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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. Just finished and sent the new scenario, Fertile Fields, off to my trusty playtesters. It's a fictional rear-area infiltration with British glider troops aided by behind the lines Polish resistance. This scenario is intended for play as the Allies vs. the Axis AI only. It comes packed w/ some maps and recon images to help the Allied player with some vital intel. The Allied briefing is quite long (9 pages) but includes the type of detailed information present in the planning of a covert operation. This includes a mission overview, background info., a breakdown of all seperate assault elements, and a timetable for coordination of the seperate assault elements. Here's a small look at some of the recon images and following that, the initial overall breifing. Title: Fertile Fields. Size: Large. Type: Rear area commando insurgency. Date: April 45. Location: The entirely FICTIONAL Vlcek Dam facility. Weather: Heavy rain. Ground condition: Sloppy. Length: 60 turns. This scenario is intended for single player play w/ the AI as the AXIS defender. The war is over and the Germans know it. Having pushed deeper into the Fatherland, the Allied powers are eating up untold kilometers on multiple fronts daily. The once proud armies of the Reich are shattered and falling back at every turn. Bolstered by a mind-boggling wealth of men and materials, the imminent victors turn their thoughts from fighting the Axis to fighting one another for real estate. The Soviets, having stated bluntly their intention to occupy every inch of land they advance over, are as good as their word. Day by day, mile by mile, the Russians gobble up formerly sovereign nations that they have no intention of ever relinquishing. For their part, the western Allies push eastward at a furious pace. Their intention not to occupy, but deprive the Soviets of occupation. Even before one enemy has fallen, another is born. Although the West won't risk openly sparring with the Soviets in the current political atmosphere, a number of very dicey covert operations have been green-lighted to lessen the eventual Soviet "take". These actions will facilitate the following dictums: 1. Recovery of any facilities, war materials, or any other resources (natural or fabricated) that may strengthen or serve any eventual Soviet occupational/settlement element. 2. Destruction of said facilities, war materials, or any other resources (natural or fabricated) when recovery thereof is operationally or tactically implausible. 3. Recovery of documents, research, samples/specimens (re.pp211-214; XXXMedcorps Br.404: ID/Handling agents:atomic/air-born gas/nerve/biological) or any other intelligence resources (including HumInt) that may strengthen or serve any eventual Soviet occupational/settlement element. 4. Destruction of said documents, research, samples/specimens (re.pp214-248; XXXMedcorps Br.404: ID/Destroy agents:atomic/air-born gas/nerve/biological) or any other intelligence resources (including HumInt) when recovery thereof is operationally or tactically implausible. 5. Aggressive detainment and subsequent recruitment of Axis HumInt resources including but not limited to Abwehr and SonderKommandos. 6. Aggressive neutralization of said Axis HumInt resources should detainment or subsequent recruitment prove impossible. Under the guiding hand of a joint MI5-OSS commission, all the missions will run concurrently and all enjoy the MI5 kiss-of-death brand: "MOST EXTREMELY SECRET". Most of these operations have been dug up out of the "way too risky" trash can. Your mission is a smash and grab occupation at the Vlcek Dam Research Facility. The code name for the action is "Fertile Fields". Enjoy the Sudetenland, sir. If you're interested in playtesting this prior to release, let me know!
  2. If you really want your targets to stay still, place them on a piece of open ground in the 3D editor. Then return to the 2D, top-down map editor and place a water tile where your target/soldiers are. They'll be forced to stand there, knee-deep in water, unable to move, and sponge up the punishment you dish out. Place your firing units in thick woods, w/ foxholes, behind a wall to minimize reciprocal damage.
  3. It's not corrupted but it is, unfortunately, irretrievable. This occurs when your scenario is saved in your Cmbo/Saved games folder (which the editor defaults to). If you play the scenario and save it under the the scenario's name (which the savegame feature defaults to), it overwrites the original scenario .cmb with a savegame .cmb Your scenario is a scenario no more. Now it is merely a savegame. The only way to avoid this is to save your scenarios to the Cmbo/Scenarios folder instead of the Cmbo/Saved games folder. It's heartbreaking, isn't it?
  4. You can find what you're looking for right here.
  5. Londoner, And here I had thought everyone forgot about crafty ol' Otto and the dapper Sterling. Funny you should mention the commando op's. I'm working on one right now called "Fertile Fields". It has a strict timetable for success and requires nightmarish coordinated actions and timing. Big fun! If you haven't played Pointe du Hoc yet, give it a whirl for some commando fun as well. You can find it at Manx's CM's in the Clubfoot SSM pack.
  6. Willie, I'll be including all those halftracks and more in a CMMOS halftrack set.
  7. I've sent these links to Manx, but until they're available at CM's, I'll keep them alive here. Both of these tank-packs require Gordon Molek's CM Mod Option Selector (CMMOS) to function. For the time being, they occupy in-house RuleSet #'s 850 and 851. If and when an official ruleset # is assigned to either or both, I'll update the files appropriately. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------- Inside the Panthers download, you'll find the following: readme_panthers.txt -- Readme document PanthersRuleset850.exe -- a self-extracting zipfile Pantherbmps.zip -- a zipfile containing bmp's. To install: 1. Unzip the contents of Panthersbmp.zip into your Cmbo/Bmp directory. 2. Run PanthersRuleset850.exe The RuleSet files will automatically be installed to the following location: C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector\RuleSet850 If you've got CMMOS installed in a location other then it's default destination, you'll have to manually redirect the .exe file when prompted. A new tab entitled "Panthers." will now appear in the CMMOS window. Inside it you'll find the following offerings: From Fernando: PanzerLehr tri-color Panther A, G, G(late) Mono-color Panther A, G, G(late) Tri-color camo Panther G, G(late) Ambush camo Panther G, G(late) From Gordon: Whitewashed Panther A, G, G(late) From Tiger: Grey Panther G Battered Panther G Mottled camo Panther G Weathered Panther G(late) From Malfunkt: Mottled camo Panther G, G(late) From Makjager: Zimmerit Panther G From Audace & Pawbroon: Anzio camo Panther A From Maximus: Winterized Panther A variant Winterized Panther A, G, G(late) Grab the CMMOS Panthers pack (33meg) here: CMMOS Panthers If that d/l is too lofty, try these smaller chunks: Panthers ruleset Gordon's bitmaps Audace/Pawbroon's bitmaps Fernando's bitmaps 1 Fernando's bitmaps 2 Fernando's bitmaps 3 Fernando's bitmaps 4 Makjager's bitmaps Malfunkt's bitmaps Maximus' bitmaps Tiger's bitmaps --------------------------------------------- Inside the Panzer IV download you'll find: readme_panzer4.txt -- Readme document Panzer4Ruleset851.exe -- a self-extracting zipfile panzer4bmp.zip -- a zipfile containing bmp's. To install: 1. Unzip the contents of panzer4bmp.zip into your Cmbo/Bmp directory. 2. Run Panzer4Ruleset851.exe The RuleSet files will automatically be installed to the following location: C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector\RuleSet851 If you've got CMMOS installed in a location other then it's default destination, you'll have to manually redirect the .exe file when prompted. A new tab entitled "MkIV Panzers." will now appear in the CMMOS window. Inside it you'll find the following offerings: From Fernando: 2nd Pz.Div. tri-color PzIV's Mono-color PzIV's Tri-color camo PzIV's Ambush camo PzIV's Whitewashed PzIV's From Gordon: Hasty camo PzIV's HitlerJugend pattern PzIV's Winterized PzIV's From Tiger: Aged ambush camo PzIV's Mottled camo PzIV's Weathered PzIV's From Bfamily33: Deep-tan PzIV's Gunmetal PzIV's From AussieJeff: DAK PzIV's From MikeT: DAK PzIV's Grab the CMMOS Panzer MkIV pack (14meg) here: CMMOS MkIV Panzers A HUGE thanks to all the folks who actually MADE these mods and to Pascal DiFolco for providing the ftp space. Keep up the great work fellas! [ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  8. Look up at the top of the thread for a link to the Panzer IV's mod. Enjoy.
  9. Thanks fellas, Hey Manx, maybe when this gets uploaded I could hit you up for a couple of links at CM's for both the Panzer IV's and Panthers. They could be available from your site without consuming any of your HD space. Let me know.
  10. Here's a link to the Panzer MkIV set. It's 14meg in size. I'll send the RuleSet sans bitmaps to those that have requested it tomorrow. CMMOS Panzer IV's. [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  11. These should be organized all over. What a great opportunity for both fellowship and chest-thumping. I'd do this in the K.C. area but I'm not sure how many of the enlightened dwell in these parts.
  12. I'll second lcm's approval. CM's is looking just smashing. Thanx Manx!
  13. Winecape, I'll e-mail you the RuleSet today. It's only around 200k. From that you can discern the file extensions used. Anyone else who would like the RuleSet but doesn't want to suffer through a 33meg download, reply here and I'll e-mail you the RuleSet sans bitmaps. *IMPORTANT* This is not an "official" CMMOS RuleSet, and the file extensions are somewhat messy. The ruleset #, 850, is a house rules # and may present overwrite problems if you've got your own in-house mod installed to this #. In the future, when official versions of some the mods included appear (ie: Fernando Panthers by Fernando, Gordon Panthers by Gordon), I'll come back and make this RuleSet backwards compatible to utilize the proper file extensions. Thanks for all the feedback, fellas!
  14. After some good critical analysis from Pascal, I've taken his suggestions to heart and altered the functionality of the CMMOS Panthers RuleSet. V1.01 looks like this: Hi-vis buttons replace the older ones to aid in variant I.D. "combo" buttons have been added to allow the installation of all variants of a particular scheme. These buttons have been added for: Fernando's: Lehr tri-color A, G, G(late) Mono A, G, G(late) Tri-color G, G(late) Ambush G, G(late) Gordon's Winterized A, G, G(late) Maximus' Winterized A, G, G(late) Fernando's & Gordon's schemes support: 4-8 turret number variations 10th Pz. divisionals 16th Pz. divisionals 21st Pz. divisionals PanzerLehr divisionals Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler divisionals. Alternate roadwheels. (for some schemes) As soon as Pascal has these updates, I'll add a link here.
  15. Although this is a bit redundant, I thought I might post it again with a link for download. Pascal DiFolco has been kind enough to offer up some server space for free. Without further ado... the link: CMMOS Panther pack. Here's a list of what's included: By Fernando: PanzerLehr tri-color Panther A (3 options) PanzerLehr tri-color Panther G (3 opt.) PanzerLehr tri-color Panther G-late (3 opt.) Mono-colored Panther A (41 opt.) Mono-colored Panther G (41 opt.) Mono-colored Panther G-late (41 opt.) Tri-color camo Panther G (43 opt.) Tri-color camo Panther G-late (43 opt.) Ambush camo Panther G (43 opt.) Ambush camo Panther G-late (43 opt.) By Tiger: Battered Panther G Grey Panther G (2 opt.) Mottled camo Panther G Weathered Panther G-late By Malfunkt: Mottled camo Panther G Mottled camo Panther G-late By Makjager: Zimmerit Panther G By Audace & Pawbroon: Anzio scheme Panther A By Gordon & Fernando: Whitewashed Panther A (27 opt.) Whitewashed Panther G (26 opt.) Whitewashed Panther G-late (26 opt.) By Maximus: Winterized Panther A Winterized Panther A hasty Winterized Panther G Winterized Panther G-late And of course, the RuleSet. The download is appx. 33 meg. [ 09-26-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  16. More Panthers!?! Well God bless ya. There simply can't be too many a'those purty Panthers.
  17. Alright Pascal. I'll ship it out in the next few days and hit Manx up for a link. Beware everyone, the RuleSet contained is a "house rules" number, 850. If you've made your own CMMOS mods and used this particular RuleSet#, you will have overwrite issues. Here's a list of what's actually included: By Fernando: PanzerLehr tri-color Panther A (3 options) PanzerLehr tri-color Panther G (3 opt.) PanzerLehr tri-color Panther G-late (3 opt.) Mono-colored Panther A (41 opt.) Mono-colored Panther G (41 opt.) Mono-colored Panther G-late (41 opt.) Tri-color camo Panther G (43 opt.) Tri-color camo Panther G-late (43 opt.) Ambush camo Panther G (43 opt.) Ambush camo Panther G-late (43 opt.) By Tiger: Battered Panther G Grey Panther G (2 opt.) Mottled camo Panther G Weathered Panther G-late By Malfunkt: Mottled camo Panther G Mottled camo Panther G-late By Makjager: Zimmerit Panther G By Audace & Pawbroon: Anzio scheme Panther A By Gordon & Fernando: Whitewashed Panther A (27 opt.) Whitewashed Panther G (26 opt.) Whitewashed Panther G-late (26 opt.) By Maximus: Winterized Panther A Winterized Panther A hasty Winterized Panther G Winterized Panther G-late And of course, the RuleSet.
  18. Well this is pretty huge (33 meg) so I doubt anyone is going to want to host it. But it is a good demonstration of what CMMOS will do for vehicle specific rulesets. It contains all the Panthers I had cluttering up my HD and includes the work of Fernando, Gordon, Tiger, Maximus, Makjager, Malfunkt, Audace&Pawbroon, & more. Some of these Panther variants have 40 or more options! From alternate roadwheels to widely varying divisional markings to a plethora of turret numbers in many colors and styles... and the combinations thereof. Thanks again Gordon. Life is easier.
  19. It's up at Manx's CMs now. Let me know how you like it.
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