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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. Mr.J, I believe you've probably hit upon one of the keys of semi-historical scenario building. Make a scenario that YOU like. You can't please everyone, so shoot for pleasing yourself. wait... did that sound dirty? The scaling down of forces and area of operations used to be referred to as bath-tubbing (not sure if anyone still uses that term or not). I've never been a fan of bath-tubbed scenarios, and would rather play a more nearly accurate retelling of a smaller piece of the overall action.
  2. I'll say yes. But rest assured the next guy will say no. I find it to be incredibly convenient.
  3. KF, When the game ends, look at the map, click on the mines, and then you know. DC mine fields are also noticeably smaller than buried mine fields. It also helps when your opponent confirms the fact that he purchased no daisy's, only conventionals.
  4. I've also seen mines from great distances. They were not daisy's. The distance was appx. 830 meters. They were spotted by a veteran Pioneer platoon HQ unit.
  5. Why thank you sir. It was a blast to be DFDR's art whore. A lot of work though (my wife now utterly despises my computer). The scenarios have been fun to make too and really require a different flavor than ETO CM. More scenarios would be greatly appreciated. With a nod toward ASL conversions! Indeed there are a few incidental bmp's I never got around to doing. I believe Logan has done them however... just have to bully him into releasing them, I suppose. And sorry 'bout the downloads page confusion. Logan and I are working on overhauling it as we speak (er, type?). It was thrown up hastily in the beginning, and has suffered further under waves of content. We hope to remedy this soon! By the by, which scenario did you rack up? [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  6. It should show up at Manx's this weekend. Check there every so often! With small alterations, you'll find the beach scheme (which is made to be used with the Magua's Normandy mod) suitable for a variety of landing scenarios.
  7. I'm a, I say, I'm a Jones sir. A small, exclusive gaggle to be sure; and we've not yet begun to win ..err, fight.
  8. Why thank you, Magua. It was all inspired by your Normandy mod. Great work!
  9. a LITTLE action? Have you played the Omaha beach scenarios available? It sure is a blast to watch your little Allied troops be mercilessly blown to bits while floating along in their wood and canvas assault boats. Especially after waiting ten minutes for a turn to build. I wanted to create a nice, balanced, smaller scale scenario. So I focused on the first little group of the 8th infantry reg. that landed under cover of arty brush fire smoke at Utah. To imply their was no action at Utah beach is sheer folly. It began as the single most FUBAR beach landing, and ended a spectacular success for the Allies. Sorry, but IMHO, Omaha scenarios tend to be one-sided, meat-grinding bore-athons. Simulating a beach landing with little wooden boats when the defenders have clear LOS and gobs of MG ammo just seems kinda silly to me. But by all means, when the mod is available, use it to simulate any beach landing you'd like.
  10. Alrighty, it's been posted to Manx. It will be available at his discretion. Up that beach, soldier!
  11. Actually, it's a single wall tile altered to resemble a set of ropes. Infantry can move up the wall and span any elevation, but only on a very narrow corridor. By moving to the extreme sides of the ropes/wall, a very meager amount of cover can be attained from enemies in the other direction. This suitably emulates a convoluted, shelf-ridden cliff face. Roads work too and I messed about with them, but they allow too wide a corridor of movement. They also provide no cover at all (ouch) and allow for far too rapid movement. Not to mention, I only had to alter one bitmap. Scaling units must be a decent distance apart to climb (a good thing). Although the cliff is sehr high, it still only occupies one terrain tile. Infantry units can and do move over the top of one another during the game, but you'll find that in the orders phase you're not able to place them too close together or order one unit to move "on top" of another. This fact keeps units apart vertically to the tune of about 30 meters. Expect to see some D-Day cliff assault action at Manx's when the scenario and SSM are finished!
  12. Kingfish, See this thread for an answer to those questions.
  13. It's pretty much finished. It "feels" right when played (IMHO, of course) w/ your back to the sea, frightening volleys of grazing MG42 fire and the thunderous bellowing of bunkered 88's. Airfix! Airfix! Expect to see it soon at Manx's. [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  14. Panzer Leader, The concept of scenario specific mods (SSM's)is actually not a new one. DFDR uses them (Italians Attack!) as well as the Skorzeny SSM I did for the scenario Sheep's Clothing (which can be found at Manx's or the Skorzeny Flash page at DFDR). I intend to release the pack TwoShed's ModManager compatible. If anyone else would like to create batch's for it, be my guest. MikeT, I'm sure Magua will appreciate your asking. If you only intend to use the foamy/wave/beach part, however, be my guest. There are some tricks to making the effect come off correctly though, and I'll include a little how-to readme with the package. If you guys like Utah, I'll probably let everyone in on the cliff scaling mod I'm working on. Now you're rangers will be able to actually scale those bloody coastal cliffs.
  15. Still like your method, Russell. Requires engineers ON SITE to make it function. Requires no TRP's or godlike arty (which WILL be abused by players).
  16. Alright, about that Mosque. At the end of the initial DFDR charge, I ran out of steam with one building not completed. The Mosque. I admit to simply being burned out on the project at the time. After it's (quasi)completion, I was lax in coming back to the Mosque. Someone did mail me recently asking if they could do some Mosque textures for the site. Hopefully we'll see them soon. With the addition of Jeff, things have really picked up again on the North African front. Look to the site every weekend for updates and tweaks! Great work Jeff!
  17. Holien, I had a bunch of those plastic playsets and they inspired this mod/scenario. And I believe it was a radar station, although it was called the "Nazi Listening Station". Sounds menacing, hmm? My fave was the "D-DAY!" set complete w/ obstacles, landing craft, Tobruk style gun casements, and even an LST! (although very undersized). Thanks for the kind words, fellas. Didn't know there would be a clamor, but I'll now finish up with due expediency. See ya on the beach.
  18. Using the lower area of the above screenshot for an example. From the first obstacle to the ass-end of the rearmost Sherman is marsh. From the back of said Sherman (this includes exactly half of the foamy area) to the leading edge of the greenery is open ground terrain level 0. From the leading edge of the greenery to the graduation into full fulliage is open ground terrain level 1. [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  19. They are part of the texture tile for open ground level 0. (aka_tom_w, Thanks. I'll ship the whole package to Manx when I've had a chance to test the scenario a couple of times. I hope to see it up before the end of the week.) [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  20. Excellent! A very creative workaround. I'll be ripping it off for sure!
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