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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. The D-Day! mod is done and off to die Sturmgruppe for testing. It'll pop up real soon at a CM site near you! What's in it? The D-DAY! mod offers: * altitude sensitive beach/to/foliage open ground terrain * hedgehog beach obstacles * marsh/surf * barbedwire OP fence * new rough * new wall (to match bunkers) * new water The scenario pictured is entitled "Hastings' Howards" and recounts the 6th Battalion Green Howards, 2nd Cheshire Regiment MG's, and 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards (armored... er, excuse me, "armoured") assault on the KING sector of GOLD beach, June 6th, 1944. D-DAY! looks best with Magua's Normandy trees, brush and buildings. [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>
  2. We'll see if Fotki won't do it's job again. Another look at GOLD beach/KING sector. I've just about wrapped this one up. All the graphics are complete, as is the scenario itself. The pic below shows Robin Hastings' 6th Green Howards battling up the beach as well as giving a small peek at a few of the German defensive positions.
  3. Alright, Pawbroon hooked me up. The pic should now be visible. Fotki was being persnippety again. Thanks Pawbroon! [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>
  4. ban him? ban him?! BAN HIM!!?? Come on now, he's probably going through a rough patch and all... I imagine life is hard when you're a lonely, pimply-faced adolescent waiting for your testicles to drop. ...whoa... my ESP is flaring up again like a 'roid. I predict a non-sensical, all-caps, two-liner retort, chock full of LALA's and idiocy. Nice troll... good troll... here, have another treat.
  5. Well, the lack of Higgins' boats and other landing craft will be a moot point anyway. To actually simulate a beach landing under fire in CM with that little wood&canvas paddle-about is a torturous drag. So, not unlike my last beach scenario, the relevant Allied units will be present on-shore at the beginning.
  6. Ah, Rupert, duplex drive sherm's would indeed be a thing of sticky sweetness. It would be hard to make one look right, though, with the extra hardware and all. I'd like to see someone give it a shot, however (wink wink, nudge nudge Pawbroon) . Lovely little water-craft, by the way. Juju, I'll probably re-tool the water. Right now I'm using Magua's Normandy water tiles.
  7. Indeed. It's to drive your airbrush. Useful for modelers.
  8. Thanks fellas. Brian, The surf would be that white/ foamy stuff. It's made of marsh tiles to inhibit movement whilst providing a very small amount of soft cover vs. LOS.
  9. Having never been too enthralled with my last beach terrain set, I took another poke at it. The newer set is a full, beach-to-grass, open ground set, new rough, walls, hedge and contains the old-standard surf, hedgehogs and razorwire OP fence. Below is a look at Gold beach, King sector as seen by the 6th Green Howards on that fateful day. It's a work in progess, but the entire sector is recreated to size using some swanky topo maps. Mont Fleury is visible in the background. Coming soon. [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>
  10. I'm still on a PIII 500 which I don't plan on trading up from anytime in the near future. I've come to realize that processor upgrades don't always provide the jaw-dropping performance increases that people think they will, however. Now my jaw did drop when I stuck in that new Geforce3 Ti500 and 768 meg of ram. :eek:
  11. Ryan, I'm creeping along. Real Life has come to the fore and it's brought some hefty turds to the table. My wife had her second endometriosis surgery this week. That was preceded by her mother's lymphoma diagnosis last week. I've been reading the forum and keeping up on my PBEM's but that's about it. Hopefully my life will calm down soon.
  12. Blowfish, which you can find at the Scenario Depot, makes use of those tiles. As soon as Vapor is released, it will also make use of them. There would be more, but my problem seems to be that it takes me a fat chunk of time to make new scenarios (4-6 weeks). Ryan Fitzgerald (PantherG) also has a few scenarios that make use of the textures in question. Fishcove, for one (also at the depot). [ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]</p>
  13. Hope you all got that 1:32 Ultimate Soldier Tiger tank you asked for, men. A Merry Christmas to the whole CM E-family!
  14. Go to the Scenario Depot and look for Pointe du Hoc. 14" and 8" are both represented.
  15. DFDR is history (guess I should change my sig line, eh?). It just cost too much money for my wife, er, I mean me, to continue it's upkeep. However, the contents of the site have just (yesterday) been shipped off to some new allies at the FreeFireZone. DFDR will arise from the ashes sometime around the first of the year with a new domain and server. Not to mention an update every now and then. See you soon at the FreeFireZone.
  16. These threads kinda bum me out... every time one surfaces, I'm a year older. 30.
  17. Just have the Allied briefing to finish, and then this one is out the door. MrSpkr and PantherG, it'll be in your in-boxes before week's end. Everyone else, look for it at the Scenario Depot just after Christmas. And now a peek.
  18. Everyone knows the answer is 42. But are you sure you've asked the right question?
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