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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Yeah, it was interesting when we had them. Especially when both sides had green troops and rockets. Turn 1: pre-barrage on setup zones. Turns 2-14: Waiting for troops to recover. Turn 15: move out. WWB
  2. Not likely. It willl probably overwrite some of your BMPS and WAVs, but scenarios and savegames should be just fine. WWB
  3. To the Volga is a bad comparison. It even chokes my Athalon XP 2000+/GeForce 4 card. Actually, it chokes it almost as bad is it did my faithful Celeron 800/GeForce 2. Regarding map scrolling, one big issue is what kind of GeForce you have. Is that an MX of some sort or a GTS (I had a GTS--there is a big difference). Turning trees, doodads, etc. off can help a bit. Turning sounds off can help as well in some cases, at least while you are processing. The time it takes to process is a direct function of your processor. Upgrading to a TBird-1ghz is probably possible with your motherboard, and not altogether expensive. My experience has been that while huge battles could take a while to process on my old machine, they would scroll about just fine. WWB
  4. That is the way it has always been. I suspect there is good reason, given the ops editor view is usually different from the first map view. If you are going to whine about the editor, whine about something important, like hotkeys for switching terrain tiles and modes, cut and paste and fill areas or somefink. WWB
  5. PS: Acrobat reader is avaliable free from www.adobe.com . WWB
  6. Check out the hotkeys menu, but to get craters use Alt-1 (tiny) thru 4 (huge) and alt-5 to quit. WWB
  7. or, if you have nothing but CD scenarios in the folder, you can do it en masse from the command line like so: go to the cmbb\scenarios folder in the command line then type attrib *.* +r That will set all files in folder to read only. WWB
  8. They had multiple turrets, which CM cannot handle. Same reason there is no Lee or Grant, which were not altogether uncommon in the Soviet inventory. WWB
  9. Yeah, but those originals can be pulled from the CD using WinRAR. Your work cannot be recovered making that a bit more serious. WWB
  10. Saved Games was NOT a safer alternative. There were many incidents of people saving a battle, starting to test it and saving over it. Scenarios folder is immesuarably better. Also remember that opening it as a qb map will automatically save it to the QB maps folder. WWB
  11. Thanks for the great feedback guys. I can see 2 overall issues identified in the posts above: 1) Big scoring swings. I agree that that is how the cookie crumbles in small, heavily armored battles. Throw in luck on something this scale, and weird things are bound to happen. There is very little that can be done about this aside from a total re-vamp of the battle losing most of its strong suits in the process. 2) The sometimes sudden appearance of the Stugs. It came up in playtesting to some extent, and I thought I had licked it. But now I have taken more drastic steps to deal with the issue. The map has been extended slightly, and they are now PZIVs. As for balance, it seems to me that it is rather balanced. The 57-43 swing is not all that large, especially considering the variance in scores. Thanks again for the comments, and I hope you all enjoyed it. WWB
  12. Yeah, what franko said. In addition there is the Triad of Evil tourney at Band of Brothers where I donated a battle, and a few other things in the works. Also, remember to check out Boots & Tracks for some CMBB battles released a few weeks ago. WWB [ October 03, 2002, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  13. I saw this when testing with Madmatt. He explained it to me as such (after my paniced Pz IV took out 2 T34s): Paniced means the unit is out of your control and acting for self preservation. Sometines that can be standing and shooting. Other times it will be fleeing. WWB
  14. Damn good idea Jon. Especially handy for arty spotters 2000m away. WWB
  15. Any unit has to dismount to do anything save the act of dismounting, so no, your spotter has to get out of the 250. WWB
  16. Steve posted something on this a few weeks ago. He said a few concrete things: 1) No pacific theatre. They are not too into that. 2) Next big thing is the engine rewrite. WWB
  17. Intentional. And it aint going back to the old way. Logic is that cmbb would get way too heavy weapons coy. dominated otherwise. WWB
  18. Maybe you could hit shift-p until you see "show all paths/targets" and what has orders is very apparent. Actually, that really should be the default setting. WWB
  19. I am not certain that even points spread necessarily means fair. I will skip the "playtested scenarios are quite fair" speech. Given the discrepencies in TO&E for the sides involved in CMBB. One major reason that the Germans have alot more points for vehicles is that the Soviets have almost no vehicles to speak of, and basically none that carry anything heavier than a .50 caliber MG after 1941. OTOH, the Germans have all kinds of interesting HTs with guns of all sorts. One key factor in the points spread is the division type. Soviet infantry divisions (the default) had alot more access to armor than German infantry divisions. Try setting it up as German Mech vs. Soviet Infantry. Then the tables turn--the Germans get slightly more armor points. There are more variables here at work, and unlike CMBO the forces are not nearly mirror images. WWB
  20. Would have loved to do the cavalry charge, but there are no horses in CMBB, much less sabers. Very nice site BTW. It would be great if you could post some first-hand combat accounts (AKA the stuff scenarios are made of). WWB
  21. That useless map is really a placeholder for when you have clicked on a unit and are shoring its status. So it does have a point. Still, a passengers button would be cool. WWB
  22. Hmm, I got a minor first time I tested it. Which is very close to the final version, IIRC. It is not impossible, you just have to use good tactics. WWB
  23. Hmm, I suspect which battle you played . . .
  24. Small is definitely what I'm looking for in a first go. They are all listed as "large" or "huge", which is one of the reasons I never played one. I rarely have time for one "huge" battle, much less 12 in a row! I'll give one of those a try...</font>
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