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Everything posted by edgars

  1. I exchanged the files with Combined Arms this morning. So he's up and running.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: US 37cm and the US 75mm<hr></blockquote> 37cm? That is one NASTY piece of gun, slightly bigger than naval 14 inch .
  3. How far is that museum form Helsinki? I surely would like to participate, but one museum and possibilty to watch the Finns drinking does not convince me to drive there from Riga Maybe some weekend programm could be organised? Some more sightseening?
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly: My fifth attempt to get the latest turn to Combined Arms has just failed.<hr></blockquote> Last contact made on Thursday.
  5. Imagine a crew of 113 bailing out of the knocked-out train
  6. I was studying the "Hand book of German military forces" (March 1945, downloaded from here) , and found a section on armored trains, which got me thinking... First, i'll quote the section: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> CHAPTER VII: WEAPONS. Section IX: Other weapons. 2. Armoured Trains a. GENERAL. At the outset of the Polish and Dutch campaigns, German armored trains actually preceded the main forces and seized and held key railroad stations or brifhes. More recently the Germans maid exrensive use of armored trains, pariculary in Easter Europe. Their main function has been to patrol and keep open railroads in areas of partisan and guerrilla operations, and their usefulness has been confined largely to operations against enemies who lack heavy weapons. Armored trains are under the direct control of the General Staff and are alloted to army groups. Each train carries a train commandant, who is usually also the infantry commander; and artillery commander; and a techical officer, responsible for the operation of the train itself. b. COMPOSITION. The following details apply to a typical armored train with the nomenclature Epz.Bp.42: • Two armored gun tracks (37 to 41.5 tons), each carrying one 10cm F.H. (feld haubize?) • Two armored anti-aircraft gun trucks (37 to 41.5 tons), each carrying one 20-mm quad-Flak and one 7.62cm F.K. (feld kanone?) • Two armored infantry trucks, each carrying two 81-mm mortars, one heavy machine-gun, 22 light machine-guns and one flamethrower. • One armored steam locomotive (in the middle of train) • Total personell - 113. • Armor - 15-30mm. • Max speed - 35 miles per hour (approx.) • Range - 110 miles. In addition, composition of the train may include two tank transporter trucks, each carrying a Czech 38 (t) tank; two light armored Panhard reconnaissance vehicles, capable of traveling either on railroad tracks or across country, and two spare-part trucks. Various other types of armored trains may be encountered, some incorporating components of an imporovised nature, and in these the armor maybe anything from boiler plate to railroad ties. <hr></blockquote> Pretty decent firepower, i'd say. Will these beasts be included in CM:BB? Well, probably not, because of limited tactical potential and major coding difficulties. But in my childhood i remeber watching Soviet war movies about partisans and it appeared that blowing rails was the main task of partisan detachment , there was even a whole TV movie in multiple series called "Eshelony" (Echelons) about the train blowing action (i was wondering then, why the partisans allways had to wait for the train to approach close, and then run to the rails in a mad "rail-rush" to set up the mine, gunned down in the process, but still completing the task, recieving the medal "Za hrabrostj" post-mortal...). So in my mind there's no use of partisan battles if there's no rails, and where's rails and partisans, there surely is an armored train. Search on this forum revealed only one topic about armored trains - this one. If there has been other discussions, please point me to them. And for addition info on German armored trains go to this site. [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: ciks ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slappy: I have also found that the Daimler gun is in the same league. It is far less flexible due to a miserable HE loadout, but the AP will kill in the same general range.<hr></blockquote> I'm sorry, but Daimler 40mm gun does not have any HE at all. But the AP capabilty is good, i agree. [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: ciks ]</p>
  8. I like the 57mm/6pdr AT guns very much. (Brit version has tungsten rounds, so it cost 2-3 points more the US version) Harder to spot than other AT guns (especially under commander with Stealth bonus). With ordinary AP often takes out Tigers from side (hi, Mr.Johnson), and if close enough (100m or less), can get through the 100mm front hull, even better with Tungsten. One of the most accurate Allied guns - muzzle velocity = 823m/sec (second best in Allied arsenal IIRC, losing only to 17pdr). EDIT: Have to fix my mistake here - the nasty little 37mm has the same velocity than 17pdr - 884m/sec. HE blast factor is three times better that 37mm's - 19 vs 6. Another important thing is they can be transported quickly by jeeps, which is nice. One of the weapons i like most in CM. Doesn't have the fame or gloss but does it's job. [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: ciks ]</p>
  9. I don't think so. What bothers me is, will the battlefront.com server have enough download bandwidth to serve all willing to download the demo in the first day... A major gridlock i say.
  10. Yes it will fire. However be carefull with non-turreted AFVs when giving pause command: if given a pause and movement order, they will not turn during the pause to engage possible targets.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley: As fro playing a PBEM game, let me get a couple of missions under my belt first. I've rarely played much with total fog (because it was cooler to see what was going on all over -- so sue me), so I'd like a little practice before I take on any of you cagey veterans. <hr></blockquote> Nothing makes you learn more than a good PBEM game (especially if you loose)!
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wadepm: Please, nothing moving or blinking! I was hoping when Manx moved over to CMHQ he would have some influence, the CombatMissions website is very nice - clean and simple, everything right at your finger tips.<hr></blockquote> I second that, both on Combat Missions nice design and old-schoolish CMHQ...
  13. Hey Boo! Want to play your first PBEM? I'm at your service, man!
  14. Not that it proves anything, but anyway... Here's the quote from "Handbook on German Forces" (TM 30-410), March 1945, Chapter IV, Section VIII - Special Operations, Town and Street fighting: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> [...] Assault detachments of engineers, equipped with demolition equipment, flamethrowers and grenades accompany the infantry. [...] <hr></blockquote> And remember BTS – "customers who complain are your (businesses) best friends".
  15. Connection made with CombinedArms. (nothing really to combine in the battle we're playing )
  16. BTW, what vehicle is in those pictures, some kind of StuG?
  17. "This page is not available. We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing. If this site belongs to you, please read this help page for more information and assistance."
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Anyone who successfully completes a tourney will have priority in all future tourneys I hold. <hr></blockquote> Count me in! :cool: Actually i've realized that *unbalanced* tourney like this is one very damn good way of playing CM: lots of different unusual battles, new opponents you don't have to find yourself, scenarios served on the silver plate AND you don't even have to think up the passwords! Thanks to Treeburst, Nabla and WBW!
  19. When replacement comes, do we start our battles from scratch or at the last turn Dogface sent?
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: Penetration at Weak Spot is without a doubt THE "Magic Bullet" in this game, and in my personal experience this little "feature" generally works largly to the benefit of the Allied player. or depending.... -tom w<hr></blockquote> Hmm, interesting, this got me thinking as i've never seen a 20mm Flak get a weak spot penetration, but considering the fast ROF and 4 shell bursts it should have a chance of getting some MG port or other weak spot penetrations from time to time. Just thinking here.
  21. 2) (and off course units cannot target and fire another unit without seeing it)
  22. In this thread i started some time ago some members provided a little info on these things. I've seen one of them up close... [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: ciks ]</p>
  23. Didn't knew grogs has a sense of humor! Hilarious!!!
  24. I'm not sure, but could it be that the reinforcement was actually a fighter-bomber? In this ocassion you wont see it on the map in the orders phase.
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