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Everything posted by bfamily33

  1. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1437394&a=10778010&p=37150895 [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 01-05-2001).]
  2. Mike: If you converted it to the original file specs it should have worked. I think 44,100 mhz and 16 bit should be right. I've converted many MP3 to wav without a problem. However, I could never get 00005010 to play in a game. I don't know if it's associated with the opening CM Movie or is an actual background ambient sound. Do you know?
  3. Correct. Check the mhz and bit on the original file using "properties and than detail (I think)". If I recall, most (if not all) at 44,100 mhz and 16 bit. Then check your "new / mod" file. Is it the same?
  4. Schultz: You still having problems? Is it my small arms mod from CMHQ? If so, let me know and I'll try to assist. The readme.doc was fairly long and I think if you read it again you might have some luck.
  5. Hey, Stimpy and Gremlin: If you want full fog of war, you can make the 1220 and 1224 hidden / transparent by pulling up those .bmps and coloring the whole thing with the PAINT "purple/pink" photo transparent color. By doing so, next time your men or tanks move over one, you won't know it till it's too late.
  6. Hey, take the frieght elevator. I notice those are the only elevator equiped with those crash pads. Hey, ST the battle against VA is still being waged. I lost another Sherm but my foot soldiers are holding up just fine. 95% morale on turn 12 of 30. Hopefully them lousy southerns won't see this. Go Minuteman!
  7. Hey, I never saw these posted. For those who want them, you don't need to wait. Try the following: 1) hit the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. 2) open MS Paintbrush (std, with windows) 3) Open images 1220 and 1224. 4) do an "edit" / "paste" 5) say no to increase bmp size 6) resize / stretch the image down to fit the existing bitmap image. I imagine many have already done this. SAVE YOUR ORIGINALS FIRST, in the event you mess up.
  8. Spii: Do you mean the ones posted at KUMP's or some new ones Max's is working on? Never mind, I do recall he said he was going to release some winter Brits and Canucks. That said, what's up Max?
  9. Hey, someday I'm going to check out the Winter War, the Unknown Soldier and Ambush. Hopefully I'll get to Finland and buy them at a reasonable price versus special ordering them.
  10. I'm 13! I've been 13 for the last _ _ years. However, I do have four kids. My oldest is 6 and my twins are half as old and my youngest half again. I'm actually eleven times older than my twins. You figure it out. Hell, without CM I'd really feel old. Yes, I'd recommend CM as reliable method of family planning. Seriously, since I took up CM, no kids!
  11. I'm 13! I've been 13 for the last _ _ years. However, I do have four kids. My oldest is 6 and my twins are half as old and my youngest half again. I'm actually eleven times older than my twins. You figure it out. Hell, without CM I'd really feel old. Yes, I'd recommend CM as reliable method of family planning. Seriously, since I took up CM, no kids!
  12. Search the forum; if I recall Tiger did one. A sort of brown / mud camo job. Try using jagdpaner or Tiger as keywords on your search.
  13. Marco: I notice that the Sherman II (Brits/Poles/Cunucks) still carries the US Star on it's side. Is this because it's early use by the allies did not give them ample time to paint according to their standards? Or, have I somehow missed a portion of your mods? Fantastic stuff! Any update on your Stuart Lt. (Recon) Tank?
  14. Marco: I notice that the Sherman II (Brits/Poles/Cunucks) still carries the US Star on it's side. Is this because it's early use by the allies did not give them ample time to paint according to their standards? Or, have I somehow missed a portion of your mods? Fantastic stuff! Any update on your Stuart Lt. (Recon) Tank?
  15. Matrix Games? You the Traitor's Gate folks? Real good game. Great theme song to, I play just the music and my boys come running to see what's going on.
  16. Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll pay more attention for them. Might be I have a slow "frame rate". Processing at 475 mhz with a cheaper 3D vid. card. Time to buy a new machine I guess. I'm also missing transparent walls and fog.
  17. During playback, I could swear I saw the actually mortar round incoming on my halftrack. About 10' above. I tried to rewind again, but did not see it again. Has anyone ever actually seen a mortar / artillery round incoming through the air? Perhaps I've been engaged in the fight too long and am suffering battle fatigue. Anyway, kudos to BigAlMoho who just took out that HT. The fight goes on. [This message has been edited by bfamily33 (edited 12-03-2000).]
  18. OT - Blast from the B/W Past on VHS Not dvd: Sahara - Bogie Train - Burt Lancaster All through the Night - The "Gipper" and Erol Flynn. A Walk in the Sun - Kirk Douglass Hell is for Heroes - Steve McQueen Across the Pacific - Bogart
  19. Don't forget Magua's incredible US Halftracks. I'm sure you all noticed the Louisville Slugger in the fuel storage rack. That guys must be a Sox's fan. While I do prefer Panzertruppen's smaller buildings, I use a combination of taller urban mods (321-329.bmp)Magua's yellow building w/arcade, Panzertruppen's Brown w/coins, and my gray w/arcade. Come back Magua. How about doing a Willy mod?
  20. Shatter50: If you like the velvet, I'd strongly suggest you try OLD DOG's variant of the velvet. I think he calls it "muted" velvet. It is on KUMP's site. IMO it is the most realistic. You can clearly see change in color between elevations. For instance, elevations at 15-19 start to get "burned out" from sun. Conversely, lower elevations are greener. The other mods all appear to have been fertilized with a consistent application of "Chem Lawn". Again IMO. Don't mean offend. As for snow, DD's NEW snow mod (see CMHQ maintained by Madmatt) is now my recommendation. Previously, I would recommend Gunslingers, but it did have funky looking colors if you look close. The advantage of Gunslinger's is it, like OLD DOG's GRASS, showed a graduated change between elevations. Worth considering, however, I thought DD's was a bit more realistic. I applied GRIDs to both. They do help accent the elevation change and assist in finding nooks and cranies that the infantryman would be looking for. Plus I'm an old SL / ASL fan and the grids give me that old feeling of playing SL. Lastly, I use alot of KUMP's misc terrain and of course PANZERTRUPPEN's buildings (at CMHQ) Summary: OLD DOG - Muted Velvet Grass DD - Snow and Trees KUMPs - Misc. Terrain (series of files) PANZERTRUPPEN's - Buildings
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