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Everything posted by 420

  1. what building mods are you using? can i get a copy of your cherbourg map?
  2. I managed to get a major victory on this one. I think the secret was moving my men en masse. Here's a mini aar: SPOILER [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I sent 4 platoons up the right flank: Falschrimjagers, Volkstrumm, and 2 plt of Panzergrenadiers accompanied by the HT. I moved them in bounds with at least 2 plts providing overwatch. So when I took the park, I did it with 2 plts rushing in. The ambush that the enemy tried to lay didn't last more than 5 sec. When their back-up came rushing out of the building in the park, they got cut down by the overwatching plts and HMG's. After securing the park, I captured the rubble pile and the building across the road, at considerable cost. I sent the FJ's to the building left of the park, and left the Volksturm to guard the park. After I fending off continued inf rushes, at the cost of almost 2 whole platoons and my HT, all I had to do was hide in ambush and wait for the tanks to roll down the street into my schrecks' & and fausts' sights. On the right flank, I assaulted down the road with 2 plts of Panzergrenadiers supported by the 75mm HT and 2xHMG's. The 2 platoons would shoot and scoot from house to house, while the support kept the enemy's heads down. The enemy squads were too spaced out and weren't able to withstand the massed firepower I threw at them. The flamethrower ambush surprised me, but at the next turn he was faced with an angry platoon. The Allied HT fell victim to a few squads carrying fausts, but only after several rounds of sneaking to get them into large building behind which the HT was hiding. That was the most satisfying kill of the game. I had 3 squads in a building several yards from the HT without him knowing it. By the time they opened up, it was too late..... Great finale to a great series.
  3. No need to thank me, Fred. I'm just giving credit where it is due. I'm also a big fan of Patrick Ware's Mini-Campaigns. Any Port and No Rest are great, but felt more like infantry training excercises on a company level. Against All Odds was definitely more immersive. I hope both you and Patrick keep up the great work and make more of these scenarios! By the way, Fred, how many times did you have to test each scenario to get the timing of the reinforcements correct?
  4. #6 was a tough one............ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I split up the platoons into 2 even forces and sent them up the extreme left and right flanks. The right flank was far tougher, after I secured the park, all I had to do was sit tight and fend off the Allied counter-attacks. Still, I lost at least 1/3 or more of my men on that flank.
  5. Against all odds, without a doubt. The rpg style briefings are great. Hats off to the designers and the testers. The reinforcement timing was superb, complimenting the momentum of the battle perfectly. I also liked the feeling of desperation I got when playing the scenarios. I wonder it even remotely compares to what the Germans must have felt when the war was winding down.
  6. try extending your map horizon to maximum. maybe your vehicles are piled up just beyond the visible horizon, but when in fact they are still on the map.
  7. Coralsaw, *SPOILER* [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ That's what I was thinking too I had expected the enemy to use the town as a strong point too. I couldn't see any other ways to go around, so I thought I'd just send a strong force in to capture it. All my mortars and MG's had LOS to the town and I was ready to have a good firefight.
  8. *SPOILER ALERT!* [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Regarding the 88mm pillbox scenario: After reading the aar's on this thread, I wonder if I had mistakenly let the computer place its forces freely. I had no contact with the enemy until my forces were on the hilltop. This is the approach that I took: I left the m7 and m60 HT on the left in their original spots, later advancing the m7 to a hull down position in a depression. The other m7 took a hull down position in a depression on the right. All had los to the hilltop. The weapons platoon took a position in the clump of trees to the right of the road. 2 platoons on the extreme right advancing towards the brush via using the depressions for cover. 3rd platoon in reserve. Engineer platoon deployed to the left of the road. The Engineers snuck into a position next to the bridge. The vet squad snuck in and took out the first mine field. Then the rest of the platoon advanced down to the riverbed. The platoons on the right reached the brush and then moved on to capture the town with no incident. Engineers continued to advance from the riverbed and took up a position on the left flank in the woods. With these forces in place, I sent the reserves via the same path as the engineers. I sent all 4 platoons up the hill en mass. When they were in position, I dropped smoke on the hilltops. Once the area was prepped, I charged with 3 platoons and the 88 was history. Vehicles advanced along the road and the Shermans took out both Stugs. The company on the hilltop made easy work of the enemy inf, and that was that. Great work Patrick, please make more! How about some campaigns for the Axis?
  9. i like the war diary. where did u find the pic? i find it difficult to find color pics of WWII on the net. howcome there is only 1 page?
  10. Very nice Tiger Why not keep them hi-res?
  11. Very nice Tiger Why not keep them hi-res?
  12. Would anyone be willing to email me the Any Port in a Storm campaign files? CMHQ'S scenario depot is acting up again Thanks!
  13. Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812, complete with real cannons
  14. I tried to change the opening tune to the theme from The Great Escape. I changed the song file name and saved it to the wav dir, but it doesn't work. Had anyone else tried this? Any ideas?
  15. Gung Hei Fat Choy to my fellow rabbits and all others! *BUMP*
  16. Hi Patrick, I must also throw my $0.02 in and say that your mini campaigns are excellent! I've been playing the No Rest for the Weary campaign, and I've been pleasantly surprised by each successive scenario. The briefings are very well written, providing great background information and do an excellent job of setting the mood for each scenario. I'm currently on #6. I played #5 last night and I couldn't make myself stop! I ended up sleeping at 3am. Thanks to your scenarios, I've been challenged by the AI like never before. I'm looking forward to finishing the campaign and starting Any Port in a Storm. Thanks again and keep up the great work!! *SPOILERS* [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] My favorite so far is #5 where a reinforced company defends a town against a large German motorized assault force. To say it was challenging would be an extreme understatment. With only 1 FO, I had to plan my arty strikes with extreme precision and perfect timing to avoid wasting a single shell. Same with the use of the AT guns. It took all my will power and patience to wait for the perfect moment to bag the panther. The first time I played it, I opened up with the gun I hid in the woods on the right. I did bag the panther and 2 MkIV's, but immediately all the Stug's and HT's.
  17. I'm not married either, so no extortion from little kids See you in the chatroom, or u can also contact me on ICQ.
  18. Hey Griffin, you married? A nice artillery barrage would be a good way to ring in the new year! What time do you want to play tommorrow?
  19. I'd like to second that! Gung Hei Fat Choy everyone! (Congratulations and wishes of prosperity)
  20. Hi. My name is Willard and I have been abusing CM heavily for about 4 months now. I've been a video game user since the days of Space Invaders, and every year the evil video game cartels keep coming out with stronger and stronger drugs to keep us hooked. Video games have ruined my life. They've jeopardized my college career, and now they are threatening my professional career, as well as my social life. This weakness has taken it's toll on my finances as well. I thought I had my addiction under control, but I was wrong. I struggled with X-Com and Dune II in the early 90's, and more recently with Half-Life and it's bastard son Counter-Strike. Then one day I came across a snippet on CM in a games magazine and it was all over. I looked for more info on the net and fired off an order the same day. Immediately, I started going through withdrawls before I've even tasted this drug. Now my life is ruined. I spend my time at work browsing this forum, hitting the refresh button like a monkey. My girlfriend hates me and is jealous of my computer. My friends have abandoned me because I will no longer go out. I've even set my outlook email retreival time to 2 minutes like other addicts. I have sunken to nadir of addiction. To share my misery with others, I've tried to turn my friends and even my own brother to the dark side. I don't even recognize the person I've become. I'm so ashamed...*sob* Anyone up for a PBEM or TCP/IP?
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