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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. Actually, yes. DFDR, having suffered woefully from lack of upkeep at my hands, is preparing to move. The gents over at Wargamer.com have expressed an interest in taking over both the hosting and maintenance of the sight. Look for that to happen very soon.
  2. Shatter, Yes, it's finally finished. It's among the goodies I shipped to Manx. I hope you enjoy it when it surfaces! Pascal, Thank you sir. I just might do that.
  3. ...so hopefully it will be available soon. A screen of a scenario specific mod RuleSet I put together for the CMMOS interface: It includes: The Utah Beach playset SSM and 'Victor South' beach landing scenario. To be used w/ Magua's Normandy conversion, it offers the ability to revert to the original Normandy textures when you're bored w/ playing in the surf. The Pointe du Hoc SSM and scenario (w/ cliff-scaling rangers). This also offers the 'revert' option to the original Normandy tiles. The Estates! SSM and four scenarios: Ausperg House, Haus Ettersberg, Le Manse Medonie, & Peng Downs. And the Skorzeny Sheep's Clothing SSM and scenario. A wonderful tool indeed! Future SSM's will use and expand on the same ruleset (401).
  4. A screen of a scenario specific mod RuleSet I put together for the CMMOS interface: It includes: The Utah Beach playset SSM and 'Victor South' beach landing scenario. To be used w/ Magua's Normandy conversion, it offers the ability to revert to the original Normandy textures when you're bored w/ playing in the surf. The Pointe du Hoc SSM and scenario (w/ cliff-scaling rangers). This also offers the 'revert' option to the original Normandy tiles. The Estates! SSM and four scenarios: Ausperg House, Haus Ettersberg, Le Manse Medonie, & Peng Downs. And the Skorzeny Sheep's Clothing SSM and scenario. A wonderful tool indeed! In future versions, an 'About' button would be grand. So when an icon is highlighted and the 'About' button activated, a .txt file is accessed giving more info about the mod, be it functional or historic info. Oh, Gordon, I'd also like to request a non"house" RuleSet number so I could distribute this without conflicts with future CMMOS mods. (I sent an e-mail, but I'm sure you're probably awash in them right about now.)
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> As with Andrew's Super Action Pack #4, I noticed it is in a rather mess as its packaged for CM Mod Manager. Someone already mentioned they had trouble finding the Infantry tunic files. However, for those of us in the CMMOS "beta testing loop", ,making a CMMOS compatible mod is no big deal and is actually easier to do than to make a CM Mod Manager mod. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ya know, Max. Besides the constant Mac bashing, the recurrent TwoShed's Mod Manager bashing is quite silly as well. Rather a mess. Nonsense. Mod Manager files are quite tidy. Easier to make a CMMOS compatible mod? Well, I've made both and this statement just ain't true. It amazes me you could repeatedly sh!t on a program you've never seen or bothered to download. It's really no wonder that TwoShed's gave up on updating his Manager, I suppose.
  6. Gordon, I've been a proponent of the CM Mod Manager for some time and agree it's handy, but I must admit that I've been able to recreate the CM Mod Manager packages I've made in CMMOS and they function in a quicker, more streamlined fashion. The CMMOS version of DFDR, for instance, sports terrain installation w/ multiple options, unit textures with multiple options, interface conversion w/ revert option, Italians Attack! option w/ revert, and more. One could really do anything with CMMOS that is done in Mod Manager (ie: vehicles with multiple options, markings, aerial recog. panels and so forth), it would just require the creation of vehicle specific RuleSets. For my own use, I put together a Sherman RuleSet and a Panther RuleSet. Both offer the textures of several mod authors, and where applicable the different vehicle versions have options. The Sherman Ruleset has almost four rows of icons in CMMOS w/ variations ranging from desert stuff (with generic, 7th Armd. marked, 1st Armd. marked, SA, American and other options) to winter stuff (including all the stuff that came with CMMOS and many other winterized versions, marked and unmarked, whitewashed and what have you). Also included are a number of generic, weathered, and other versions with and without unit markings and other options. I'm not sure whether you intended CMMOS to be used in this manner, but it seems to work very well. This begs another question. After finishing a scenario specific mod RuleSet (featuring the Utah beach stuff, Pointe du Hoc textures, Estates! textures, Sheep's Clothing textures), I went back to add options that will let someone revert to Magua's Normandy textures after using scenario specific textures for Utah beach or Pointe du Hoc. Have you already decided on a suffix naming convention for Magua's Normandy conversion? If you have, it would prevent me from having to include the Normandy revert .bmp's in any pack I might make.
  7. Has anyone noticed that our author friend has appended his initial post. It's now blank.
  8. Any thread beginning with the words: 'The Tampa...'
  9. I must say that in your highly contentious 'Tampa' thread, YOU were the first to break protocol and curse at people. YOU refused to respond to well organized and valid arguments, instead picking "sound bytes" from the posts of those you disagreed with to respond to. YOU didn't respond effectively to your detractors which lead to the death of your contentions at the hands of your own inferior debate skills. This angered YOU and YOU responded with acrimony. YOU spouted the inflammatory, fact-free (and yes, most of us do utterly disregard the "facts" your unabashedly left-leaning media sources spewed for they were merely exercises in opinionization), flame-bait thread informing Aussies that they should "...be ashamed to be Australian." YOU can't make some of the seriously nationality-bashing comments you made (which are 180 degrees from the good-natured bickering the rest of the forum sometimes engages in) and expect to walk away unscathed. That's simply crap, and YOU are the puckering hole it spilled from. This is a great forum, with a slew of intelligent, well-spoken free thinkers and I hate to see anyone leave. Usually. In this case, however, as you gather your Tonka trucks in your arms and storm off to whatever home you never admitted to coming from, I've only this to say. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass.
  10. A second to Berli's question. Are the maps intended to represent actual terrain or are they 'do as you will' fare? Any screens of what you've got so far?
  11. Hmmm, some fascinating replies. Mayhap I should return to the original post and read it. I shamefully admit that, confronted with the needlessly self agrandizing "In the course of writing my lofty and ill-researched dross I blah blah blah..." statement, I went goo-goo eyed, spurted a gallon of drool, and headed to the general forum to start a "Britney Spear's boobs" thread in an attempt revive the borderless, QUASI-intellectual yet tastelessly low-brow nature of the board. Have you ever felt embarrassed for another? Ah well, let's not be too harsh on the guy. We're all guilty of taking ourselves too seriously upon occasion (although rarely climbing to these heights of WAY, WAY, WAY too seriously). Oh... sorry. To maintain the proper form set forth by our esteemed colleague and author, I should append the above to read "WAY, WAY, WAY two seriously."
  12. And you fellas waiting for it to hit the Blockbuster's, keep in mind it's going to be 11 hours + long. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!
  13. I e-mailed the fellas at Der Kessel a pack with four fictional Byte Battles which occur on the grounds of posh estates. Not sure if they didn't receive them, or if they just didn't pass muster. Anyway, here's a pic.:
  14. Ya know, I'm not really sure about that uniform. It's pretty old and resembles DD's SS uniforms (and I remember grabbing a bunch of DD's uniforms back in the day) so it's a safe bet that they're his. Dalem, I recall as a child being quite nonplussed by the Rangers memorial. My father, after describing in depth the perils of Rudder's men, stood with me shaking his head at that silly pillar of rock. The old man was upset for his own reasons (a 2 tour vet of "the teams" in 'nam, he gets predictably weepy at war memorials) but I remember desiring something a little more representative. Of course, this was probably just my child's mind desiring some action packed, mosaic bas-relief portraying death. It's a great tour though. I'd highly suggest a visit to the Pointe and other Omaha sights, even if you have to drag along an unappreciative 7 yr. old.
  15. (shameful, self-serving bump disguised as a) Thanks Rupert!
  16. It's almost finished and looks best with Magua's Normandy Mod. Since I've got a few unmodded pics on the 'scenarios' forum, I figured I'd toss a few up that showed it near completion. They're mediumish in size so be patient: The mod is scenario specific and alters the hedge/bocage bmp, the rough bmp, and three or four open ground tiles. The scenario is designed for SINGLE PLAYER play, Allied only. It covers Colonel James E. Rudder's 2nd Ranger's assault on the gun casements atop the sheer cliffs of Pointe du Hoc on D-Day. I've tried to incorporate a number of historic events although it's important to note that the timeframe of the mission is "bathtubbed" at a factor of about 1 to 3 (if you've got an hour, Rudder historically had three). Covered are: * The initial, timed, naval shelling by the USS Texas and USS Satterlee to cover the assault. * The Rangers slight lateness due to strong easterly tides and landmark ID mistakes. This resulted in a small time disparity between the initial barrage's end and the assault groups landfall. * The emergence of German defenders from bunkers after the initial barrage and throughout the fight. As the battle progressed, pockets of Germans would pop-up from heretofore unseen cubby holes, often amongst or behind the Americans. * The timely arrival of our British mates in the HMS Talybont to provide essential fire support. * The cliff face assault on ropes. Nowhere to go but up or down. Some pretty nifty, grenade flinging, beach to cliff firefights often ensue. * A fairly accurate Axis defense presence including AA guns and their placement, mine field dispersements, placements of the empty gun casements, troop strength and the coalescence of a counterattack from the south. * The Allies SUPERB recon and it's one ENORMOUS flaw. The guns were gone. * A mission schedule that's tough to follow, but if adhered to, allows a repeatable chance of the historic outcome. * History put 225 of Rudder's men on the beach, I've given you 224. Most weapon types including carbines, SMG's, rifles, BAR's, and satchel charges are represented in their correct numbers (as closely as I've been able to discern anyway. I'd put the margin of error at +or- 7 or 8 per). Innaccuracies include: * Actual number of rounds fired by the capital ships present. They fired a helluva lot more, actually. * # of boats. There's more than twice the number of boats in CM as were actually present, but the Rangers were in LCA's with greater passenger capacity than the CM assault boat. * # of German MG's on the cliff face is much smaller than it was in reality. Again the reason is the differences between LCA's and assault boats. The LCA could sponge a lot more fire than the pathetic CM assault boat. Some of the MG roles have been filled by sharpshooters. * Paratroopers have been used to simulate the Ranger teams. Although Rangers were Rifle 44 pattern, the use of paratroopers got me a lot closer to the correct # of men and a more accurate weapons mix to reflect the special teams and equipment at du Hoc. * The cliff is a little too high. sorry. I'll get the briefings written and ship the mess off to some sites. See ya on the beach! [ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  17. Some of you may remember a cliff-scaling screen I posted a while back and then never followed through on. Well, the scenario is finished (minus briefings) and the graphical tweaks are almost finished. It'll be done soon and I'll send it out to some sites. Here's a look at the unmodded Pointe du Hoc scenario after the naval gun bombardment.
  18. RCHRD, Save a downloaded scenario to the CMBO/Scenarios folder. It will then appear in your mission list menu inside CM.
  19. Just got version 1.0 of the Estates SSM wrapped up and sent away to a couple of sites. Soul condemning decadence is nigh. It weighs in at 3.2 meg and contains: a readme. Ausperg House.cmb Haus Ettersberg.cmb Le Manse Medonie.cmb Peng Downs.cmb Estates!.zip The scenarios boil down to "every inch counts" play, every structure or landmark counting toward victory. The zip file is the TwoShed'sModManager compatible Estates! mod. If you're not into 2Shed's, a manual unzip will do nicely. The mod contains the following bmp substitutions: 321-329 : Large Building tiles 506,507 & 510,511 : tree tiles (flowering bushes) 645,646 : water tiles (pool and fountain) 675 : pavement tile (tennis court) 679-684 : brush tiles (flower beds) 1201,1202 : roof tiles (spanish tile) 1208 : wall tile (bright rock wall) 1217 : hedge/bocage tile (hedge with flower bunches) At 3.2 meg, I'll have to balk at e-mailing it to everyone who's replied. I'm a sad 56k man. But keep your eyes peeled for it.
  20. Just got version 1.0 of the Estates SSM wrapped up and sent away to a couple of sites. Soul condemning decadence is nigh. It weighs in at 3.2 meg and contains: a readme. Ausperg House.cmb Haus Ettersberg.cmb Le Manse Medonie.cmb Peng Downs.cmb Estates!.zip The scenarios boil down to "every inch counts" play, every structure or landmark counting toward victory. The zip file is the TwoShed'sModManager compatible Estates! mod. If you're not into 2Shed's, a manual unzip will do nicely. The mod contains the following bmp substitutions: 321-329 : Large Building tiles 506,507 & 510,511 : tree tiles (flowering bushes) 645,646 : water tiles (pool and fountain) 675 : pavement tile (tennis court) 679-684 : brush tiles (flower beds) 1201,1202 : roof tiles (spanish tile) 1208 : wall tile (bright rock wall) 1217 : hedge/bocage tile (hedge with flower bunches) At 3.2 meg, I'll have to balk at e-mailing it to everyone who's replied. I'm a sad 56k man. But keep your eyes peeled for it.
  21. For you fellas waiting for the estate pack, here's a look at the maps... The reference in the title to 'poolers? I thought some of you may be interested in Peng Downs. It's an "every inch counts" map, with all the places of interest and sites worth points at game's end. With one exception, only the 'Biergarten!' locations are worth major flags (the exception being the Douglas Adams Memorial Fountain). Other points of interest include The Holy Temple of Godliness (w/ a Biergarten and seedy brothel right out back!), "The GAP", The place next to "The GAP", the track (and stables, and butcher shop... and glue factory), The Homo-erotic Grecian Bath house, "The pool", and more... I'll send it out in a few days to those who responded in the other thread. Anyone else who wants it, let me know.
  22. OK, gents. All I've left to do is write some briefings for the scenarios included. This should be a short, simple affair since all of the battles are fictional. That's right, not a real one in the bunch. When you get these maps, be sure to try them out with a friend as double blind games. Most of them are balanced to within 2 points and I've matched opposing units to be of similar firepower. The AI performs as poorly as usual, so you'll not have any difficulties winning a single player game, regardless which side you play as. I'll send the pack to everyone who responded here before the end of the week. Cheers.
  23. Alright. This is exceptionally silly. While working on a few Byte Battles (TCP/IP) to submit to Mensch over at Der Kessel, I came up with some interesting every-inch-counts Estate maps. They're all relatively small (480x480 or smaller) and are light engagements, the typical point total per side being 750 or less. Every structure or location of note on the maps has an objective flag. The fighting is fast and furious and sometimes comes down to spirited contests over the greenskeeper's house, game pavilion, gazebo or what have you. Every inch of territory held gives you points. Since they're all large, opulant estates (well, three estates and one horse track/casino), my wife (an avid CM geek) became disenchanted with the lackluster look of these supposedly grand villas. She demanded something prettier, something richer. Not sure if anyone would be into anything quite this goofy, but here's a pic. anyway. Remember, I did this quickly so the results are far from perfect. Included are: Flower beds (replacing brush). Pools and fountains (replacing individual water tiles). Tennis courts (replacing open pavement). Cleaned up manor walls. Lilac and other flowering trees (replacing 1/2 of the tree textures). A stately manor texture for large, heavy buildings. Spanish tile roofs. Flowering hedges and bocage. If anyone is interested in anything as foolish as this, reply here and I'll put it all together (including scenarios) and submit somewhere or e-mail it to you depending on it's size. [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
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