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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. If the Gestapo came abustin' in, all abrupt-like and whatnot demanding that I either: A. Turn over my copy of CM forthwith, or B. Massage my glans with a turpentine drenched wood rasp... vigorously. I would, uhmmm, well, I'd think twice before I handed CM over. But come on man. For the love of God. A wood rasp.
  2. Why thank you Franko, and for penning the document that inspired me, you'll find an advance copy of the scenario and it's related goodies in your in-box. My friends found the most joy in playing the outnumbered Brit defender vs. the AI Axis attacker. It's one of the few I've seen where the AI manages to really pour it on as the attacker. Hope you enjoy it. As for the rest of ya... Get back in view 1 ya cheatin' bastards! [ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  3. I find it a blast as well. I enjoyed it so much in a hotseat w/ a friend (a 3rd party watched and kept us honest), that I just finished a scenario designed for use with the FTC ironman rules. It's a DFDR scenario entitled 'Benghazi Bonfire' and should be available at the DFDR site in a day or two. The scenario will come with the obligatory readme, a copy of the FTC rules, and recon images for both sides. Here's a look at the Axis recon image. [ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  4. The sandbag wall has been done for a while and it's what I currently use. I was under the belief that I had included it in the most recent version of the mod. I'll have to check on that. Until then, post here if you'd like me to e-mail it to you. It uses the same sandbag texture as the dfdr sandbag(wooden) bunker.
  5. Ok, aka_tom_w has agreed to host. GriffinCheng, if you're still interested, you could mirror the files. Just a thought. Let me know if you are!
  6. jd, Just a convenience issue actually, to offer the mod already converted for those who are either in the dark about the Mac mod manager (grab it at CMHQ) or have decided not to use it (?).
  7. Logan has all but completed the Mac DFDR mod, but we're running short of HD space on the server. We've enough room to continue posting scenarios and new 3rd party mods for the PC, but to put the Mac mod up would reduce us to zero breathing room. The Mod zipped (or stuffed or whatever) will probably be about 40 meg. Anyone who might be interested respond to me at melton1911@aol.com or Logan at rakmaster@home.com [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  8. I hoped somebody would get a kick out of that. I plan on doing it more in the future for DFDR stuff. It would be nice to see it catch on!
  9. You can pick up the TwoShed's ModManager from here as well. Desert Fox-Desert Rats
  10. Sorry about that Gordon, I was basing my comment on the earlier DFDR stuff you've sent as well as the readme. i.e. "Based on the BTS originals, with significant texture borrowing from various mods by Marco Bergman (e.g. suspension, 3 piece nose, various tarps, kit and tools)" Didn't mean to offend.
  11. First we'll have a look at the Brit desert-schemed M7 by Gordon Molek worked up from the basic Bergman model. He's also made the American variant. Available and ModManager comliant! Very nice. And now another look at AussieJeff's total Allied vehicle and field gun package. It's up and ready for consumption. sweeet. Now a peek at Max's Brit infantry & airborne uniforms which should be available this afternoon (if our server calms down). Good Work! And last, the Storch recon photo of the freshly uploaded Commando Skorzeny CS-Sheep's Clothing scenario (and mod). More to come...
  12. Well, I found a little goodie bag of Eben Emael stuff (area maps, defensive maps, OOB's, pictures and other stuff) which I'd be glad to send you. Let me know if you want it, it's about 2meg, I think. [ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  13. They're not up yet, but tonight or tomorrow they shall be! And thanks for not being annoying Dorosh.
  14. Just recieved a big, fat batch of Allied vehicles (trucks, HT's, jeeps, AC's and more) and Allied field guns from AussieJeff. And here is a sample. Those familiar with the earlier jeep variant will notice the hues have been tweaked to remove the previous bronzey-orange appearance. Very nice! These will be up on the site soon. Great work, Jeff! [ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  15. And the master has returned! Good to see you back. Can't wait for the first "New WBW scenario!" thread to appear.
  16. Alright, Max pegged me. I'll cop to being lazy. I have been busy, just not on CM or DFDR stuff. Me sucks. Those Brit infantry uniforms will be up before this weekend (the airborne too if you want to ship 'em to me). Now, what I'd really like to see from ol' Max are some DAK vehicles. There are a slew of them right now, but most of them seem to be too orange-hued, and the ones that aren't are lo-res. I really liked your winter armor (so much that it's used in the Commando Skorzeny Sheep's Clothing SSM) and would like to see your stylings on the desert DAK vehicles, all in matching ochre (the standard paint job after '42, although the Germans termed it "desert yellow"). Or standard gun-metal grey with the DAK palm&swastika symbol. Huh? Huh? purty please?
  17. Sonic Foundry's Sound Forge 5.0 (not too spendy) for sound editing. Adobe PhotoShop 6.0 for graphics (considerably more expensive). A lot of people use PaintShop Pro for graphics which will produce fine results and (correct me if I'm wrong, somebody) is free for download. Hope this helps a little.
  18. What the hell is wrong with you people?! Leave the guy alone. If you don't like what he has to say, then don't read his posts. When did this place become such a flame-bait, insult packed house of asses?
  19. Well, the op. is 8 battles of 15 turns apiece. Every 4th battle is nightfall and the choice to engage after dark is up to the Axis player. It's deliberately difficult to win as the British (especially against a human opponent) as it covers a desperate, suicide mission defense to hold up the Axis advance to El Alamein. I'm really looking for some people to dbl-blind it and give their perspectives about human vs. human play as well as vs. the AI. I'll send it to you today. If you've got some tried and true PBEM buddies, make 'em give it a whirl with ya. As far a critique goes, I'm looking for your opinions on the following: length of the battles: Can you advance as the Axis too quickly or is there not enough time to meet your advance goals? Do the length of the battles add to Allied player's woes? play balance: Is it just bloody impossible to stave off the Axis attackers as the British? vs. a human Axis player and AI Axis player. (remember, it's supposed to be hard as the Brits, not impossible). As the Axis player, do you find yourself steamrolling over the Allied defenders (both human and AI)? force mix. Although the mix is as accurate as I can make it, if things are too rough for the British (or too easy for the Germans), please make suggestions to balance the mix. Even if it's just one more piece of equipment that might make all the difference for the Allies or one less piece that might slightly blunt the Axis assault. Anything else! Any suggestions at all about the terrain, the startup zones, the weather, or anything else you can think of! I appreciate if Griffin! I do have a devoted cadre of six playtesters for DFDR now, but I seem to have got their number and know how to meet their expectations. I'm lookin' for new blood to toss into the mix. Keep an eye on your in-box! [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  20. ...is finished. I'm looking for a few playtesters. More details at the site.
  21. Just wanted to fling some kudos about and let you know our average hits at DFDR went from 230 a day to over 400(!!!)over the course of the Sidewalk Sale weekend. This was a great idea and I think more events are in order (and sooner than the 2nd annual Sidewalk Sale!). It didn't just provide a slew of goodies for the CM community, but really got Logan and I to kick ourselves in the ass and produce. Cheers! [ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  22. Sorry 66, this is off-topic. I found packed away on my HD some editor button textures you created for DFDR. They're quite nice and I'd like to ask your permission to put them on the site and include them in the next single file mod update. Please? Pretty please?
  23. Since it's Uk PC Gamer, could one of you fine fellows across the pond maybe scan the page in question and e-mail it to me at melton1911@aol.com ? I would be very appreciative! TIA.
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