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  1. Thanks, Madmatt! Wiping out the windows\temp directory seems to have done the trick. Install went smoothly, and CM is up and running again!
  2. Please Help. I recently upgraded (finally) from W95 to W98SE and tried to reinstall CM. About 1/4 of the way through the installation, I get a message which asks me to insert Disk 2 (WTF!!) into my CD-Rom drive in order to install Combat mission.exe Of course, I don't have a second disk, so the installation has to abort. What is going on here? I noticed that the copying of files from my CD to the HD was painfully slow. When I look at Device Properties, I see that my Secondary IDE controller has an exclamation mark, yet, when I try to install new drivers, it tells me the device is already using the latest driver. Can anyone help? I am about to tear my hair out!
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