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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Thanks for that. Lost the site when I changed PCs.
  2. Walpurgis - It may come as a shock to you but if combat units were assigned a mission to attack a piece of terrain (which unfortunately was not always blessed with covered lanes of approach - it does happen you know), sometimes they had to get off their backsides and DO IT! I presume you think it sensible that an entire asault is held back merely because a Stug might take a couple of vehicles out en route? Get real. I am describing what happened in a scenario, without the surrounding contextual information which is to a large extent irrelevant. I CONSIDER it unrealistic. OK! [ May 11, 2003, 04:14 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  3. So you think it quite reasonable that a couple of companies of light tanks, if ambushed by an ATG when moving rapidly to cover in front of them, will merely halt and rotate in circles or waste time going repeatedly back and forth a few feet rather than carry on with their high speed dash for the cover they were making for in the first place :confused: I'm not aware of too many infantry units able to move at at 15-30 mph in order to get to more suitable defensive positions? The problem as I see it is that the Tac AI is overriding sensible orders when there is no need to do so. I accept the tanks being shot at, and those in the vicinity may well take some other drastic (if not perhaps a little foolish) action but I see little sense in vehicles 100m to their left and right adopting a 'We'll stop here and just wait so you can pick us of too when you've finished targeting the others'. That to me is somewhat illogical. [ May 10, 2003, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  4. I have encountered similar problems and related ones. As a for instance, lone Stug parked up in a village dodging buildings. Large number of light tanks, supported by smg infantry on carriers given a rapid advance order breaking from woods to get to the cover provided from hills and the outskirts of the village on their side. Result, vehicles break from the woods as ordered (probably 20-25 in total) Stug + an ATG opens up and whole lot immediately panic and start spinng round getting pretty much anhialated. Dumb!!! There is no way the Stug ATG could have been targeting more than 20% of the vehicles (which advanced on a broad front with 'Fast move' orders) and if they'd continued (as I'm sure they would in reality) I'm sure 50-60% at least would have made the cover, allowing them to adopt better firing and troop deployment positions. While it's doubtless to much to expect the AI to do a 'how many of us are there' calculation (thus determining the lower chances of getting KOd) the facing routine suggested would certainly have allowed the bulk of the vehicles to get through. I tend to agree with the suggesting that it needs fixing.
  5. I have the Ncrawler, Oddball's and a couple by OHJumsies (think that's right) and GJK (mainly tank MG). IIRC I have all of Ncrawlers installed (except for HMG42 and selected sounds from the other mods that I just happen to prefer (e.g. OHJ SMG sounds IIRC). OHJs and the GJKs are at CMMod Database.
  6. If you set the battle to an assault, set 5000 points and play as the attacking side you will get to select up to 8,600 points worth IIRC. AFAIK that's the highest you'll get.
  7. I must admit I often wish I had the time etc to fully research the most likely components for forces. I do prefer to play as close to historical as possible but, whilst my knowledge now is A LOT better than when I first picked up CMBO a couple of years ago (thanks in no small part to a number of forum members), I still lack the almost encyclopaedic knowledge that some posess that will allow spot-on selection (or as near as damn it) every time. I'm sure I must end up with some combos that a historian would raise an eyebrow to. The desire for accuracy (and as a rule I suspect unbalanced forces) is a personal choice but there are clearly quite a few who are interested in that side. I tend to set myeslf %age limiters when selecting combined arms forces and try to base them loosley around my limited knowledge of infantry or pz bns. Therefore if taking a med tank coy I tend to take perhaps 4 late model IIIs and 8 early (maybe some 4s). Of course even this is not perhaps correct given that such mixes did not perhaps occur at this level. That said I do prefer not doing a battle with 12 late IVs. I am even trying to devise a 10 sided die based selector based on the relative rarity of vehilce types within both Heer and SS (e.g. if Stug F/8s were roughly only 30% of Stug make up for that unit type in that year/month, rolling 1-3 will get you Stug F/8s, otherwise its IIIs or whatever, again governed by %ages.). Not ideal perhaps and there will always be flaws but at least it prvents me thinking Stugs, right, F8s. I often wonder whether BTS could include some form of 'force builder' as an enhancement to the QB generator where you could perhaps refine some of the parameters or even choose pre-selected but variable forces (e.g. Pz Bn, well equipped, reasonably equipped, poorly equipped) for assault, attack and defence missions. There could be a smattering of such selections covering perhaps recon, pz, ss, infantry, mountain etc and they could be at say either company and bn level. Could the editor do this I wonder, but then you're back to having the time and knowledge that BTS and others seem to have at their fingertips. [ May 03, 2003, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  8. I still get the 5001 click too, only in the game though??? When played back through the Creative or Windows Player I don't hear it. I've gone back to the original now, shame because i do prefer this modded version, quieter rain and more distant echoey thunder and arty.
  9. IIRC the only advantage a TRP will give DF weapons ia improved accuracy - replicating the weapon being 'boresighted'.
  10. Hi Ncrawler, will do. Real pig of a week at work this week though. May be weekend, tomorrow if I'm lucky.
  11. No let up on the ambient sounds mind
  12. I use the 30.87s. IIRC Madmatt recommends those too as the most stable.
  13. I use the 30.87s. IIRC Madmatt recommends those too as the most stable.
  14. Many thanks. Excellent mod. Love those tank idle sounds. Not so overbearing.
  15. Many thanks Ncrawler. Oddball - I would carry on. I suspect that sounds, like model mods, are down to personal taste and I don't think that 'better' comes into it, just preference. I have installed the whole Ncrawler mod but, because of personal prefence I have copied over the original HMG42 sounds and your SMG sounds. I haven't a clue in most cases what it more realistic, I just like the sounds and, because I've taken the time to go through them I now know what is firing at me most times (and I suspect troops used to ID weapons by sound quite a lot too). Hence I stick to the very distinctive original HMG42, I want to be damn certain when one of those opens up (and I got used to that sound in CMBO) [ April 13, 2003, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  16. I've got the original up and running again but posted this in case Ncrawler might want to check the mod. I do actually prefer his sound but obviously it's no good with the clicks.
  17. Rest of this mod is excellent but I have a problem when playing rain scenarios. This sound is much better IMO (quieter rain and more 'distant' sounding arty etc.) but I seem to get a kind of 'static click' after about 45 seconds which repeats regularly. It doesn't happen with the originial. Could it be something to do with the sound loop or is it perhaps my card? If the latter I'm not sure why the original doesn't have the same problem? Has anyone else had the same problem? [ April 12, 2003, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  18. I researched this to death when I was in the same boat last year. The upshot I found is stick with a Ge-Force (I got the 4 Ti 4200 with 128M RAM) and use the 30.87 drivers. Avoid the Radeon's, excellent cards in other respects BUT in CM they don't do fog. Hope this helps.
  19. Thanks for that. I wondered about OFP on Xbox. Big screen and comfortable lounge chair is one advantage but I did think about it. I also like the idea that I can get the GOTY edition of OFP for considerably less than i'd be able to get the Xbox version. I just don't like to clutter my PC with TOO many games. Also, I'm again not sure if OFP might be a bit too much like MOH. Much as I like MOH I could never play a first/thrid person shooter on PC. I wonder also if there's anything going to be missing from the Xbox version? A PC does have a LOT more keys to programme things.
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