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Everything posted by CJMello

  1. There is no such thing as a stupid question ------------------ War Is Heck !!!
  2. Before the lock here is a URL for a company that carries many of the brands: http://smallblueplanet.com/ ------------------ War Is Heck !!!
  3. I picked up the DAK soldier. Rommel is also out now too. No way can kids afford all of these. ------------------ War Is Heck !!!
  4. It appears Arty has dealt a lot of us a big blow at one time or another. ------------------ War Is Heck !!!
  5. Also all over the news Groups. ------------------ War Is Heck !!!
  6. Just seeing if a method from another board works here. *Nope, dang!* ------------------ War Is Heck !!! [This message has been edited by CJMello (edited 02-13-2001).]
  7. Jackal, sad to say but I have done that too. War is Heck!!!
  8. I also found a wierd Sherman With this guy in it. Phoenix, model making isn't as easy as it used to be. All the good hobby shops in my area closed years ago. Paint and diorama material at other stores are just not up to snuff. Haven't done one in years...... [This message has been edited by CJMello (edited 02-13-2001).] [This message has been edited by CJMello (edited 02-13-2001).]
  9. Just thought I would relate a bonehead play I did the other night and was wondering how many others have bumped off some of their own due to friendly fire or bad orders. It was a test SCN I made for the hell of it and was progressing down a road towards the Americans. My German troops were top notch and ready for action. In one building I had a sharpshooter and a crew member from a nearby knocked out track. The buildng across the street had a 300mm rocket spotter in it and I decided to move him to a better location across the street. I must have hit the "T" button instead of the "M" and directed it towards the building accupied by the above mentioned troops. Time passed and I forgot about the spotter until a certain house erupted in flames. The sharpshooter and the crew member dashed from the building looking for safety. Needless to say both guys were gunned down by an advancing INF unit(s) and lay there for the rest of the SCN. To add insult to injury an American mortar round landed right on the dead body of the sharpshooter. Talk about no luck. I am still looking for the body to send home. So what bonehead stunts have you guys pulled?
  10. Nice job DF. BTW, I ordered mine in early January and it arrived in a week. Worth the wait too.
  11. Thank God Kitty made a Hamster MOD. Maybe Germany will hand out an award. *sob* "Think of the Crested Newts." *snif*
  12. Maybe a light hearted romp through North Africa with "The Rat Patrol"
  13. The next stage is that you will yell, "Incoming!" and then drop to the ground and seek cover. The only danger is when and where you drop. The street is not so good.
  14. FWIW HB I always keep that folder empty. Clears up some space too.
  15. I haven't had any trouble with my GeoForce yet.
  16. Let me change the above. Just had to dump my Radeon. Was locking up the system on multiple PCs no matter what drivers were used. Looks like I am going wiht GeoForce. Anyone have any insight on this card? [This message has been edited by CJMello (edited 01-29-2001).]
  17. jdl, no prob with my Radeon 32mb DDR. And this is with the driver on the installation CD.
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