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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. The beach, sand leading into foliage and frothy white foam are open ground terrain levels 0 and 1. The leading edge of water (graduated area of white to blue) is a straight line of marsh (slows movement and gives very minimal cover). The obstacles were achieved with the 'reed and thicket' bmp's that accompany the marsh terrain. The obstacles on the beach are a single tile of marsh with a transparent base (prevents vehicle movement).
  2. Why thank you, Lord General sir. [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  3. Nope. They're on the map. [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  4. Ok, the screenshot is kinda big and may take a moment to load. Be patient! We've all found the Magua Normandy mod quite fetching, haven't we? Me too. So, using the Normandy mod, I've made a few small additions and alterations to come up with a beach landing playset. Since Omaha beach scenarios are just flat impossible to play, I've been working on a Utah scenario. That's right, the quiet beach... the Roosevelt Jr. beach... the "We'll start the war from here." beach. Here are the results thus far. Look for it at Manx's upon completion. Probably in a couple of days.
  5. Shatter, Tested the pale pack download and all seems in order. Came through fine on four seperate machines at different locations. ISP fumble maybe? Try again after refreshing the downloads page.
  6. This evening I promise! And so my promise is kept. Get the trucks and a BUNCH more of Jeff's pale pack mods at DFDR. [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  7. Well, you're correct Shatter. I can't find that DAK Tiger (I think I 86'ed it some time ago). Keep an eye out though, I have a feeling one like it might just appear at the site this weekend. Everyone waiting for Jeff's new "pale packs", expect to see them up this weekend also!
  8. I'll look tonight. If you don't have it tomorrow morning, I couldn't find it. I can but try!
  9. Little Stalingrad by Micheal Dorosh is also a lot of fun... but HUGE! Not sure if you'd finish it via e-mail in one lifetime.
  10. It occurs to me that a while back I saw a thread advertising a scenario based on the Burpleson AFB assault from Dr. Strangelove. Not sure who made it, but I think it may have been russellmz. If you read this russell, please e-mail me that map or let me know where it can be found. I just watched the good Dr. again (while my wife sat in the background moaning "I don't get it. Why's this funny?") and I'm wracked with the giggles.
  11. Well, you really can't get it anywhere. The only place it's ever existed is on my machine. As far as I can recall, it's the MDMP Tiger, which I simply doctored up. I'll see if I still have it. If I do, I'll send it to you (and you, Jeff). [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  12. Shatter, I'll admit, after the terrain set, buildings, interface, and scenarios I for one was more than ready to release DFDR sans vehicles. And most of the DAK vehicles to date have been... wanting. Jeff's PZII clinched the decision to ask Jeff to help out. And we're not sorry! My original intention for the desert vehicles coloration was something like this... It's just someone else's Tiger recolored and I never released it. However, the point may be moot soon with the coming of Jeff's pale mods.
  13. It is on the wishlist, but has taken a back seat to vehicles and scenarios. Whip one up and send it in!
  14. Ahhh..... A case study in the "fresh air" effect that a new member can bring. Great work Jeff!
  15. Mannheim, The Skorzeny scenarios can be found right here. The scenario mentioned by Gyrene is entitled Hoofin'it. It is a fictional commando raid on the American truckyard at Schadenbach. And to be quite honest, it's not my best work by a stretch. Way too hard. For some real fun, try Higher Ground or Squeeze Play. I have experimented with POW ideas and the nearest workaround I could find was to place Green units with low ammo in the middle of a circle of enemies, also with low ammo. Have all the captors facing 180 deg. away from the intended prisoner. And believe it or not, it's best not to have the POW in a state of panic or otherwise altered disposition. This gives the green unit time to look around at the OBVIOUSLY superior forces, and rationally decide to give up. Having the captors face away from the prisoners lengthens the delay for them to fire upon the intended prisoners. This gives the POW's a longer period of time in which to capitulate. Giving the captors low ammo decreases their probability of firing upon the inferior enemy. Teams(w/ no ammo) and split squads with no HQ units seem to give in the quickest. If the prisoners give up fairly quick, they're usually identified as captured by the enemy before the enemy can fire upon them. However, I didn't do this in Hoofin'it. The dealbreaker for the idea of POW's, is that it not only tells the rescuing player exactly where the (not yet captured)POW's are (lame!), but also gives him an initial look at all the enemy units guarding the intended POW's. Hopefully, CM2 will give us this ability in the editor. Let's hope we can do unarmed but not yet captured soldiers, and knocked out vehicles at the outset of a scenario as well!
  16. BTS, And now your earlier fears are proven. You know, the ones about hanging around the forum and effectively "defending" your positions on CM2 unit/feature inclusion. Oh, and the one about how much simpler your lives would be if you hadn't given us any inside info at all. Can't wait to buy and play CM2. Regardless of what you include or don't. Cheers.
  17. You can find a big batch of converted ASL map boards at the DFDR site right HERE. They are blank, direct conversions from the old 11x17 ASL map leaves and are provided sans units. There are roughly 30 map leaves in the pack. Col. Klotz's fine site was indeed axed by an aggressively worded, corporate-type missive from Hasbro. We also recieved the infamous Hasbro "cease and desist or find yourselves under our bloated, greedy thumb" letter. We thought, as did the Col. at the time, that since MMP had allowed us to not only use ASL maps but also refer to the game by name, that we were in clear water. We were wrong and Hasbro set us straight. Klotz was hit hardest as his site was popular, and contained Hasbro's trademark (ASL) in it's title. And whoever stated that this development came as a result of the pending release of their unbelievably turd-like Squad Leader PC game was absolutely correct. Anyway, good luck with those conversions! [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  18. PL said: "Well, Maximust has really got you on this one. His tanks look pretty sweet! However, I think all of 'em posted on this thread are WAY TOO orange. Shouldn't the color be more of a whitish-greyish-beige?" R2 said: "Mmmmmm? I like Aussies's mods but I think to be honest I would go for Maximust's mods. Though I thought most allied vehicle colours in Libya, Egypt etc. Where a sort of near white in colour or khaki drill ???" Well, for the first time ever and since this has become for some reason a point of contention, let's be real honest. Those are Marco's tanks. And nobody's denying that he's one of the best. Maybe Max has some arrangement w/ Marco to recolor his mods, but we won't be doing that. We respect his work too much and don't have such permission. Jeff has worked from the stock textures he PAID for, not the hard, FREE work of a 3rd party. And some time ago he was asked to plain them down AND obscure detail. And of course most people will prefer a hi-res mod over a lo-res one anyday. But would you care to guess which ones will be used by the 200+ individuals who've e-mailed me complaining "I've got a PII 233 and 8meg VC, PLEASE MAKE LO-RES VERSIONS OF THIS DESERT STUFF!"? As far as the color issue is concerned, I recall addressing this before (say, a coupla posts back), but once again... Had we really wanted an accurate depiction of the desert war, the ground would have been light grey/eggshell in color. The dust from said ground would have settled on and obscured buildings, rocks, vehicles, roads, walls, people etc. It would've been akin to playing CM in monochrome. And wouldn't that be a joy. In case everyone missed the announcement, Jeff is the newest member of DFDR, and is doing exactly what he was asked to do: Not just highly detailed, hi-res vehicles (he's done those too!), but lo-res,detail-obscured textures that match the background color. As requested by many of the hardware impaired. edit: Pawbroon marched in ahead of me. [ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  19. Alright, let's take another look at that set at sunset for contrast, and then talk about some things. Lo-res. Jeff does make hi-res mods as well. We get lo-res mods from Jeff probably for the same reason we get lo-res mods from Gordon now and again. To avoid pandering exclusively to hardware snobs. Now I admit to being one myself and like the hi-res mods, but plenty of people don't have hot video cards or processors. They like CM too. Plain. Well to be perfectly honest, they're probably not plain enough. Nor are any of the DFDR vehicles made by anyone to date. Most reference shows most vehicles in the desert war covered head to toe with thick, nearly white dust. The desert covered EVERYTHING with its own brand of gritty camo. Firefly. Most of the bmp's for the ShermIIa are incidental to the Firefly. He just went the extra mile and finished the few remaining Firefly bmp's. Good, existing mods usage. Jeff wants to make his own mods. Not change the hue of someone elses.
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