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Everything posted by WWB

  1. The only way I could think of would be to make the area which the bonus troops appear grey or neutral. This would allow one to place the troops in any given setup zone. WWB
  2. I don't know about elements, but Corel Photo Paint is just about as full-featured as Photoshop, and sells for $90. WWB
  3. Besides the speed hit, the main problem is that the current engine does not support DL effects in any way. The re-write will probably see some of the newer, cooler DX8 features implemented. But there is no chance of seeing this for CMBB. WWB
  4. 1) Prokhova is just the kind of swirling, fast moving tank battle that CM operations cannot handle. 2) Rune, what about spanish blue division scenarios? They were really cool. WWB
  5. Actually, many VS put up vicious defenses in the closing months of the war in eastern Germany. A lot of those guys learned the trade well on the West Front in WWI, and had not forgotten too much. WWB
  6. VJ: you already own 2 licenses, but only have one set of media. But you could copy the media and give him a licensed copy without buying a new one. WWB
  7. Uh, try intel's website. Not that they will do you much good, because the i810 embedded chip sucks. WWB
  8. Uh, try intel's website. Not that they will do you much good, because the i810 embedded chip sucks. WWB
  9. Great idea. The road helps visuals, but hurts play value. How about trying rough, which does give cover, will stop vehicles, and have generally better in-game effects. Also, 3 levels down would be 15', definitely a deep trench. WWB
  10. Glad you like the battle, and things will get more tense if anything. It sounds like you are experiencing the dreaded ding-crash, killer of CMBO tcp games. What happens is one of the computers plays thru the file while the other crashes and there is a little synchronization error. To fix it, figure out which player saw thru the file, then load that one as a PBEM or hotseat, depending on proximity to your opponent, play the turn, then fire the TCP back up. See a rather long thread in the Tech Support forum (do a search there for Ding Crash in the last 3 months) and there are more detailed instructions and explanations. WWB
  11. One quibble Bill, in exit scenarios the default is that a unit should exit for points. The designer needs to tell them not to exit for points. WWB
  12. My inside contacts tell me that all development work is on hold until Charles returns from mars. WWB
  13. WWB, IIRC, the National Air and Space Museum's Silver Hill facility (I think its called) now has public tours on a regular basis. I think it's every saturday and sunday but I'm not sure. If anyone is interested you may call the NASM or find the NASM website and see if the info is there.</font>
  14. The Imperial War Museum in London has one. The Deutsches Museum in Munich has a ME 262, ME 109, and JU 52 on display. At least they did 10 years ago when I visited there! [steve putting ICS into his place has been omitted] Steve</font>
  15. I know nothing about flags. BUT I though the Nazi's inverted the swastika when they "adopted" it. any acient use of thaat symbol like that which Iron Chef Sakai is refering to (do not beleive that is from the 2nd world war. The swastika before the nazi's got a hold of it was a universal good luck symbol in many cultures. You can find swastikas in ancient jewish temples) would show an inverted or backwards swastika to the one shown in the photo. No? -tom w</font>
  16. The problem with this statement is that the bulk of the german FJs were not airborne troops, just heavily armed infantry. WWB
  17. Dammit BH, you beat me to it. Also, Heidelburg was a university town. It might well be the wall flag for one of those dueling fraternaties the Germans are fond of. The Nazis were really into subsuming any organization which existed in their state, and I suspect fraternaties were no different. You might be looking at a nazified version of the old SAE flag. . . WWB
  18. Actually, aside from the FJ divisions in Normandy, and some fragments thereof fighting against XXX corps in Market-Garden, the FJs should be generally green. Many FJ divisions were nothing more than reassigned Luftwaffe personel re-christened 'paratroopers.' They were well armed on a small-unit level, and were generally fine material for the infantry. But really lacked heavy weapons and especially expereinced officers and NCOs, meaning they did not fare so well in actual combat. Just because a unit says paratrooper does not mean they were elite. WWB
  19. At least someone here has to use that large oxygen-sucking organ known as a brain. If you happened to have opened the editor, you would have noticed the nice, large "New Operation" button. Hint: it is in the top row, 2nd from the left. If you cannot figure out how to open the editor, one gets there by clicking on the "Create Scenario" button on the main screen in CMBO. It would be the top one in the right column. WWB
  20. Uh, if no one created operations, how could you be playing one. WWB
  21. Not really. The Air and Space has lots of cool planes and such, and there is a nice weapons collection in the top floor of the American History museum. There is also the National Firearms museum in Virginia. There was the Army Ordinance Museum at Aberdeen (1 hour north of DC) but since 9/11 it has been closed to the public because it is on a Military base. WWB
  22. I think, when freezing in that foxhole getting shot at, it really makes little difference if those high-velocity rounds screaming in at you were 75mm or 88mm. Any way you carried it, they were big, fast and scary. As for the TDs, possibly the same story. Except friendlier and comforting. No need to split hairs over designation, just keep in mind that the TDs could put a hole thru a panzer. WWB PS: For the record I am 24. When I was 19 I was enjoying life at a rich kid party school. A lot better place to be than Noiville. And I thank my grandfathers for that. [ February 20, 2002, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  23. Speaking as someone under the saddle: Ted, get a lighter whip. The current one is overkill. You do not need a cat-o-nine-tails to get us moving, a simple switch would have done the trick. WWB
  24. [shameless plug mode] Well, if you have limited time, and a human opponent, I highly suggest Steckenroth Roadblock, one of many fine operaition avaliable from The Scenario Depot (see first link in my signature). [/shameless plug mode] WWB
  25. Michael, All that stuff is very sound, but we have to think in terms of what is possible. Now, I do not have a copy of cmbb, or intimiate knowlege of the code, or can speak for Steve. But I suspect that anything like messing with flag values would be difficult to do, because once you mess with that, you have to tell the AI how to deal with it, and that can become quite painful and time-consuming. I think Steve would call it a "Black-Hole for our time." That said, some more options with flag values would be cool. Such as: 1) Currently you can have only one active Dynamic Flag, and you can only have dynamic flags on a map. It would be nice to have more than one active flag, especially given the nature of the AI, which works alot better when led by a series of flags. And larger battles need multiple flags to keep things spaced out. 2) Probably not do-able, but what about a 200 point 'Medium' flag to help one flesh things out and give yet another option. This would definitely involve some AI coding as well, to get it to see the 'middle' value, but it might be simpler than having complex sliding scales. WWB
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