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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. What a nice pic, Heinz. Tiger, your current sky set would work just dandy with a minor change to the bottom edge lanscape of the sky .bmp's Such a thing would be incredibly fancy! ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  2. The lighter terrains are for coastal and deep desert areas, the more earthy set for the broken ground of Tunisia. The lighter terrain is found in the first few dfdrcft zip files. The darker is found in the dfdrmtt zip. These will be offered as options in the Mod Manager in a day or two. Sorry for the inconvenience, folks. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at http://www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).] [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).] [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).]
  3. Kump, 'tis true. This will be fixed in the coming days. As it is now, to use the darker terrain tiles you must manually change the .bmp names. All will be set to rights shortly including Mod Manager capability for the divided .zip files. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  4. Fantastic! Keep on rollin' Tiger. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  5. Unfortunately the MM doesn't handle installation of scenarios. They must be dumped manually into your scenarios folder. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  6. *bump* worthy. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).]
  7. Apache, Here is a direct link to the five scenario pack at the site. Unzip the contents into your scenarios folder. http://www.dfdr.net/downloads/dfdrmap1.zip ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  8. If left in it's MM compatible zip, the big mod file doesn't have to be decompiled to overwrite any of the terrain or other files. The next version (2or3 days out) will enable some special options such as multiple open ground choices (coastal/deep desert vs. the more earthy Tunisian tiles) and force conversion choices (Italians Attack! and Vichy French) as well as scenario specific terrains (sandbag walls vs. rock walls, typical buildings vs. specialized scenario specific ones and so on). This will allow anyone who wants to change, say, the large light buildings to aircraft hangars for an airstrip map or lg. hvy. buildings to factories for figthing in El Alamein industrial area to do so. Stick your alterations in a .zip file, throw it in the mods directory, and put a note in your scenario briefing to "turn on" the Scenario Specific Mod in the MM before you continue with the mission. This will enable people to greatly individualize their scenarios. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  9. We're still rearranging and shuffling, Heinz. When everything is concrete, you can expect to see no .bmp names with suffixes or any other naming convention other than the standard. This will apply to our stuff anyway. 3rd party mods are a different matter however, and we'll probably just post them as received. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  10. Apache, What I was trying to get at (and none too clearly, sorry) was that if you intend to use the Mod manager to run DFDR, you don't need a seperate install of CMBO. Just put the zipped DFDR file(s) in the CMBO/Mods directory in your original CM directory, fire up the MM, and turn the mods on. When you're tired of the desert, use the MM to turn them off and reapply your defaults. Hope that helps. Another point of interest. Alla Keefek has sent in some DFDR unit portraits that are really sharp. Expect to see them later today at the site. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).]
  11. (forgive the rookie-esque dbl.post ) This would be a truly grand utility for CM!!! The mind boggles at the thought of the sheer number of 1st-class campaigns and campaign ladders we would see virtually overnight. I hope you can persuade them! ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).]
  12. This would be a truly grand utility for CM!!! The mind boggles at the thought of the sheer number of 1st-class campaigns and campaign ladders we would see virtually overnight. I hope you can persuade them! ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  13. Apache, Download away! There are two scenario sets available at the site currently. A set of blank scenario templates that are @$! tile conversions, and a five-pack of completed and tested scenarios. Make sure you grabbed the playable scenarios as well as the design aids. If your using the Mod Manager, you shouldn't need another install. Just place the DFDR zip in the cmbo/mods directory and activate it inside the manager. You'll also have to manually copy the scenarios to your scenarios folder. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  14. Heinz, Of the five scenario pack I made, PBEM is the way to go on all of them. You'll find play recommendations in briefings. I believe the best vs.AI play for them would be as follows: Halfaya Pass redux - best played as Axis South of Sidi Rezegh - best played as Allied Interdiction - AI handles either side poorly Out of Gas - best played as Allied Stiff Resistance - best played as Axis I'll admit all of these were heavily tested for PBEM play, however, and didn't receive a lot of SP vs. AI attention. Grunt, Thanx for the kind words. Logan has done all the web design for the site. I'm glad you like the little ol' logo as well. As any of the other modders can attest to, it's all in the tools (and just a little in the wrist). ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-25-2001).]
  15. Arty smoke the hell out of it. End your crossing with moves into maneuver friendly cover if possible. Dead end cover is just that when the smoke clears, a dead end. Make your crossing as quick as possible. Don't get caught dawdling on a bridge in the open. Hope any of this helps even a little. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  16. Alla & MikeT, Checked out the DAK uniforms and sure enough, 4 of the .bmp's (.jpg's) were corrupted. I managed to wash them up and I've sent the file on to you, Alla. Let me know if it works. Expect to see the clean file available from the site tomorrow. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  17. Alla, Send that e-mail to my personal e-mail. The respondent areas at the site can only be accessed locally at the moment. TIA. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  18. Thanks! The site is on a Unix server and semantics are everything (not to mention that dreaded space between DAK & uniforms). I'm sure Logan will pounce on this when he reads this post. ------------------ Clubfoot. Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  19. Alla, I'll look into it. Thanks for the info! It may not be functional until tomorrow morning however. It seems my wife is now quite, uhm... disenchanted with my continued tinkering this evening. ------------------ Clubfoot. Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  20. As far as the background sound is concerned, the exact number of the .wav escapes me, but replacing the summer dawn/dusk, day and night BG .wav's with the winter night .wav has a wonderful effect on the ambience. None of this was included in the mod because these particular .wav files are pretty damned big. ------------------ Clubfoot. Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-24-2001).]
  21. Although Max. & Doug are correct, file swapping in windows is mind-numbingly easy, I find the PC mod manager useful for organizing and keeping track of a number of scenario specific mods. It's simple to configure if you follow the readme instructions. But, to each his own. ------------------ Clubfoot. Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 03-24-2001).]
  22. Thanx for all the positive words fellas. The kind words make the work worthwhile. We all hope you enjoy the mod and the site. Keep checking back for updates. If creating a second directory and copy of the game for DFDR is too space restrictive (small HD's), I highly suggest TwoShed's Mod Manager which is also available at the site. Thanks again. Clubfoot. ------------------ www.dfdr.net
  23. The site is up. But everyone please hold off on attempting any downloads until after an announcement to do so has been made. I assure you that most of what you can currently download simply won't function. If anyone would like to send compliments to our webmaster, Logan, for donating both his time and skills whipping up the DFDR site, he can be reached at rakmaster@home.com Give the man a hand! Clubfoot.
  24. kump, thanks for the nod! Yes indeed I was posting about this very problem. Apparently the files were corrupted either by the Adaptec CD burner software, or a zip conversion from PC to MAC by way of Stuffit. We're working on it right now and everything looks good for full functionality by later this afternoon. We'll keep you posted. Clubfoot.
  25. Well, the DFDR site is up but we've run into a snag with the downloads section. We'll endeavour to get it working today and I'll post here and send a message to FO when we've got a green light. Thanks for your patience those of you waiting for the mod. Clubfoot.
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