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Everything posted by Apache

  1. Biltong, 1) You can mail me the Kiev's for testing (I like garlic vesion ) 2) Just a thought for the 42. How about rolling for arty support request? Perhaps roll and get: 1-2: Request denied 2-5: 1 Battery (1 x FO) 6-7: 2 Battery (2 x FO) 8-9: Battalion level (3 x FO) 10: Regiment(2 x 105 FO + perhaps 1 x 150 etc) [ February 11, 2003, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  2. Oh yessssssssss. don't mind if I dilute the chances of 'Naval' some do you? Them Destroyers just keep bloody bogging!!! One of the guys that asked for the Bn level rules asked if I could look at a Soviet set and I do know a acouple of Soviet walking encyclopaedias who are happy to help out. It certainly looks good from the AI front, even better when the rules can be used for PBEM with a Soviet side rolled up to match their 'potency' for the time. Not so hot in 41 perhaps, a bit smokey in 42 - 43!! Somebody Stopppppppp me!!!! Several people have asked in mails to me, just to clarify the battalion version allows UP TO battalion level actions, often your battles are around the 1,000 - 1,250 mark (1500 - 2,000 if playing the SS outfit). I'm not too keen on the mega 3,000 points battles either. This version just allows you 'ownership' of a battalion plus support and you select the force you need based on the mission you roll up. [ February 10, 2003, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  3. I'd really like to thank Manstein and other map designers who have made the rules much more enjoyable. Excellent having 'Probe' maps with set-up zones dotted around to allow for 'point' units ahead of the main force. The rules were excellent before but are even better with the map-on pack. I've yet to play a battle where the map is a) crap and/or easy. These maps seem to allow the AI to be even tougher. Nice one guys.
  4. GF - Thanks for the info. Found it now. Just one query. My mistake, my card is a GF Ti 4200 not 4600. But, I suppose it should still work OK. When I get to the AA settings I get several options: 1) Off 2) 2x 3) Quincunx AA (Whatever that is????) 4) 4x 5) 4xS Direct 3D Only Is it 4 or 5 I choose. I presume if it doesn't work I can just turn it back off? I may use my current drivers (which I think are up to date), presumably, if there is a problem there will be black screens and/or corrupted text? Finally, I presume it's on/off and you can't associate the setting to a particular programme (I haven't darfed hit the key yet).
  5. Reverse engineered Soviet version already underway. May take some time though. SS Pz Gr is currently blasting through 41 with a vengeance. Soviets are JUST about to get hit with a full Pz Bn!!!
  6. Thanks jiggles, thought I was going crazy, all this talk about FSAA, never could find out where/how to turn it on!!! :mad:
  7. That's it, I'm gonna try this. I have a GeForce Ti 4600 and presume I should be able to set FSAA + anisotropic too. But, can anyone give me a clue as to how and where to set it???? I've had a quickl look at display settings and there doesn't seem to be a tab etc for FSAA and anis... Also is it something that needs to be switchable so I can turun it off if other games don't like it. I run on XP Home too, presume no issues with that? Finally, any idea of which driver works best for my card and FSAA. I'd noticed a few problems people had with this so thought I'd leave it but I do get fed up with seeing tanks wither jagged barrels from certain angles. If only I could work out how to trun the bloody thing on?? :mad: Video cards, advanced settings and drivers ain't my strong point :confused:
  8. Excellent news. Thanks BFC. Be nice to see those with depleted ammo reap the rewards on AI play
  9. Seriously......I find it better if i turn the lights out/draw blinds when playing night battles. No problem then. Everrything is a bit vague otherwise.
  10. Biltong. Thx. Another thing I'm playing with now on my variation is the setting of points. I have had to change the original version because obviously an SS Pz Grn (Pz) Bn is often going to use armour and quite a lot of it, the task force side therefore didn't wotk too well for me. I then tried rolling for point sizes (overall) depending on what force I was using. That's OK but it can lead wildly outgunned forces. E.g. I rolled up a 3,300 points force on an Axis Probe which of course I then applied the modifiers to. OK so far, BUT it comes out at 2357 (3000 / 1.4) which = a 3000 point battle. Trouble is, playing an Axis Probe against a 3000 point defence I should have had 4200, almost 1,000 points down I know this probably doesn't affect BCR original but the solution I use may be of interest. I now roll for a point setting for the QB (e.g., 600; 700; 800; 1250;; 1500; 2000; 3000 or 5000 etc). That is what gets set. Then, in order to bring down the Axis Forces to make it tougher (both on attack and defence), I roll for an Axis 'spend limiter' which is either 0% (if VERY lucky); 2.5%; 5%; 7.5%; 10%; or 12.5%. It saves me a lot of hassle and toughens up the odds. [ February 08, 2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  11. Hi Biltong, Must have a problem somewhere. I have version 2.00 XL and before that my last mail is 1.6. I can find nothing on the XL and there is nothing else in the v2 zip except un-resolved issues. Can you send them again?
  12. I'm sure this has been covered before but I can't find the topic with a search. When setting a casualty rate of say 50% with a 1000 point force on a ME I notice the side with the 50% casualties actually gets a 2000 points force with 50% casualties not a 1000 point force reduced to 500 points worth. I'm sure there must be some kind of gameplay reasons for this, just took me a bit by surprise. I suppose playing a 1000 point force against a 500 would be a bit of walkover, that said I'd rarely set it at 50%, 10% 0r 20% perhaps.
  13. IIRC there is an issue with the QB generator that will not reduce the amount of ammo for the allied side if you select reduced ammo. Is this correct and if so does patch 1.02 address it?
  14. Biltong, not sure if it's covered in 'Notes' (I haven't DL any since about 1.2) I know that scores over 10 and less than 1 are treated as 10 and 1 but how do players handle the modifiers that push scores above the max and below minimum where there is more than one at work? E.g. Temperature in June: You roll a 1 and you have a dawn battle. You need to take into account the -4 for June and the +1 for Dawn. So is it: 1 - 4 = -3 + 1 = -2 therefore (1) hot OR 1 - 4 = 1 (e.g. lowest you can go) + 1 = 2 therefore cool? If it's the first one, perhaps the time of day modifiers need to come before the month? Similar for Handicap you are in July at at Vet level and roll a 2, is it: 2 - 3 = -1 + 2 = 1, therefore None OR 2 - 3 = 1 (lowest you can go) + 2 = 3 Soviet -10%? [ February 08, 2003, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  15. Thanks for the efforts. Should it work for Win XP Home? I see a few of the guys have had problems with PBEM Helper.
  16. Best using 2,000 or 3,000 battle settings, leave CMBB points in categories (arty etc) as default (don't roll task force points) restrict purchase of armour to 25% or 50% of what CMBB allows, MUST (perhaps) spend full amount on arty, at least 50-75% of what CMBB allows on fortifications and rest on infantry. It's no Turkey shoot. 2,000 point battle with you on the defence against a Soviet assault gives them 3440. With combined arms or arty for soviets it's quite tough. Could consider giving a 3,000 point force and restricting Axis purchase to 2,000 I suppose. Not had enough time to try the various options yet. It works for me 'as is' (but then I don't use the task force rules as such, I use CMBB allowances, set the force mix according to what I roll up and apply some limiters to what I can spend, slightly different approach.
  17. Main use of over-run is merely to change the type of battle really, I don't see players being more penalised by this type of battle compared to any other assault/attack. The main difference is that the player has a bias towards on-map guns (4 would be a good representation I would suggest, esp on a small map). These guns would obviously be in the direct fire mode and perhaps less effective, not ineffective thought. Players may perhaps use 1 x 105MM to represent a nearby battery training its guns to assist. Emphasis is also on heavily dug in positions with lots of trenches, wire, pill boxes, minefields, PAK/FLAK, MGs and TRPs etc. It's something I use and it works well, just thought it might add another variation to 42. Anyone who thinks the Allies will find taking out such a position a piece of cake drop me a line for a PBEM No problem if you're not inclined to take it up.
  18. Excellent. I use a few of those now, CMMOS versions will make life much easier. Nice one!!
  19. Seahawk - Just to be sure, you should only buy up to the points value you rolled in the various categories which may be less than CMBB allows. AND, you generally select your units from the Task Force Offerings that were generated by the QB. If you have points left in a category you can spend them in that category. BB - IIRC the idea is that you select your Task Force using the parameters from the sheet, including the points value you will ultimately set when you play the real thing. Biltong, Two other minor points: 1) Sure we've done this before but I've lost it. When we have fog should we have any wind above breeze? I must admit I have added a -8 modifier to the wind roll sections whenever FOG is present. That defaults me to still. Views? 2) Another modification I've added for the Bn version is for the battle type. If I roll a 9 or 10 (Allied Assault) I also roll again and if the result is a 8+ (might change to 9) the battle is an 'Over-run'. This simulates an Allied over-run of a main Axis defensive position with all the arty pieces being on-map, plenty of fortifications and well dug in. While out of sequence I played one the other day which was excellent. Might be worth looking at a modifier to ensure arty (ALL of which MUST be on map) is pushed to the high scores to allow at least the purchase of a battery (4) of 75mm or 105mm. [ February 04, 2003, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]
  20. Thanks for the comments guys. I accept that recon oufits were separate and not part of a battalion, what I am looking to do is work out with a fair degree of accuracy the type of mix that would have been deployed for a recon op, when such an op is assisting a Bn. Clearly I have to work with units CMBB allows and therefore motorcycles etc. are out. Probably more realistic to drop the 251/10s then and go for a reasonable sized recon force as being: 2-3 x 221s; 1-2 x 222s; 1 x 231/8(Rad) and maybe either 1-2 251/2s or 1-2 towed 75 and perhaps 1-2 towed 37mm PAK. I hadn't planned using HTs (and the gun armed versions) as the main recon 'transport' until late 42 on when (AFAIK) the HTs started to predominate.
  21. I am trying to work out the number and type of vehicles that make up a recon platoon that would perhaps be assigned for a Bn to use (occasionally), mainly for SS Pz Gr (Armoured). Also, how would the Heer handle this task and would their vehicles vary? At moment I use and ad-hoc mix of 2 x 221s; 1 x 222s; 1 231/8 (Rad) and 2-4 251/10s, occasionally a 251/2 in place of a 251/10. I also asign just 1 Recon Platoon to work with them, sometimes Armoured, sometimes in trucks. Realistic? Any help appreciated.
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