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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201107220011
  2. I suspect most countries have these. I know the US does but it must be amazingly ineffective given the States that are busy making voting, and registering for a vote far more difficult. I am a member of the UK original and it is time to vote for Directors. A couple of interesting things looking at the first four of the 53 candidate. Typos galore and I have written to ERS ask if it is the candidates own statement prepared by themselves or because they have been transcribed by the ERS staff. My personal opinion is if you cannot be arsed to spell correctly , or check it on the web-site for it to be correct you are pretty unelectable by me. Am I too harsh? One of the candidates forgets to mention in his candidate statement that a couple of years ago he was a member of the Prime Ministers think-tank. Is this a bad sign? My fourth seems to be a professional title gatherer and am I being harsh in preferring people who had roles for longer periods.? With 53 candidates a spreadsheet is going to be handy ... something they might have considered? No? http://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/candidates
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2011/08/08/nhtsa-investigating-complaints-about-chinese-made-ford-mustang-transmissions/ I betcha its not in the car manual!
  4. Equally annoyed by all! I Like that - its good to have passion. : )
  5. I rarely listen to lyrics - which does make listening to foreign music easy. In fact it is a positive advantage given some English song lyrics are inane or disagreeable : ) I do wonder if in fact certain tempos actually tune the brain - and it differs slightly between people. Anyway in the spirit of research and knowing what wrings me out I have just listened to perhaps 100 variants of Bittersweet Symphony. Seriously. And some are very poor and rare few really grab the heart valves. SO in a way it was why were some working and some equally well played just not. I think there must be a certain virtue in live music that can get edited out where purity of sound is seen as more important than the rogue harmonics or whatever they are called. Results so far suggest: Violins work wonders Some female voices are very interesting though technically the recordings suck The Verve murdered the first version : ) Tempo is very interesting and very sensitive so I am wondering if the relation to the brain/heart beat can make us very acute to what suits us. A really good artist wrings more from the material [ better than professionals sometimes] The version that wrings me out*** New stuff: Singapore version - actually this is probably one of the most emotive with some great voices chillout version [with overtones of bolero] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETtEZXusCiA amazing piano version [ a trifle jazzy at the end] Clocks by the main man BTW the "saddest song" gives this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O62xH4u4Pc ****** Mad World possibly the most depressing lyrics and song female good version funky! version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3XuaYf_Uic&feature=related violin SO having become very depressed or am I sad [!] It is probably very unfortunate that the word sad has to am extent lost its real meaning and now tends to mean socially inadequate. Therefore people. or s0me, equate being sad as being depressed. I wonder if questionnaires actually reinforce the effect.
  6. The lack of redundancy in new systems is a remarkable tribute to mans inability to plan ahead - or a misguided reliance on "government" to do the thinking. And the built in obsolence factor ..... you would think the consumer organisations would be on the case. Anyway more, and quite a serious security breach: http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-08-expert-rural-websites-easy-hackers.html and just for those new hones! http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-08-smartphone-frontier-hackers.html
  7. Double take time http://www.gizmag.com/smss-ugvs-headed-for-afghanistan/19452 It crosses my mind you could lose a lot of kit very quickly.
  8. http://jalopnik.com/5828101/ Autonomous cars are legal in California and Nevada. Who takes the blame if they hit anything? http://www.zdnet.com/blog/saas/lightning-strike-zaps-ec2-ireland/1382?tag=nl.e539 Imagine having migrated to cloud computing for business ..... In the article it says that for legal reasons some companies are required to keep data in Europe so no backing uo to outside areas. Security wise of course the information is easily available to security services.
  9. Depends on how far away the crewmen are. There are some US army figures for chances to hit with crewed and tank mounted MG's that can be referred to for a rough idea. However my guess is that firing HE or MG;ing two men who may be crewing the tank that kills you tomorrow is a tricky proposition and many tankers would not bother, and some would. However if HE shells are not necessarily abundant due to supply generally or within a game one might get upset.!
  10. ANd a few years down the pike it seems there is some corroboration: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-14345808 At an early age I identified records that I felt were energising - say something by Madness to "add zip the metabolism". Therefore I am not at all surprised thta there is an effect. I think all of us know how much music can play with the emotions - to an incredible degree. Anyway whilst playing with the subject I found this ... Which leads to the questions as what is the most depressing tunes/groups, and what actually brightens forumites up? : )
  11. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-08-wire-certified-defense-facilities.html Reassuring to see that the Dept. of Homeland Security is working hard to assist in making the US more secure. I have a high regard for Kabba but it seems to me that people are believing electronics can do everything when palpably there are no lots of examples where old methods are more sensible. Ford in the US are putting all their controls intoan electronic system - stuff like the air-con. A guy reports driving around in the winter with the air-con decidng it would not be turned off and the cabin temperature should be in the 40F's. Wonderful. And imagine the benefits when you sell a whole replacement unit that only Ford can supply when it goes tit-up in 5 years time. We are in danger of paying seriously for "progress".
  12. Go to the excellent wiki referenced in my sig and you can see the 2.40 hr playthrough and learn stacks of stuff very easily. The video is on Youtube but going this way means I need not remember the Youtube link : )
  13. Snake eye: I know that there is a restriction on what you can do with tracks. I am not a rail enthusiast but it was easy to see that loop was not realistic . Designers can make any map you want but for those not particularly familiar with rail perhaps it is worth highlighting that trains and tight curves are not at all common. My mantra for maps is does it look right ? is the scale right? and does it make sense ? You only have to look at some of the provided maps for QB's to realise not everyone cares! : ) BTW I did like the marshalling yard concept. I was wondering secretly if there is damage to tracks with lots of rail movement!! And the rest of the map was really good in incorporating meanders etc.
  14. H2hHelper has been written specifically for CMBN - but actually works on the the trial games CMSF etc : ) - by GreenAsJade. Send him a message and he will send you a copy. Written for PC and Mac and translated into the main languages. And has a Dropbox functionality if you want.
  15. Hmmm! If it were narrow gauge maybe but that really tight turn would seem unlikely in standard gauge. Judging by the building and guessing it is at 15 metres the radius of the turn looks to be 45 metres max. I would think that joining one of the lines to the north and reversing into the station would be more likely. However being a 180 degree other things come into play. Interestingly the concept of 180's seems not to be addressed and I imagine the radii are at most for 90 degree turns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_railway_curve_radius The good news is France had an large amount of narrow gauge. An dof course if it is based on a map of the period I am completely wrong : )
  16. I still have my gridded terrain and simply over-wrote the old game .... the bliss of ignorance : )
  17. Is it everything or just part of making playing their games as enjoyable [and commercially attractive] as possible.? BTW CMMODs, and the Scenario Depot, are funded organised by a fan - I have given to both and it I don't grudge the great service they provide. I just have the slightest niggling feeling that BF relies on enthusiasts to provide extra functionality. Perhaps they let them have freebies.
  18. Very sad. I am slightly shocked to be honest as I was hoping troop quality would be the edge that made weapon systems more effective. I realise your test is small but seems very significant in no change. Possibly BF have decided thta a better crew creates more/quicker suppression. Can your test films show this?
  19. Can I suggest using the Wikia link in my sig. As you can see there is a link to a spreadsheet for the original games provided by ? [i am going to have to give credit to him asap as I recall who cos he has been modest.] The Wikia is unowned so available for all to make it the place for information that BF does not supply and we need. So if someone would like to od a Google spreadsheet for campaigns .....
  20. So BF could provide. I just find it bizarre that no one thought of it given we have lots of frippery scenic colour items.
  21. URC - do you have any links to these studies? However I do nead to get time to run the tests under 1.01 to see if it has been tweaked.
  22. Thinking ahead to the RoW Tournament, whenever it occurs, the large variability in spotting times and results might provide significant swings in battles where there will be few tanks. OK so it is realistic but in terms of comparing performance it does seem uncomfortably variable. My gut feeling from hundreds of CMAK battles is that the variability in spotting simply was either not there or not as great. To be fair I do not have huge figures for that as replaying battle moves is not something one generally does. I can suggest the hit figures were more variable particularly in CMBB.
  23. Not directly relevant to the title this article on the film taken at the atom bomb sites and held securely for the next few decades: http://www.alternet.org/story/151903/how_the_us_hid_shocking_hiroshima_footage_for_decades?page=entire I am not suggesting firestorms were necessarily better BTW.
  24. I am reading G N Georgano's book: "WW2 Military Vehicles Transports and Halftracks" 1994 Which is quite fascinating. The wonderful German halftracks that were a bugger to maintain properly and required special steels for the running gear for instance. The torque side comes because he talks of the legendary Matador truck/lorry which was designed as a Medium Artillery Tractor. It had a diesel engine of 7.58 litres 6 cylinders and gave 95bhp [ less than half the BHP of my car]. It was a 4x4 and was legendary because of its towing ability. On page 53 he recounts how one once tow-started a SHerman on a rough steep slope. An another occasion whilst carrying a jeep and towing 3 ton 4x4 truck one came across a 6x6 fuelling which had burnt out its clutch pulling another 6x6. The Matador hitched those to its train and pulled all three through the Bulli Pass in NSW and down 50 miles to Sydney. Impressive. The book is a goldmine for the major Western Front forces and includes a picture of the well-known Hexonaut
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