc (almost vivid black and white).
  3. Bo, thanks for picking that up, amended. Shhot the proof reader!! Oh...hang on, that's me Note 12 should refer to Appendix C (Experience Calc) not D. D was in an earlier version (major action rule) and has been deleted. Die rolls now provide for enough MAs as is.
  4. I presume (seeing as you cannot access the wav and bmp files on the disc, only the installer), the quickest and easiest way to do this is to do a full install of the game to another directory and delete everything except the wav and bmp folders? I'd like to have the full sets of originals to hand in case I want to restore them. Not sure if doing this will corrupt anything with the game already installed, shouldn't should it? [ February 21, 2003, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  5. Just to confirm, are the two latest mods at the CM Mod DB the lot now? Just want to make sure? Am downloading them now bust will keep going back to check if there's more to come.
  6. Have you managed to get any further with the project?
  7. Manstein - I think your maps are superb and it's nice to have the sizes/shapes to cater for all forms of battle. Your work and that of some of the other designers we have have definitely made BCR a better experience. Thanks for your comments BTW.
  8. Hi RS. They are not installed as such. They are basically rules where you use a die roll to roll up paramateres and take yourself from battle to battle. Main rules are Excel files. If you download the BCR (original version) Player Guids and read it through it will give you a good idea. My variant is just on a bigger scale and involves historically correct units and such like. If you get the Main Rules tab up on screen and read them a few times it should become clearer. Have a look at the main BCR thread too. I think you'll find it worth it in the end. We have a few hundred playing now.
  9. I use 3087 and it's fine. Can't say FSAA or AF does anything for me however. I've turned both off. Any problems I did have can't be that great (I didn't notice them) but I did notice fine lines running down each side of my targeting lines with FSAA/AF on.
  10. Whose Welsh? Ever heard of the saying about 'Assumption being the mother of F*** up'. Still, if the openers are a gauge of the conduct of the English gentleman, I think I'll pass. [ February 16, 2003, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. You might find the below of interest. Apache
  12. Sengyo. I'm not sure how all this has happened? IIRC the only self-extractor is CMMOS 4.03 there is no need to manually unzip anything. Did you do your install exactly as per the readme in the CMMOS DL? You can examine the contents of the zipped file and look at the readme first. I'd be tempted to uninstall and start again. Once downloaded it should just self-extract and install upon double clicking. Then DL the rules and the mods but do not unzip anything. When they are all DL I often find it better to use 'cut' and 'paste' to put them into theie respective folders. When using configure all you need to do is double click on the rules in the folder that you want installing, one at a time. Provided the rules appear in the box on the left they are in OK and you need do nothing else. Same with the mods, they do not unzip or anything and you should not unzip them either. If that gets no joy you may want to post your question in the main CMBB forum. It will get picked up by someone there, this forum attracts less attention re cMMOS AFAIK. Hope this helps.
  13. Biltong. I'm still playing 41. In fact I've started over again as a result of some fairly radical changes to BCRAV v2.0. That said, I'm happy to start working on '42 now.
  14. Jason/John - thanks for the info/updates. I had seen a reference to the use of conscript/green FOs in the other thread but wondered if that was being gamey. Perhaps for use at battalion level I'll 'allow' players to use 3 FOs at green but insist that the FO matches the 'quality' of the main force in other instances. At least the use og 'green' for fireplans is merely using a work around to get something into the game that it might have benefited from in the first place. Not sure if you covered this in the previous post but, how do you see 81mm FOs sitting with 105/150s? When you choose the max two types of arty you deploy are the 81s included or are they, as I infer from your post, an 'always there regardless' option? Also with 81s, you do say you prefer battalion 81s, do you mean the 81mmm FO (e.g. battalion 'level') or 3 x 81mm (for a battalion shoot - or did 81s even fire in such big 'shoots'). Also, in what instances would you envisage the use of 81mm (single) mortars?
  15. Looks like somw good stuff on the horizon. Got the mods recommended. Good stuff. I like the MG42 but I do like Scipio's version in CMBO where you get the a very harsh, echoey sound and that 'weeeeeah' (crap description I know) after each burst. I wish I could turn the birds down too. I like 'em mind, jsu a bit bloody noisy over my incoming 150s! I have noticed the game v. wav thing too. Nature of the beast I suppose. When played through the wav player I use a lot of the sounds are very different to how they sound in game. Bit of a pain.
  16. Biltong, Can you let me know exactly what you need for 42 availability. For AFVs the charts attached to my variant (a revised version of Mike8g) have them all. If there are queries over infantry types and or other units let me know and I'll see what I and others can dig up. I need to be quite specific so people won't expend effort unnecessarily. Axis or Soviet too? [ February 16, 2003, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  17. Many thanks Jason. BTW I included your Arty 'rules' and TRP guide in my version of the Biltong Rules (duly credited). They are working out fine for me and I'll let you know some more feedback when I have played them more and when other players let me know. More and more I wish the Bn level support was available at the costs you suggest etc. I have dropped quite a lot of 105 use now unless I am defending or can afford 3.
  18. Hi Biltong, Apart from any glaring note innacuracies or rule conflicts, as far as I am concerned BCRAV is finished for 41, there will be no further amendments. The suggestions are largely for things I'm thinking I may use, and you may wish to consider, for 42. I should be able to post a couple of AARs soon, even though my rules are slightly different. SS Pz drew a Mech force against an Armoured outfit holding a large town, medium map, open with small hills. Not good. The SS KOd loads of L/Ts but got a good kicking in getting their Tactical Defeat. They did a hell of a lot of damage too and the grunts did take most of the town. ATRs came in useful as did 3 well placed PAK 36. Lost 50+ troops who would not be replaced for two battles The remnants then copped for a Mech immediate assault at dusk the same day. This time the oppostion was Mech too. A platoon of ACs rushed to their aid + a couple of IGs but couldn't get to them until turn 8 of a 32 turner. IGs saved the day. Did it though - Minor Victory All good stuff! Now, prior to BCR I either wouldn't have played many/any battles featuring some of the 'crap' configurations I draw OR would have binned them when I didn't like how it was going. Not now though. Each one is a struggle to the bitter end. One up for BCR!!! [ February 15, 2003, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  19. Supersulo, I run Win XP Home. Should your die app. run on that OK? I have DL it a couple of times and, each time I go to the zip folder I open it up and see what looks like an auto-exec type file. When I double click it I get 'This application has failed to start because vcl60.bpl was not found. Re-installing may solve the problem'. Am I doing something wrong? I do use the die sheets but it does seem to have quite a lot of the same number, especially high ones. I may even try to dig out one of my old ten sided die
  20. Downloaded your maps Zigwied and they look superb. Excellent addition to the pack. We do need a lot more small maps IMO. Look forward to your others.
  21. I'm not sure if it was Saturnin but one of the modders released an updated version of some of their mods which dealt with a 'pink' issue. Have you got the latest version?
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