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Forever Babra

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Everything posted by Forever Babra

  1. Oh, feck all of you and your weapons-collecting, ammo-distributing asses -- I mean mules. When CMBO was released (late), BTS candidly admitted that they just didn't have time to do all the truck textures, so they slapped the yankee six-by into everyone's OOB. Well, that's understandable. Now, I may be mistaken, but I THINK they said they'd fix that at some point. Am I mistaken?
  2. It's not for me; it's for the kids. Think of the kids...
  3. Okay. I can live without flail tanks. I can live without M16 Halftracks. CM doesn't want for the lack of Staghounds. But... GIVE ME TRUCKS!!! Before CM2, please complete those darn trucks. I want Bedford Lorries. I want Opels or Buessing Nags. I can't stand lookin' at those deuce and a halfs any more.
  4. Coolness. That should complete the eradication of that nasty other fictitious thing.
  5. The latest version mentioned that this was fixed for the Lynx, but didn't mention any other vehicles. Okay, so now you know. EDIT: Version 1.12, yes. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 02-11-2001).]
  6. uh... are you using Fog of War? What you describe doesn't seem to happen in the hundreds of games I've played.
  7. Here's a definitive clarification of ONE of them... It's "Jane, you ignorant s***"
  8. In my latest game a Schwere Panzerspahwagen 234/1 scored a Jabo in its kill stats. I know that the 2cm KwK 38 has a maximum elevation of 70 degrees, but with a hand-cranked turret, would it be effective against aircraft? Not a complaint, just a question.
  9. The Field Artillery Song is correct. Not as fun as Kipling's "Screw Guns", but catchy... Over hill, over dale, As we hit the dusty trail And those Caissons go rolling along! In and out, hear them shout, Counter march and right about And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! In the storm, in the night, Action left or action right See those Caissons go rolling along! Limber front, limber rear, Prepare to mount your cannoneer And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! Was it high, was it low, Where the hell did that one go? As those Caissons go rolling along! Was it left, was it right, Now we won't get home tonight And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! And of course, Kipling... Smoking my pipe on the mountings, Sniffing the morning cool, I walks in my old brown gaiters, Along 'o my own brown mule; With seventy odd Gunners behind me, An' never a beggar forgets That it's only the pick of the Army; That handles the dear little pets .... For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. They sends us along where the roads are, But mostly we goes where they 'aint, We'd climb up the side of a sign board An' trust to the stick 'o the paint; We've chivied the Naga and Looshai, We've give the Afreedeeman fits, For we fancies ourself at two thousand, We guns that are built in two bits For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. If a man won't work, why we drills 'im An' teaches 'im 'ow to behave, If a beggar can't march why we kills him And rattles 'im into his grave; You've got to stand up to our business, An' spring without snatching or fuss, D'you say that you sweat with the field guns By God you must lather with us. For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. The eagles is screamin' around us The river's a moanin' below We're clear of the pine an' the oak scrub We're out on the rocks an' the snow And the wind is as thin as a whiplash That carries away to the plains The rattle and stamp of the lead mules The jinklety-jink 'o the chains For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. Theres a wheel on the Horns 'o the Morning, An' a wheel on the edge of the pit, An' a drop into nothing beneath you, As straight as a beggar can spit, Wi' the sweat runnin' out 'o your shirt sleeves An' the sun off the snow in your face An' 'alf 'o the men on the drag ropes To hold the old gun in 'er place For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. Smoking my pipe on the mountings Sniffing the morning cool I climbs in mi' old brown gaiters Along 'o my old brown mule The monkey can say what our road was, The wild goat 'e knows where we passed, Stand Easy, you long eared old Darlin's Out drag ropes, wi' shrapnel - Hold fast For you all loves the Screw Guns The Screw Guns they all love you So when we takes tea with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may hide in your caves They'll be only your graves For you CAN'T get away from the GUNS. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 02-11-2001).]
  10. The Field Artillery Song is correct. Not as fun as Kipling's "Screw Guns", but catchy... Over hill, over dale, As we hit the dusty trail And those Caissons go rolling along! In and out, hear them shout, Counter march and right about And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! In the storm, in the night, Action left or action right See those Caissons go rolling along! Limber front, limber rear, Prepare to mount your cannoneer And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! Was it high, was it low, Where the hell did that one go? As those Caissons go rolling along! Was it left, was it right, Now we won't get home tonight And those Caissons go rolling along! Then it's hi, hi, hee, In the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong, Where'er you go, You will always know That those Caissons go rolling along! And of course, Kipling... Smoking my pipe on the mountings, Sniffing the morning cool, I walks in my old brown gaiters, Along 'o my own brown mule; With seventy odd Gunners behind me, An' never a beggar forgets That it's only the pick of the Army; That handles the dear little pets .... For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. They sends us along where the roads are, But mostly we goes where they 'aint, We'd climb up the side of a sign board An' trust to the stick 'o the paint; We've chivied the Naga and Looshai, We've give the Afreedeeman fits, For we fancies ourself at two thousand, We guns that are built in two bits For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. If a man won't work, why we drills 'im An' teaches 'im 'ow to behave, If a beggar can't march why we kills him And rattles 'im into his grave; You've got to stand up to our business, An' spring without snatching or fuss, D'you say that you sweat with the field guns By God you must lather with us. For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. The eagles is screamin' around us The river's a moanin' below We're clear of the pine an' the oak scrub We're out on the rocks an' the snow And the wind is as thin as a whiplash That carries away to the plains The rattle and stamp of the lead mules The jinklety-jink 'o the chains For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. Theres a wheel on the Horns 'o the Morning, An' a wheel on the edge of the pit, An' a drop into nothing beneath you, As straight as a beggar can spit, Wi' the sweat runnin' out 'o your shirt sleeves An' the sun off the snow in your face An' 'alf 'o the men on the drag ropes To hold the old gun in 'er place For you all loves the Screw Guns, The Screw Guns they all loves you So when we calls round with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may go where you please; You can skid up the trees But you don't get away from the guns. Smoking my pipe on the mountings Sniffing the morning cool I climbs in mi' old brown gaiters Along 'o my old brown mule The monkey can say what our road was, The wild goat 'e knows where we passed, Stand Easy, you long eared old Darlin's Out drag ropes, wi' shrapnel - Hold fast For you all loves the Screw Guns The Screw Guns they all love you So when we takes tea with a few guns Of cause you will know what to do - hoo Just send in your Chief and surrender 'Tis worse if you fights or you runs, You may hide in your caves They'll be only your graves For you CAN'T get away from the GUNS. [This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 02-11-2001).]
  11. Ouch! All I got was sciatic irritation from sittin in this crappy chair too long. Some say I'm brain damaged too, so I guess that's the wound badge in gold for me
  12. Yeah! And LiBRary! And FeBRUary! And... and... other stuff! Yeah!
  13. They are nigh impervious to small arms fire when buttoned. If they suffer a crew casualty while unbuttoned, they won't be able to fire again, so keeping them buttoned seems wise.
  14. If even one vehicle which saw combat, however rare, got bumped from the schedule to make room for things which never left the proving grounds or the drawing boards, I think I'd freak. How about a fecking Opel Blitz??? I'm gettin tired of lookin at that ugly Dodge.
  15. In addition to the three regular charges for the 25 pdr, other charges were developed and introduced to give greater flexibility. One of these was the super-charge cartridge, for greater range and flatter trajectory.
  16. I've only seen this bug twice, and it corrected itself both times in under five seconds (though it seemed like an eternity).
  17. When this tactic of fighting from the halftrack was developed, was the enemy using copious quantities of M2 HBs in the vicinity? I thought not...
  18. ROFL... was it thick fog too? I don't mean to make fun. A lot of people are surprised by this, since no other game maker had the guts to include this bit of realism before. If anything, blue on blue instances in CM are grossly UNDER-represented, but I suspect customer satisfaction was a priority here, fearing people not used to the idea would get frustrated if it happened too often.
  19. There are lots of online references, auction sites, antique dealers online, &c. Whatcha got? I'll swap ya an 1888 Mauser 71/84 if it's good...
  20. There are work-arounds to all these problems. Once the vehicle is in motion, just plot the destination for the passengers. When the vehicle stops, the passengers will de-bus and head for their plotted destination. Under the latest patch, if the vehicle bogs, the passengers will stay aboard, but if it becomes immobilized they will de-bus at once. Issue generous pause commands to the carrier while waiting for the passengers to bus. Better still, don't plot movement for the carriers at all until the passengers are aboard. As for shooting from a vehicle, not a good idea. It's a trick and a half just to stay aboard on anything but a smooth road.
  21. Whaddya get when ya cross an agnostic, a dyslexic, and an insomniac? Someone who lays awake at night, wondering if there really is a dog....
  22. I decided to investigate some more British independents to see what I could find. All of the independent armour brigades in Normandy seem to have used a three digit unit serial. 8th AB specifically used three digits on a red arm of service flash. I wasn't able to identify the arm of service colour on any others. I'm going to trust Bouchery and go with red. Looks nicer anyway.
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