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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. And I can give you an example of an FV432 [light aluminium armour troop carrier] sinking into a bog that was never recovered despite the very very best efforts of the British Army. Something to do with the cypher equipment on board I believe. Having failed to tow it out due to the immense suction of the mud a smart RE officer suggested putting charges in the mud to break the suction whilst it was pulled. As they might say " You were'nt meant to blow the bloody top off". The rest sank and disappeared.
  2. Don't forget we need more curves for realistic railways. And we are talking a period when railtrack was very common. I think the French rail net was about 60000Km + and I suspect that excluded private company track and locos. Before the advent of large lorries/trucks the railway hauled the freight and also supplied the fresh milk and vegtables to Paris etc.. Just for fun the distance between Cherbourg and Paris is 232 miles which my not seem far nowdays but given the roads and terrain was best done by rail. Fastest journey, with seven intermediate stops, in 1934, was a very respectable 5 hours 18 minutes.
  3. RTQ? : ) Of course the answer will be the Comet when we get the right module. However I expect some will maintain a thinly armoured open-top was the best despite it not being able to do what a tank is required to do. I suppose they will realise they are actually competing in the wrong category eventually : )
  4. I have had a veteran MP40 wielding officer miss seeing three US troopers run past his very large window at about 4 metres, open the cottage door and shoot him in the back. And he was on a face command to hte window as I knew the troopers were on the adjacent wall. Not impressed as it was a competitive game.
  5. It would be a useful service to actually have an Opponents wanted for each game however failing that one for major brands such as CMx2 series and one for CMx1 would be welcome for new owners. Perhaps BF have not considered how big the site has grown : ) Playing a live human will always be a more realistic experience compared to playing scripted scenarios.
  6. The church tower situation is actually a problem as they can look so glaringly wrong.
  7. I see 30 games have been completed at WeBoB and I personally know of another 6 which are about done and need to be logged. I would reckon there are probably 30 active players and at this point dithering on whether to start a tournament or await the first patch. However as it runs a sponsorship system you cannot just leap in. It is a way to weed out players who disappear when losing or don't reply for the odd few weeks and then wonder whats the problem with you : ) RE: Ladders -, does exist in a form at WeBoB but nothing is there yet as I believe you have to have played 5 or 10 games before you get a ranking. The club as a whole seems to play for fun and mirrored battles with the same forces is not common, possibly on the grounds that real warfare does not provide such an artificial arrangement. If players believe that is a proper representation of warfare then they probably need another club. From what I have seen so far in terms of variable spotting times etc with CMBN I am sure ladder players who like mirrored games are going to be sad. : )
  8. That is going to play so well in the UK. Poor old NoW victims of hacking. That Bob guy is he representative of the smart people Fox trots out for its audience? How are the Aussie media treating it? Britain attacks favourite ex-son unfairly : ) No Aussies have more sense.
  9. GaJ has almost finalised a CMBN Helper program which tidies up your games AND can use Drop Box. : ) I have been one of those testing it for the last few weeks. I do have Dropbox but have not been using it for games. Possibly because I like to chat to opponents and think Dbox might take some of that away.! Anyway the build up of giles ... over a hundered has been stopped and I now scroll a very reduced list!.
  10. I have just downloaded what I take to be ver 2.1 as that is what is says at Cmmods. The designers notes stop at Beta 5 - is there an area within the scenario where players can check thye are playing the same version ? I ask because in years to come there may be early versions on hard drives that mix with later versions to peoples surprise! I have seen nastiness occur when people claim to have played the same game and decide to play an old scenario - which for one of them is distinctly wrong!! Of course against the AI scenarios should not be a problem .... apart from when people discuss them. The added ATG or tank of Version 3 can cause great confusion in discussing with somoen who played V.2.99 : )
  11. I got the impression user 38 was being humorous/ironic - particularly the last line being a bit barbed. :0 Whilst these little wars are quite amusing for revealing peoples characters they eventually run out of steam as all parties know that not everything is as it should but also it is not totally bad. Disappointing is probably the word that covers it for the vast majority who not unsurprisingly had hopes that were higher than what was perhaps reasonable. And within disappointment we can add slightly to bitterly : ) Depending what your particular bag is then some parts must be very annoying. As I hope never to play the AI all that side is irrelevant to me and therefore I can hardly get excited about it. For those where this is there main method of playing it must be like be hit in the face with a wet kipper. There are things I do find irksome. For instance rail track is very limited indeed for realistic curves. I don't design maps but I am for yerars going to be insulted by railways that look rubbish because BF could not do a couple of extra tiles. And I suspect the modders and most other players would agree that it is not good.!
  12. Fuser. I think the map has a lot of good stuff. BF only providing crappy bends in the rails to choose from make it quite difficult to get a good look. I see the bridge was a late addition and I do have a problem with the rails under the bridge. So I was wondering if at some previous stage the Allies had blown it and subsequently the rubble had been cleared off the track. You could then raise it level with the station. The destroyed bridge would of course been a humpback bridge to provide clearance for the track .
  13. "Fanboi" seems a little too twee and also leaves the impression that you are not very clever when it comes to spelling anything over 4 letters. Despite what this article says I think to try and make grades of fan is futile and positively sexist. However I am beginning to think fangal - pronounced fungal - has some merit being suitably offensive to those whose views you don't agree with and are female : ). http://www.film.com/movies/from-fanboy-to-fanboi-the-evolution-of-the-obsessed I should point out that I may have watched one Startrek film in my life , and some of the first series. So I am very able to laugh at my friends who go on endlessly about the films and the TV series. And fanboyism and fangalism in general.
  14. I always find having the sole remaining tank on the map is my favourite tank.
  15. Actually I think that is the first time I have seen abuse of this level - outside the GF : ) . It is not a welcome addition to threads in my humble opinion.
  16. I have had a scenario where I believed my last two men to be captured with two minutes to go. Did the scebnario end - no it went on for a further 5 minutes. So at -3 minutes with no visible men the game ends. Apparently I have two alive but I cannot see them on the map. Cute system. What is the reason for this sort of artificial behaviour. I did wonder if its because I have minefields and htere remains a chance of my opponent dancing through them.! There is also the concept that in fact in attack defence battles the variable ending into overtime is a cack method of assessing victory. I maintain that commanders expect a report at point x in a battle. And that would be when mission is accomplished or no later than x minutes to up-date what is going on. Any grogs with knowledge on WW2 procedures.?
  17. In Rumania when I was their a few decades back thye used to put up pictures of crashed cars on the market place notice boards. I assume with details of who died and why. Plenty of blood and gore. I thought perhaps a good idea that people were exposed to the aftermath not some sanitised long distance photoshots.
  18. The Uk market does have powerful regional bias with the Scottish and Irish papers and even regional ones with some clout. Perhaps the most famous being the Guardian - it was the Manchester Guardian : ) It had the same editor for 57 years which for a national newspaper must be a record. This seems an appropriate comment on newspapers http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRguardian.htm However overall the future looks bleak for newspapers and in particular for the ability for the media to be manipulated even more aggressively. Just looking at Fox makes one shudder. Arguably no worse than a tabloid it is much more pervasive being on all the time and the opportunity to "re-read" does not exist. I think the only hope is that Governments institute bodies that fine news media heavily for publishing lies and misleading statistics. For instance percentages should never be quoted without the underlying figures beside them. If figures are referenced the source and link must be displayed. Etc etc, Incidentally this should also apply to any figures quoted by adverts and puffs. I am told Facebook has increased its hit rate by the over 50's by 84% iin May 2011 which is a pile of **** figure.
  19. I always like large maps and bigger as it means terrain - or the use of terrain becomes important. Size is especially important where the bizarre glass wall around the battlefield means units bounce back into play even when routing or minimal intelligence would have them flee. As for asymmetrical battles I am in favour of those very strongly. It is no accident then the Rumblings of War tournament was/is so popular is because it allowed people to play true FoW with potentially asymmetric battles. It is something I have been banging on at WeBoB for years. : ) Cranky has recently turned out some beautiful CMAK asymmetric scenarios recently. I think there is very definitely a big curve in exploring what is possible /not possible with a game system. That does mean fighting effects and terrain effects. It was noticeable in CMAK that some designers did beautiful maps but were poor on forces for the scenario. And early senarios can be iffy if BF actually change the capabilities of the actual weapons. Richie who did the landmark Tiger Valley had a scenario on the CD of CMAk which sucked mightily, IMO, because it was historically based and BF decided the US 37mm was infinitely superior in the game than it was in RL. Scenario made stupid. So early scenario design can be tricky! : )
  20. Sgt Schultz - regarding something on all the various terrain "bits" I think that would be an excellent idea. You can sse from my sig-line that I am supporting the Wiki for CMBN which someone started. This would be an ideal place for the modding fraternity to put information. Anyone with experience knows that a quick look up for some info you once read on here can be a nightmare as you return 70 plus hits!!! Not on CMBN currently but give it a year : ). I am a great fan of tank battles, and see no problem with the what ifs which have lead to armour battles on rolling chalklands such as you get in Northern France near the coast. Probably comparatively few objects per square km than Normandy so hopefully large maps for those with older super computers : )
  21. RH - do you think we can skin two men to look like the back and front of a horse!1??? Oh the realism of transport. : )
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