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Everything posted by bfamily33

  1. "Oh no, it's the Staypuff Marshmellow Men" Not the mod, the photo. Although I may get the urge to send those boys up against a flame tank. Nice job Andrew. Your uniforms are first rate.
  2. I tweaked two of Magua's outstanding buildings as I wanted a more uniform look, and slightly less rundown look, for large towns. The result is a large brick building and a large white stucco building. They blend nicely with his red brick/ivy building. If there's interest, I'll pass along.
  3. Andrew: U the man! Stunning! Thanks for the hard work.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: I simply put your mod in as is, and now my American 44 infantry and 45 infantry all have the same uniforms. All American uniforms are Green with different arm patches. The 44 infantry does not have their tannish Jackets. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shatter: I suspect you're playing a LATE 44 scenario or a winter scenario with no snow ground coniditions. I think the tan jacket for regular infantry is associated with bitmap numbers for very EARLY 44 scenarios. Btw, ALL the WINTER uniforms are green. If you prefer the tan jacket, you may want to copy those bitmap files over their green counterpart files. Experiment a bit and you'll likely find a combination your happy with. For instance, I still intend to use one of Maximus's white winter uniforms and one of Andrew's olive green as my defaults. [ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  5. Hey Clubfoot: Could you update us on the cliff mod you were working on? Was it finished and posted for download? Your beach mod was outstanding. Will it be possible to use the beach set with the cliff set? Thanks for any feedback.
  6. Hey Manx: Don't close-up shop. If you pack it in, than I'm wearing black for a year! There will be a major void. Your's is the first site I go to and I'm sure many other would agree the surfing starts on Combat Mission. If you want to irrate that history professor, post one or two of my cheap mods!
  7. Maximus: Nice to hear you've got some more uniforms coming out. I'm still using most of your stuff in the regular CMBO environment. Fyi, did you ever make available that desert Sherman you displayed in a post a few weeks ago? I'd like to get a copy. Gyrene: Yes, that's a King and JagdTiger. Totally unhistorical! I know, but I wanted to change everything so I could play any scenario in either environment at my leisure. So yes, I may decide to take Pegasus Bridge in N. Africa insted of Normanay. Who cares, I'm having my fun! Fyi, I changed the images so you could see some of the mods close-up. [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  8. I got motivated by Aussie's Pale Packs. However, I'm just too attached to Marco's & Gordon's, Fernando's, Tiger's, Magua's and all the other top guns. I wanted those same mods but in N. Africa. I could not resist tweaking the color/hue and the result is what you see. I think it's too dark and doesn't have the nice sandy look of Aussie's. But until all those HOF modders start doing more DFDR mods, this will be my fleet of placeholders for now. The Hetzer (Kwazydog's) and Kubelwagon (Peterson's) are originals. [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  9. Here's some urban buildings I developed for the Scenario "A Walk in Paris". If there's interest I'll forward for hosting. They're a bit blurry.
  10. As I speak, Gordon Molek has just added to the available HT inventory. Check out Manx's for the new releases!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator: The only HT mod out there for the Allies is Magua's M3/M4 American mortar carrier mod. All other halftrack models - including US - and other nationalities remain either unmodded or have to make do with the US version which stands out like a sore thumb. ..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? I think all the HT's have been done. I have French and Brit. versions, to include White Scout Car, that I believe Maximus and/or Peterson did. Molek has also modded all the winter versions. Now maybe one or two minor nationalities are missing but the bulk is done I think. Suggest you go check out the mod list on Manx's site for the proper links. Certainly for the German's, Fernando has done quite a bit in three color schemes.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: If it's a bitch to setup I don't think I want to get involved but if it is really worth the trouble I do. I know very little about computers and don't have the time to learn a new program that's going to only improve the handling of mods a tiny bit. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You need to know that many people who did not read the instructions carefully deleted ALL their previously installed mods. This is becuase the mod manager creates a "Core Set" (or foundation) of bitmaps when first installed. You can than just dump Zipped mods and select according to your desire for any given game. Note, you will NOT get a nice preview pic unless the modder made the file "Mod Manager Compatiable" with a .jpeg preview. The Mod Manager does not work for mods that have been packaged with batch files (basically Marco's outstanding mods). Fyi, I do use the mod manager for well over 250+ mods (all with previews). I NEVER EVER do a full install. I use it only to install individual mods. The Mod Manager was never intended to be used this way; it takes more time to customize it in this manner. Again, I'd say pass if I were you. [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  13. I'll offer 2 cents based on the CM2 Sneak Pics on CMHQ: 1) Change the Russian's helmet so they look more realistic - providing the additional cover to the ears and upper neck. 2) I like the DeanCo interface. However, it may be somewhat too busy. I don't see the need for a graphical image of the terrain type a unit is in. The narrative text is just fine for me. Less is more IMO ith regards to the dashboard! Overall, looking real nice! Any pics of partisans?
  14. Nice walk down memory lane. Kudos to Richard Tremblett for his velvet grass (you too Old Dog) and Kump for his contributions to the terrain world.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, What I found very annoying about NC's Weapon mods, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LGMB: Could you direct me to NC's weapon's mod? LC - If you're using my Small Arms Mod, I'd recommend you retain the stock .50 cal (to include the top/down file).
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon: That's somewhat like the "hasty" Pz IV mod I just released based on Fernando's latest Pz IV. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly right! Now go convince him to do the Tiger base. Heck, he could do an ambush camo pattern and you could do the hasty camo. We haven't seen a good Tiger in a long, long, long time! [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  17. Let's hear it for BoB! Congrads Stryker for job well done! bfamily33 (Cscout to my BoBs)
  18. Max: I hope you sent Madmatt your panzer grey variant as well. If not, you'll be hearing from me soon!
  19. ****** Here's hoping someone does a Tiger in that camo scheme. ****** ****** Fernando / Gordon ??? I hoping you're reading this ******* [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]
  20. Without a doubt, IMO, Old Dog's grass. DD has a nice realistic snow set though does not show elevations as well as Gunslinger's. I would think Old Dog's should be available on his site or a e-mail to him. DD's should be on CMHQ. Gunslinger's is probably no longer available for dl.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker: The Allies have a very nice texture set (nice work on that!) that makes my German gunners envious...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I believe you're referring to Mike Duplesis's Allied Guns. I'm hoping he's working on a German set. You out there Mike D? As for gray SdKfz7, if you want a gray set send me an e-mail. Lo-Res but akin to my other available at Mojo's. Good work Mike. I like it.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: I dont think anyone would, unless one's wife won the "me or computer" match. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heck NO! If that's about to happen, you'd better call artillery down on your own position.
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