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Everything posted by 420

  1. up for a TCP/IP game sometime next week Griffin? (this is hal9000 in HK, btw)
  2. good idea, i'll put it on kazaa too so i can spread the CMBB lovin'
  3. is 12am Eastern the official time, because it will be 12 noon for me
  4. i find Glenmorangie a bit medicinal, almost smelling like antisceptic. i like it though
  5. this has got to be the question of the year
  6. Please release the game already. You guys are really testing the limits of my sanity.
  7. just in time for CM:BB! Military Legos [ April 02, 2002, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: hal9000 ]
  8. man, i'm so jealous. i wish i had CM when i was 7. who knows what would have become of me....
  9. truly amazing! this is a quantum leap in modding. to all the hardworking modders out there, keep up all great work!
  10. useful tip: download piece of freeware called NVCleaner. it's designed to remove all traces of previous drivers from your system after you uninstall. uninstall your current drivers, run this program, and then reinstall the new drivers.
  11. try playing "No Way Around" by BigDog for practice. half of the challenge of that scenario is traffic management. i'm talking about major gridlock that would paralyze an 8 lane freeway. [ January 31, 2002, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: hal9000 ]
  12. it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  13. Fieldmarshall, I couldn't find your scenario at the depot. Would you mind emailing me a copy.
  14. I can't wait!!! BTS, my birthday is March 25th, hint hint.
  15. i've been going nuts on operation flashpoint, but i still find time for a game of cm once in a while.
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