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Everything posted by edgars

  1. I can say that there will be courdory roads (sp?) in CMBB.
  2. Not true. The delay part. If you fire on TRP out of LOS, you will still get the double time til impact. For example: Reg US 105mm has 45 second delay if TRP is in LOS, but 90 seconds, if out of LOS, despite what the counter says.
  3. Tadaaaaaa! All games finished. Meeting of Devils was... errr.. as Treeburst said: This one was a real wild shooting in the dark with automatic weapons. Now i have to wait for the final results.
  4. I just sent the last movie file to the Combinded Arms. Now it's just couple file exchanges for us and the preliminary for me is over.
  5. Oh, and Carmina Burana in the background... Nice... muddy..
  6. O pitty! I already went home to take my camo-scheme swimsuit...
  7. Yeah, look there, down below. Our pooling questions has been aswered. But i'm not allowed to create one. Let this be a "what pools should we run?" pool.
  8. I second Gustav's question about Partisan "TO&E". I know that some rear action was fought by OMSBON (Independent Special Purpose Motorized Brigade), but most of the units where hastily organised using whatever guns were available.
  9. Me and CombinedArms are at turn 15 of 18. All other games are done.
  10. I still do. Usually something about 500 points and small map. To have a little quick fun. EDIT: +3 experience allways. + force % sometimes. [ February 18, 2002, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: ciks ]
  11. EDIT: i was wrong. [ February 18, 2002, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: ciks ]
  12. Superb link. Couple of questions: There were no major infantry engagements described. So where was all the german infantry except few captured? I was under impression, that US Army at that time had the highest saturation of portable radios/walkie-talkies. But judging by the number of runners sent, there was none except some to communicate to HQ.
  13. Ok, fourth game finished. The game with Sgt.Kelly wasn't a walk in the.. mm.. city.
  14. OK, WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DOING ON PAGE 3??? And what about that deadline? Are we just playing until all games has been finished? And what about AARs? Can they be submitted after the official Feb14th deadline?
  15. Hello! I'm back from my snowboard vacation with minor injuries, but it wont stop me from finishing my games. Are there any new deadline set considering the replacements? P.S. And yes, i saw a boxed version of CM:BO in one german supermarket. I touched it! And smelled! And licked! Oh what a feeling! The box was with the game splash screen on front side and various ingame shots on the back.
  16. I have warned my last two oponents (CombinedArms and Sgt_Kelly), but i think i'll post it here too: i'm going on vacation tomorrow (Jan 31), and i'm going to be away from computer until February 11th. Big mountains calls me! The game with Sgt_Kelly is very near the end (last two turns) and will make it inside the official deadline, however the game with CombinedArms will take a little longer to finish and we will probably need extension (CombinedArms is a "replacement" player). See ya.
  17. This is from Tips&Tricks forum, i thought this deserves a separate thread in the main forum. [ January 30, 2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: ciks ]
  18. Ah, i see, there has been an update! On my 21" screen the forum now looks a bit strange. The column for topic name is very narrow, but the column for Topic Starter is to damn wide. This makes almost all topic names go into 2 lines, which extends the page very much.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software: I think that the western part of Russia is generally labled "European Asia"... <hr></blockquote> "European Asia", never heard of it, and i was GOOD in geography. Hey, Steve, what did you do in your geography lessons, played with toy tanks on the US map? As Berli said the border between Asia and Europe runs through Ural mountains, then Volga river, then Caucasus mountains (so Germans where literaly on the doorstep of Asia in Stalingrad). EDIT: Pardon, it's Ural river not Volga, so i was wrong about Stalingrad. [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: ciks ]</p>
  20. Couldn't it be something OpenGL related? If else fails you might try to reinstall that. BTW, what video card do you have?
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo: It's ..umm.. about 100-150 km from helsinki. Juha Ahoniemi already suggested (in the other nordic thread) that we'd visit the artillery museum too, also at the same town. And yeah, maybe it could/should be a two day trip. Although, watching drunken finns is such a rare opportunity that one shouldn't hesitate...<hr></blockquote> Maybe we need a separate thread for this discussion? And, yeah, if i, in some of my darkest hours, want to see a drunken finn, i go to the Tallinn ferry port. P.S. The Meeting of the Devils is just SICK scenario.
  22. What's that small gnome sitting on the engine deck in the first picture?
  23. What i've found out recently is that if you set weather in QB to Fog (light fog not thick one) it: 1. Limits the unit identification at range. (keeps you guessing is this M4 Sherman? really an M4 or maybe Jumbo comin at you) 2. Penalizes the gun accuracy (the tank vs. tank engagements becomes more entertaining as tanks usually exchange multiple shots not just one-shot-one-kill action). 3. Makes gun spotting harder (in one QB versus defending AI, one Pak43/41 took out 3 tanks until spotted, something i didn't expected to happen vs. AI, well, i wonder what does it say about me as a CM player )
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