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Everything posted by Hensworth

  1. CM tracks the full path of each shell. If you happen to be in the way after the shell has missed it's intended target, bad luck.
  2. CMBO : early dinosaur CMBB : highly evolved dinosaur CMAK : Tyrannosaurus rex CMX2 : early mammal (probably very hamsterlike...)
  3. Check this out. I'm not involved in it, just trying to put you onto something that might be of interest.
  4. Well that's just dandy. I really want to get it to work too but it seems our great inventor is stumped. Did you encounter any probs at all ?
  5. I've often wondered about this too. I don't think we needed this rather unrealistic feature on top of all the other (justified) disadvantages of troop inexperience.
  6. Means 33 tanks KO'ed per Tiger. I have no way of checking it but it doesn't sound at all improbable to me.
  7. How about a compromise : When a squad or crew is captured all wounded soldiers are assumed to be still with them and are captured as well. That would raise the number of POWs to more realistic levels without impacting the game so much.
  8. I run WinXP. Well I guess that's one and a half hours of struggling with files and obscure compression tools for nothing Seriously, I'm disappointed I can't run it. It looks like a nice job. Now to remove it all again...
  9. The underscore is there in the message, I mistyped.
  10. Also having problems with RGCinitial : U-Script: SyntaxError 81<garbled>: SS_RGCEXEEND = EXEC(SSRGCEXE, TRUE) Same problem occurs with other initializing files. [ May 01, 2004, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]
  11. I'd be happy with an abstracted possibility to clear (some) obstacles in between battles in operations.
  12. Here's a piccy. It depends on the view as well. This building looked OK at all levels except 3.
  13. I've had the same problem in RoWIV. I felt utterly stupid. Thanks for making me feel better .
  14. The question of why they appear so slow on TV remains though. You've got me wondering about that now. Could it be something to do with speed of the projectile relative to framerate ? Something akin to the spokes of a wheel appearing to turn in the opposite direction ?
  15. Sounds like someone should do a Churchill mod.
  16. The protected area being actual cover or a defilade position ? The engine can't recognize the latter as safe. If shots land nearby, open ground is open ground, whether directly in the line of fire or not.
  17. I can tell you it had a steering wheel as opposed to the two sticks of - for instance - the T-34. So no differential clutches. Some grog will be along shortly to fill you in on all the details.
  18. From what I recall there is a setting in the scenario editor which decides who may initiate night combat. It's rather confusing that this is a positive choice while in the game it becomes a negative one. I've always assumed that, when both sides are allowed to initiate night combat, it is only skipped when both sides decide to do so. If one side decides not to skip it, night combat takes place. If your side is not allowed to initiate night combat then your choice becomes irrelevant and it is completely decided by the choice your opponent makes. So it may have been that the Allies in Gemmano did not have the possibility of initiating night combat, while you as the Germans did. Since you decided to skip it, it was. So the 'attempt' does not point to the fact that there is only a certain chance of success, but to the fact that your choice may be of no consequence.
  19. I must have read a good many of your 13000+ posts, but you're still reaching new heights of grogdom.
  20. Seems I have it all wrong then, so much the better. I hope the modders will jump back on the CMMOS train too.
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