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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Ya gotta love the cover arcs. Bang the mouse left and right. Do it high and low, some new stuff there. Forget about your escape key however. It appears to be a delayed reaction alt-tab thing now. No instant drop to desktop. No biggie, could be my setup. Great muzzle blasts/flashes. Love the sounds too. Needs a grid, but elevations are fairly clear. We have extreme trees now too. Yeah, It's a Mutha Beautiful Demo it is. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Let him pre-order first, and then make sure his game is shipped first. He's a senile old man. At the rate his mind is failing he won't be able to play CMBB by mid-November. He NEEDS to be first. Treeburst155 out.
  3. All your demos are belong to me! Nothing like a little tag team refresh monkeying, eh Ryddle? My guess is that broadband speeds from the CMHQ mirror will not exceed 40KB/second for the next several hours at least. The early birds have gotten their worms. Have fun, guys! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Hehe....that's such a good idea, Webs, that they probably did exactly that. They probably only need to put in a link. Treeburst155 out.
  5. No, he's a flan eating sycophantic gibbon. Yeah, that's what he is. Flan....gibbon...it works on many different levels, don't you think? I'm glad I thought of it. BTW, what's "flan"? Roxy, I don't know what flan is Treeburst; but I'm sure if I did, I would instantly associate the word with you. Now give me back my stilettos! Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes. [ August 31, 2002, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. We're sorry. Due to our dislike of bandwidth hogs, anything faster than a T1 connection will not be allowed access to our servers as of 2350 (EDT) tonight. Captain Whacked, this means YOU! Treeburst155 out.
  7. Yeah, TacOps is a real gem. It's a totally different gaming experience from CM, but it has equal entertainment value IMO. I've had some terrific fights with Stoffel. The game can really get a guy's adrenaline flowing. I'm pre-ordering now. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Mr Spkr, I have results for "Another Day" from you. I still need the "Fire On The Mountain" results. To All, I now have results for 126 of 180 games. This is exactly 70%. I'm expecting several more game results to come in this weekend. It won't be long until those of you who are finished will have access to the results. I need nine more to hit 75%. This will happen by next weekend at the latest, I'll bet. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. OK, now listen up! It's time for my game updates. I know you "refresh monkeys" have been waiting days for this. Well stop refreshing, cuz here it is. Inspite of what you may hear from my opponents, I'm flat out kickin' some serious butt in ALL my battles. I have a string of enemy ears four feet long around my neck. I tore them off enemy corpses with my teeth while maintaining a high ROF with two HMGs, one in each hand. That's right. Rambo's a wimp I tell ya. He ain't got nuthin' on me. So you lilly-livered yellow-belly lackwit gitwanker sods are in a world of hurt if you get in my way. Why I'll..... Roxy: Give the macho stuff a break, Treeburst. Hiram won't change his mind about you. He'll always think you're some kind of on and off again cross-dressing weirdo. Only people unfortunate enough to live with you know you stick strictly to short skirts and high heels. [ August 31, 2002, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  10. Roxy: Why thank you, Hiram, for your good wishes. As a matter of fact, the face lift, nose job, and tummy tuck went swimmingly just last week. I must say, I'm more gorgeous now than I thought possible. Venus and Aphrodite would be green with envy, I'm sure. ____________________________________________ Treeburst155: Leeo, I am no man's "littlest angel"! You shall die a painful death at Kursk for that remark. You may choose to be incinerated in a Panther or one of those Russian P-51s or whatever they call them. I will remind you when the time comes. You'll not escape my wrath. As for Roxy, the battlefield is no place for a Lady. Don't worry about being distracted from our battle by her beauty. I don't want you to have that excuse. Treeburst's CMBB hit list:Mr Spkr, Leeo Squire Treeburst155 out. [ August 30, 2002, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  11. Sir More-Arty, have you gone bonkers?! You want Leeo and Stuka to treat Roxy like any other Lady of the Cesspool!? That'll be the day. Do I have to do that too? Sir Moribundity, there's no need to get nasty just because I withstood your gamey arty barrage. How about pillage and rapine!? May I do that too, my liege? Treeburst155, Proud Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes ____________________________ Roxy: My dear Knight Moriarty, how very nice of you to let me take my place on the Ladies' pedestal in your castle. For that, I will make your castle the finest in the land! With the help of Persephone and Emma I will redecorate in pinks and reds. The boar's head will of course have to go, along with that portrait of The Olde Ones. Run along to your wars now, My Hero. I will transform the castle while you are away. Oh, and take that horrid little Treeburst with you, please. Maybe he'll stop an arrow or six. Roxanne, Keeper of Castle Moriarty, Squiress, and proud member of the Divine Bovinity. "I try to provoke mirth, not just provoke." Herr Oberst
  12. There it is, the automated refresh program that will keep BFC down for days. I knew it would happen. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Well that's just bloody marvelous it is. Now I have to update my sig. And another thing, why is Joe hanging out in shopping malls for hours? Is he going androgynous on us? The whole thing sounds a little hermaphroditic to me. Maybe he found out Ladies Rule. Roxy: Why Sherriff Joe, you're such a sweetie! I always knew you weren't a meany. Sit down over here. I want to sing a song, just for you. soft, sultry jazz.... When God gave out rhythm, he sure was good to you. You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide...by two. I know today's your birthday, and I did not buy no rose...but I wrote this song instead and I call it, Popsicle Toes...Popsickle toes. Popsicle Toes are always froze. Popsicle Toes.....You're so great to expose, all those Popsicle Toes You must have been Mr Olympia, with all that..amplitude. How come you always load your Pentax, when I'm... in the nude. We ought to have a birthday party, and you can wear your birthday clothes. Then we can hit the floor, and go explore those...Popsicle Toes. You've got the nicest North America, this singer ever saw. I like to feel your warm Brazil, and touch your Panama. But your Tiera Del Fuegos, are nearly always froze. We've got to see-ee saw until we unthaw those...Popsicle Toes. Popsicle Toes.....Popsicle Toes are always froze. Your so brave to expose, all those...Popsicle toes. Dianna Krall Squiress Roxy: Thank you, Joe honey! Don't forget our big shopping trip tomorrow. Bye now! Treeburst155: Gosh Joe, Roxy never sang to me like that. Maybe there's something to this shopping with the Ladies stuff. [ August 30, 2002, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  14. Treeburst: He finally realized that "Ladies Rule". This rude awakening ruined his disposition. He never came to any comprehension of the old adage,If you can't beat them, join them, as I have. Ladies due indeed rule. Roxy: You're learning Treeburst, but you still smell bad.
  15. Tell me about his Mormon wives. I might enjoy living with them. Are they hotties? Of course, Foul Joe would have to make new living arrangements; but there are lots of bridges and overpasses in Utah for him to choose from. I think he's hunting for one right now. He'll do anything to avoid the issue of The Squiress.
  16. Treeburst: Four score and seven years ago a line was drawn in the sand. It was a day that will live in infamy even though I DID NOT have sex with that woman. It was the day the Great Society approached the Axis of Evil and asked what the meaning of the word "is" is. Tear down this wall,Mr. Just-a-Carrot, for I am not a crook! I have a dream, on this my finest hour. I wish to become Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes. Roxy: and I want to be a Lady In Waiting Squiress. Isn't that a cute title? [ August 30, 2002, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  17. Treeburst155: The Justicar has retired to his chambers for an indefinite period in hopes that I will go away, so he doesn't have to deal with the issue of my squireship to Senior Knight More-arty, Defender of Lost Causes. Roxy: I think Sherriff Joe is a MEANY sometimes. He smells kinda good though, as long as it's near the 1st of the month, when he bathes. I just wish he'd wear that yummy Aqua Velva more often. Treeburst155: Roxy is worthy. I'm just here because she makes me post here since I cancelled her account. Roxy: You're a nice man, Seanacoochie, but don't confuse me with Treeburst. He tries to pass himself off as me sometimes. I think he's a weirdo. Treeburst: I just impersonated Roxy. It was she who impersonated Greta. Roxy: That would have been so sweet of My Heroes. Please write me a song. Call it "Foxy Roxy", and let that scrumptious Squire Athkatla sing it to me. Pretty please? Treeburst: I don't blame 'em. That Roxy is quite a gal, especially in Emma's evening gowns and Persephone's jewels....a real knockout actually. Treeburst: This is because Panzer Leader was not blinded by Roxy's feminine wiles. He lost his yarbles you see. Roxy: I thought we found him some marble yarbles? Did Papa Khan run over them with his Panzer Armee, or did Hakko give them to a poolboy in response to the poor boy's last request before execution? Treeburst: Roxy, can we play some CM now? Please? This thread is boring and I want it to Sod off to page 15 if possible. Roxy: No CM now, Treeburst. You need to work on your "refresh monkey" skills. It's almost time for the big BFC meltdown. Then I can get my account activated again. [ August 30, 2002, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. But Cleo, I chew my toenails AFTER I paint them, and I care for my nose hairs AFTER I pull them. As a matter of fact I dyed my ear hairs blonde just today....after I pulled them. On top of that, I don't get pissed when I'm treated like a lady (fat chance around here, but it was fun while it lasted), AND I can benchpress more than 90% of you. Oh, and Grog Dorosh thinks I'm a hottie too. Roxyburst out.
  19. Using some of the more recently developed technologies you can even be a Refresh Monkey while you're out camping in the wild. Nothing can keep you from your goal of being a Refresh Monkey if you are determined enough. It will be a glorious meltdown! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Treeburst155: You are ALL haughties. Roxy: Am I a hottie or a cow? I think I'm just the CM AI that beats up on poor Treeburst, but he says different. He thinks I'm a hottie, and Herr Oberst thinks I'm a cow. I'm so confused!
  21. I warned you Kingfish. The only stuff you still don't have is a bunch of screenshots in bmp format. I don't think you really need them for the AARs to make sense. BTW, RoW II AARs are much more manageable because I asked the participants to limit the size. I think I requested a max UNcompressed size of 4MB. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Do any of you REALLY believe you'll be in possession of the demo sometime on the 1st? I mean really. The refresh monkeys will crash out MadMatts supercomputer by the crack of dawn EST (GMT-4). Madmatt will be dealing with smoking HDs and melted modems. Battlefront's ISP will no doubt go down too. Since it is a Sunday AND a holiday, no capable technicians will be on duty to fix the ISP's problem. In fact, it will be Tuesday before some hung-over technician even stumbles into work. By then someone will have written a "refresh monkey" program that continually hits the refresh button on people's browsers. Thousands will download this freeware on Monday evening since two days of manual refreshing is all they can stand. With refresh programs installed and operating, BFC will be down for a week, drowned in automated refresh monkeys. Treeburst155 out. [ August 29, 2002, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. T3 or not Captain Wacky, if you're not downloading within the first 3 minutes the demo is available, you'll be SOL for at least 72 hours. Treeburst155 out.
  24. No, really. I mean it. Redwolf and I are going to install the full game on the same Sunday and do an immediate TCP/IP with no manual reading or practice. The TCP/IP game will be our first look at CMBB. It will be easy to wait due to being busy, busy, and actually quite busy. Treeburst155 out.
  25. I'll send them to you, Kingfish. I forgot all about it. You should have Wreck's, Holien's, and Redeker's AARs at this point. More coming now. Treeburst155 out.
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