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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. Just tried the links at CM's and they seem to be working fine. Give it another shot.
  2. Another one!?! I'm gonna have to (mutter, grumble)...
  3. Hey! A kansas crack? Why I oughtta (mumble, mumble)...
  4. MrSpkr, I'm glad you're diggin' it. I wanted a departure from a "There's you're objective, boys. Go get 'em!" style of play. A functional set of ROE hobbled together from months of intel (accurate or not) was how these commando types operated, and I wanted to try to simulate that. As it stands, I've seen the operation zip along like a greased pig, every element fulfilling his role. I've also seen it go totally wrong from the outset and turn into an Allied bloodbath. I look forward to your AAR! Therm., Sending it right now.
  5. Ok, it should be in the in-box of everyone who's requested it. Let me know how it works out for everyone.
  6. Just wanted to say thanks for the guiding comments, guys. Dinner went great and Dirk (my new brother-in-law) got a BIG kick out of the War Room. We became instant buddies when he spied the Bundeswehr flag and queried happily in broken English, "You like Gehman Ahmy?". The toys, the tanks, the WWII relics, geegaws & guns... he 'gets' it. His wife on the other hand, couldn't be any further to the left. Upon witnessing us rolling plastic tanks across the war room's ping-pong table and growling out the sound effects of their imaginary motors, she shook her head in sheer disgust and called us "die kinder" for the rest of the evening. Ah well. I made a good friend in Dirk and discovered that our language barrier almost dissolved when rolling our plastic kampfgruppen off to battle. We plan on making the trip to see them next year. When we do, and if we're all still around, I may swing by to meet some of you German CM fans. Thanks again.
  7. Alright fellas, I'll ship it off to everyone tomorrow morning. Some German in-laws are here for dinner this evening so I'll be a little indisposed.
  8. Andreas, LOL! Financial types indeed. She's a loan officer/translator and he's an IT specialist for Intratec (which he says deals nur mit geld). Alright, the wife and I think we're ready. We've hidden the his and hers Waffen SS pajamas and covered up all the Mein Kampf wallpaper. Thanks again, fellas.
  9. Thanks for the rapid responses fellas. It really helps. No swastikas about the place, although I'll stow the one book with a prominent SS marking (Skorzeny's "My Commando Operations"). They are westerners and both work in Luxembourg. And to boot, the room is out of the way and sealable (my ol'lady calls it "der cave"). Once again, thanks for the help fellas. I appreciate it greatly.
  10. Hey there German CM brethren, My dilemma is this. After recently becoming aware of the fact that my wife has a German half-sister (nobody knew, long story), we've been in almost constant contact with one another and they've just come for a visit. They'll be coming to our house for dinner&drinks this evening and I must ask those of you who would know (the Germans) about some matters of protocol. Knowing full well that my German brother-in-law is something of a computer geek, I've been informed that he'll be wanting a peek at my "war room". My problem is this. I don't know whether he (or his wife) have any feelings this way or that regarding war gaming in general or German WWII trinkets. Would I be wise to remove the various Germanic war goodies I have displayed? These include model tanks and other vehicles, a slew of books, Ultimate Soldier German WWII weapon sets, a modern-day Bundeswehr flag, and other stuff. Should this stuff stay or go? How does the average man on the street in Germany feel about this sort of thing? Prompt help required! TIA. (I realize this will get moved to the general forum, but I needed some answers quick!) [ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  11. Not a single taker? I'm hurt. Ah well, one obligatory *bump* and then I'll let it die.
  12. Highly valuable I'd say. Footage from the landings is indeed quite rare. Much was lost over the side of an LSA, as I recall, and even more simply destroyed by the hostile conditions. I could certainly understand his reluctance in giving it up however. Maybe he could will it to some historical society or museum. After all, if it's kept this long, a little bit longer probably won't hurt.
  13. Alright, this sounds like a fine idea. Canadian vs. AI fits the bill just fine (w/ the frequent appearance of the various British Commando groups and maybe even a cameo by the US Rangers). Ok, taking it up via e-mail now.
  14. I had done a little work on a Dieppe raid scenario, but got off track. I'd be happy to start again and see what I can come up with. The simulated beach obstacles/AT mine swap is a good one. It would simply require changing the 'Achtung! Minen! Panzer' sign to resemble an obstacle. Of course, this would rule out the use of AT mines in other parts of the scenario. I'll see what I can do. I've also been working on a little mini-campaign system (maybe w/ a quasi-campaign utility) which provides for a branching, multi-directional ersatz campaign. I think the Dieppe series you describe would fit the bill for a test run. [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  15. Edited the post above. After I reread your post, I realized I had misunderstood.
  16. Michael, Sure, I'll give an Operation Jubilee scenario a whirl. I know the Canadian 2nd Div. and 14th tank batt. were involved. Do you have more specific information, perhaps? [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  17. Why don't you whip his ass as the Germans a coupla times?
  18. A public service announcement: For an image hosting site that's still free and still allows outside links, try FOTKI.
  19. I actually got that 1/18 scale panther you referred to. My ol'lady bought it for my B-Day this year. It comes in a nifty tri-color camo w/ many functioning hatches, functional tracks and road wheels, swivelling turret, elevating gun, tow cables, tool sets, spare track on hull, and a Rommel lookin' TC. They also have a bitchin' 1/18 scale Kubelwagen w/ driver, and 1/32 scale armored car w/ 3man crew. Go get that Panther! Damn the torpedoes!
  20. Pascal, Place all the files you want to include in a standard zip file. When you add the files, make sure that the "Include sub-folders" box and the "Save extra folder info" box are NOT checked. When you've added all the files to your regular zip file, go to the "Actions" drop-down on the Winzip menu bar. Inside it, you'll find the "Make .Exe File" tab. Click it. Guide winzip to the zipfile you just created on the "Create Self-Extracting Zip file from:" line. On the "Default 'Unzip to' folder:" line, type the install location in it's entirety. In your case it would be: "C:/Program Files/GEM Software Productions/CM Mod Option Selector/RuleSet901" Make sure the following options are selected: Self Extracting Type: 32-bit Windows 95,98, and NT Spanning Support: No spanning Lastly, make sure the "Overwrite by default" box is checked. Then hit OK. That oughtta do it. [edit: sorry for the long-winded diatribe. I thought you were asking how to make a self-extracting zip work. for what you're doing, Gordon's way is much simpler.] [ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  21. Jesus jumped up bald headed ol' Christ, Why are you guys bein' such a pack of pricks to this fella. He asked a question, he got his answer, and three pages later some of you nere-do-wells are still dropping your ridiculous 'explain yourself, mortal' forum turds upon him. If you're somehow bothered or inconvenienced by this thread, why keep reading it, whipping yourselves into a 'how dare he' lather, and posting your public 'outrage'. Mind your business. He owes you no explanations. You owe him no replies. Lock this turd. [ edited to remove wanton vitriol (and cap. Christ) ] [ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
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