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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Stewart! : ) Us English tend to Stuart, named by us after some general I believe.
  2. And did I mention I track the Sales Manager of a company I invest in by the new friends[and their companies] he makes travelling the world. : )
  3. Relative likelihood of a flail tank turning up in Normandy compared to other items. I can understand there may be modelling difficulties but I was just giving a perspective as to what is produced. "Conversion to flail tank was carried out by Curran Brothers of Cardiff, Milners Safe Company, TC Jones and Company, J Hibberts Ltd. A total of 300 sherman based flails were built from oct 1943 to march 1944." Puma's 100 The Tiger II was developed late in the war and made in relatively small numbers - 1,500 Tiger IIs were ordered, but the production was severely disrupted by Allied bombing.[23] Among others, five raids between 22 September and 7 October 1944 destroyed 95 percent of the floor area of the Henschel plant. It is estimated that this caused the loss in production of some 657 Tiger IIs.[24] Only 492 units were produced: 1 in 1943, 379 in 1944, and 112 in 1945. Full production ran from mid-1944 to the end of the war.[ last from Wikipedia
  4. I assume then it was a Churchill or Cromwell then as it would seem unlikely that the officers were unfamiliar with tanks.
  5. Very interesting regarding the In Q Tel venture company. I would believe they are incredibly well-informed on what companies to invest in. gunnergoz But two plus mistresses not a problem : )
  6. Very funny : ) BTW did the other guy die?
  7. I think this quote of JC comes from CM*1 era. I am not clear if it was a theoretical piece or CM*1 specific. My gut feeling is you need to play the game mechanics! : ) As for attacking in woods - I would go a long way to avoid it if I were the attacker unless artillery was available.
  8. MkIV's in Copenhagen 1945 http://www.robertpeel.eu/shellhuset1.htm : )
  9. Reading a bit further it is rather disturbing to see that the effects were not well appreciated!
  10. Some? ME! We expect better of you. And it should be pointed out I said the President : ) Scientists aren't elected.
  11. As to the use of the atom bomb .... I have trouble envisaging a US President authorising a nuclear strike on mainland Europe. Peenumunde possibly. Politically might not go down very well. The other weapon developments you mention were actually highly usable. Furthermore if Russia was knocked out the need to demonstrate ruthlessness to the Russians was less and one might consider the flattening of a remote Jpanese island suitably intimidating.
  12. I was at Stanfords in London today and they are rather useful on maps. And a couple Aussie specials. I have ignored ACW and WW1. : http://www.stanfords.co.u...1945-Maps_SI00000841.htm Germany: Alan Godfrey Reproductions of British War Office 1945 Maps http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list Australians Remembered http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list Tales From the Front Line: D-Day http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list Kokoda Trail (3-sheet set) http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list Maps of the D-Day Landing Beaches Actually there are a lot of different D-Day maps. The beach ones here are a huge size but don't go inland a huge way. http://travel.stanfords.c...nd&isort=score&view=list Anzio Landings: Operation Shingle and the Battle for Rome There are two more Italian WW2 maps the Gothic Line, and all of Italy.
  13. In a 1930's economy trees in woods and copses were actually very well tended as a part of the economic life. So current views of woods maybe a little out. As for "forest" I linked to sample French images of "foret" and it show it can be quite open. Copses and small woods probably even more open however undulations in the land may be what is needed to obscure an ATG from easy spotting.
  14. sburke I am impressed you have posted 1860 times on CMBN then : ). Actually I think the modders are in fact the least needed part of the equation and the most important are the scenario designers and the people who provided repositories prior too BF noticing the need. Also very important are the clubs run by volunteers who sustain interest by running tournaments etc. I was surprised by the number of people I have met who actively avoided the forums because of the likes of JasonC in squelch mode so existing in a vacuum apart from what clubs provided. You mention the unpaid beta-testers and that is a community activity. As it is a celebratory thread I will not bother with anymore comments. I just wonder if any of the filmmakers in our community, and I know of one excellent one will feel the urge to go for a feature film for Vimeo and YouTube based on this battle : ). Getting the fun further out into the marketplace is exercising my mind. PS A fix of sorts. I use the Firefox add-on to auto-load the pictures to my Photbucket account and they are fine to view there using FF and Opera.!
  15. In Firefox have ad blockers etc but not in Opera. And curiously does not have a problem with sburke only with Broadsword. And no other pictures have ever suffered on BF. I am using latest versions of both browsers. Curious.
  16. A splendid example of technology. The downside is that the earth is not sand and that hwy terrain is the way it is needs to be understood if one wants realistic maps. I remember one of the early enthusiasts CMBN maps had an eight storey building in a village. Possible but not "real". : )
  17. One of pictorials shows a SHerman hit on the turret by a &%mm shrugging it off and firing 2 seconds later to kill a Marder driver. Fortunately the commnader leaps down into the driver position and reverses the Marder away. Which does raise that question of behind armour effects which I think BF does need to address. PS I downloaded the first nineteen files when I saw the sig change. : ) I do really think this is a great service to the community. Perhaps the concept could /should be extended to "How to" series for those areas where people have problems. I know there are many good YouTube videos but for potential buyers and noobies why not provide the "made Simple" approach by indexing etc.
  18. Broadswords picyutres are severely messed up in my Firefox browsing, and also in Opera. And just to confuse the issue not all of his. This one is messed and even when I open photobucket http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz225/broadsword56/CMBN%20Game%20Shots/USfinalsequencecolumnenterssunkenroadfindingitclear.jpg This one is fine in Opera and in Photobucket but is a mess in Firefox http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz225/broadsword56/CMBN%20Game%20Shots/USfinalsequencepreparingtosurgeoutofsunkenroad.jpg I am kind of curious why it should be happening and apparently only to me!! Weird.
  19. Pictures are either an arty montage or they are broken!
  20. Excellent and know with movies too : ) If this is not an ideal advert for CMBN I would despair. The fans yet again do BF proud. I often wonder that without the people who ran/run the Scenario Depots etc . who do the mods etc, and act as unpaid beta-testers, how BF would survive! : )
  21. Actually Wikipedia suggests the largest at 5 years however there are very large octopuses where I would think it suggests they can live longer : " Size See also: Cephalopod size An adult Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini The Giant Pacific Octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini, is often cited as the largest octopus species. Adults usually weigh around 15 kg (33 lb), with an arm span of up to 4.3 m (14 ft).[32] The largest specimen of this species to be scientifically documented was an animal with a live mass of 71 kg (156.5 lb).[33] The alternative contender is the Seven-arm Octopus, Haliphron atlanticus, based on a 61 kg (134 lb) carcass estimated to have a live mass of 75 kg (165 lb).[34][35] However, there are a number of questionable size records that would suggest E. dofleini is the largest of all octopus species by a considerable margin;[36] one such record is of a specimen weighing 272 kg (600 lb) and having an arm span of 9 m (30 ft).[37]"
  22. http://panzerfaust.ca/AFV%20interiors/usrads.html Interesting
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