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Everything posted by bfamily33

  1. Hey: Hoping I haven't offended anyone? It's common knowledge my mods are based on the original CMBO camo skins/patterns. I've tweaked the colors mostly. I've noted that in my posts and in my readme files. If I've crossed someone, please let me know. It was not intentional. One outstanding modder, assuming he remembers, knows I approached him about releasing a grey stug a few months back. I used his suspension and spare track. Because he had concerns, I told him I would not make it available to the public. Again, if it's any of my work please drop me a line. I don't know who the original CMBO artist(s) are but again I have given credit to the original CMBO-BTS skins. I guess if there's tremendous backlash against my stuff, I'll have to give serious consideration to keeping it off-line. [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 03-05-2001).]
  2. Hey: At least Tiger's corrected it. A certain someone hasn't correct his and may not get around to it. As always, thanks for the update Tiger. [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 03-04-2001).]
  3. For those who like the panzer gray kinda look, a few have asked me to keep doing this color scheme, the above was sent off to Mojo's Combat Mission. They share numerous files, so they have been packaged as a group. Yes, the camo scheme is from the original CMBO vehicles. The two tone gray of the Marder III and Wespe is very similiar to that found in "The WWII Tank Guide by Jim Winchester" pg. 31 Out.
  4. KIA: When's the ETA on that Manager? I must have missed a thread. What system is that for, Mac?
  5. Hey Mojo: I may not have given you a mod this weekend, but I did send some business your way! Hope to see more from Schultz. How about a Priest? Someone was sking for it recently.
  6. Hey, "Always with them negative waves." Tiger produces mods at a blitzkrieg pace. Hands down, he's given us more mods than most of us modders combined! If the man want's to revise his mods, its to our advantage. That shows dedication. Tiger keep cranking man. "Have a little faith baby."
  7. From poor man's modder, it has to be Tiger or Bergman/Molek IMO. No others. Those guys resume shows extreme quality and matched quantity. There bag of tricks are totally full and know what their doing. There are some with as much talent but not as active. If Tiger/Bergman don't have time, then you need to go to DD, Fernando, Duplessis, etc... Be nice to have, as I certainly could use tips to make bette mods.
  8. Sgt. Schultz: Looks good. Winter mods are difficult and your's looks quite acceptable. If you don't have the ability to post for DL, contact Mojo at Mo's Combat Mission. Keep at it!
  9. Tom: I noticed a German halftrack on the Mod page (the background picture). Whose is that? It doesn't look like Tiger's or Fernando's. It's the one next to the camoed Hetzer which I think was by M. Duplessis (sp?). It HT looks real nice and I'd like to DL that if it's available. Thanks.
  10. Man I was really hoping for the M3 Lee (lend-lease). If there is a multi-turret programming problem, treat the fixed 75 like a big @$$ machine gun. Just give us the tank! [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 02-16-2001).]
  11. Mike: Re: use of this mod - you have my permission. Start work!;don't delay! I'd love to see a 1940 mod. Re: Color scheme - this is the same scheme I used for my HT 250 series halftracks, Lynx and PSW armor cars. If people want to see more of the Panzer Gray scheme, I'll try to knock a few more out in this scheme. Let me know.
  12. I'm uploading the zip to Mojo as I write this. I've included the normal PanzerIV files for those of you who want them as well (see below). I would think we'll see lots more of the Ausf. F1 in CM2.
  13. My favoriate mod ending is: JB from 1941: "Over, nothing is over until we say it's over, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!"
  14. MOD: Panzer IV Ausf F1 Here's a variation on the stock CMBO Panzer IV (Ausf F2) graphics. I've made the extended turret plates and side armor skirt transparent. I've also made the gun barrel transparent to resemble the short-barreled KwK 37 75mm gun. I'm not sure if the Panzer IV (Ausf F1) saw action on the West Front. My guess is many of the Ausf F1 were either KO on the Eastern Front, North Africa or upgunned to the longer barrel 75mm. Therefore, this is probably not historically correct for CMBO. Anyway, you may want a change once in awhile for the F2. Regarding Olle's old question about the two tone panzer gray paint scheme, I've found a number of german tanks in "The WWII Tank Guide" by Jim Winchester that portray two tone gray schemes. I don't defintively know whether it was employed on the Panzer IV. Fyi, I'd strongly recommend the book as it has some great large size color drawings. I picked it up at a Crown Books for $14. If your in the mid-atlantic, Crown is going out of business and you may be able to find it for less than $10. hardback / 115 pages. I'll be packing this Panzer mod and forwarding to MoJo this evening. [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 02-16-2001).]
  15. I'm giving TwoSheds modmanager a second look. I've gotten to the point that there are soo many mods that it is nice to have both a preview and more automated means to install. I have begun a long tedious process to convert many old mods into TwoSheds format with a preview pic.
  16. Olle: No historical source. Sorry. That's not to say it wasn't done. Probably not. John
  17. Update: I loaded a second CMBO on my hard-drive and ran a test on the original CMBO graphics. I still got the shadow. Consequently, the problem is not the mod set. It is my graphics card. I've forwarded the files to Mojo. I imagine he will post them as soon as he can get to it. Thanks for your patience. [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 02-08-2001).]
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys. I suspect it's the video card.
  19. Here's the deal. I get the "shadow" for all my vehicles (see my other thread titled TECH - wider audience - HELP). That said, I suspect my graphics card is too cheap. However, I can't guanantee it is not this mod set. So what's next? What I'm looking for is a volunteer to load these and see if they have the same problem. Assuming you don't, I'll pass to Mojo for public release. Any takers? I'd understand if there are none.
  20. When targeting with armor, a shadow fades in and then fades out during the "Use Main Gun" query. Is this shadow normal? I don't recall ever having noticed it before. See below for the shadow I'm talking about. Maddmatt had necer seen this before. I'm wondering if it's a mod related thing (happens on both my mods AND OTHERS) or a video driver/card issue. I only have a 2MB video card. But again, I've never noticed this before.
  21. When targeting with armor, a shadow fades in and then fades out during the "Use Main Gun" query. Is this shadow normal? I don't recall ever having noticed it before. See below for the shadow I'm talking about.
  22. Hey, that reminds me of the terrain for SWOTL and Red Baron. Time for a straffing run.
  23. As I indicated in last night's post, I really thought Tiger's PSW and halftracks (in-progress by the sound of it) are fantastic. Consequently, I went back and added a "1" to my panzer gray mods to make them a winter set (without any snow or whitewash camo as they weren't intended to be a winter set). I will be sending them to Mojo as BOTH. There are a lot of files so I've saved some of you from having to renumber them if you too use them only as a winter set. Be patient, as I think it will take Mojo a day or more to get these organized and on his page: Mo's Combat Mission Site. Until then, here's some pics of these mods in the snow.
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