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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. I play because it is fun. But I also play to win, and I think it is my 'duty' to delivere the best possible fight and I expect the same from my opponent. Information is just the most important weapon on the battlefield. There is now question about it. So I don't think that any of what has been menttioned is 'unethical' or 'gamey'. I also don't think that 'Sniper-Scouts' or Jeeps moving into the enemys rear is gamey. Why should it be? It is my duty to secure my flanks and my back. If I don't do so, I haven't deserved anything else than a kick in my back. BTW, we shouldn'also forget that a CM battle is in general unrealistic - the action we see is in reality usually the action of a whole day, not of an half hour. Casualities like in CM within each hour of the day on such a relative small spott of the frontline would be military catastrophe in reality. A battle is much slower, with many pauses with no bloody action, what doesn't mean that nothing is happening in this times. Runners deliver messages from forward positions, prisoners are interrogated, aircrafts or vehicels recon the battlefield. All this must be assumed to be abstracted in the game. So I think to 'pause the battle' and 'check the fieldmanual' is not unethic. If somebody has a problem with it, he should just imagine that a commanders has asked his troops about there experience with a special tank, for example. If there are unethic things, then this: An opponent that disappears, especially when things start to go wrong for him. An opponent who starts to whine if I use a weapon or tactic he don't like, but that wasn't excluded before the battle. And than act as if it is my fault, and that I just should know that there is 'silent agreement in the whole CM community not to do this or that' or similar BS. I have a simple rule. If you don't speak before the battle has started, mum the word and live with it.
  2. Well, I which I would known...but if you want some mods for this weapons, try mine . You find them @ www.warfarehq.com
  3. I wonder why the firepower of the HMG42 is so muc higher then the LMG42. It is the same weapon, except the tripod of the HMG. Is it just because the HMG tripod is more stable and allows better targeting? If so, what about MG42 on tanks/HTs? Do they have a the higher or the lower firepower?
  4. Michael, this is from my first interview with Moon
  5. To make your mouth's water for a last time before the demo comes out : I made another interview with Moon from Battlefront.com. We talk this time about some changes in CMBB compared to CMBO, like tank damage model, artillery, gun accuracy and other rarely requested points . Read the full interview at WarfareHQ [ August 26, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  6. I wonder how CM shall be influenced by GIC, the game isn't out yet, there isn't even a demo available yet (or have I missed something?). As I understand it is GIC more based on the Close Combat series. I will surely take a look on it when it is out. At least the screenshots look good. But beside that, CM and GIC play in different leagues, CM is a turn based we-go system game on battalions level, while GIC is a real time game on company level.
  7. Just because you asked for it : no I'm not from East Germany, even if I'm a proud springoff of an old and completly unknown linage of Saxxon farmhands and daylabors!
  8. Okay folks, it's enough. If you want to speak about your religion, go to the general forum. THIS THREAT IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THAT CHARLES MOYLAN IS THE ONE AND ONLY REAL GOD WE BELIEVE INTO! I never claimed that he is identic to the god of the (as I assume) yews/christians/muslims.
  9. That's is enough!!! :mad: Another word like that and I call the holy inquisition!
  10. God is almighty - he can come in every form he want to! BTW, if god is almighty, is he able to create a stone that is so heavy that he can't lift it anymore? Can someone ask Charles?
  11. Knowing Moon, it was probably a pack of smokes! Madmatt p.s. God's human name is MOYLAN, no D on the end...</font>
  12. I guess this hut in the background was their HQ before they started to sell CM. They surely have their Ferraris and Lamborginis parked behind it when they returned for the photo! [ August 23, 2002, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. I wonder that I missed it all the time, it is in the ' About us' section of BF.C: God (Second from right) in his incarnation as 'Charles Moylan', programmer of CM and creator of the world we live in, and his arc angels (from left) Martin, Steve, Dan and finaly the fallen angel Matt (we really don't wanna know what he really does)! [ August 23, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  14. The horizontal angle is right, AFAIK, but I'm not sure about the vertical. At least one thing is false in CM, a high firing position (or the target is on a hillside, for example) does not increase the chance for a top penetration.</font>
  15. The horizontal angle is right, AFAIK, but I'm not sure about the vertical. At least one thing is false in CM, a high firing position (or the target is on a hillside, for example) does not increase the chance for a top penetration. Indeed seems a shot trap the only chance for a top penetratito.
  16. The biggest laugher of all, also from the announcement at PC Games Online - Products that can be compared with CM:BB : - Panzer General Unternehmen Barbarossa - Panzer Elite S.E. - Heroes of Might and Magic 4 (!!!!) BTW, has someone already seen the first five screenshots on this CDV Page [ August 21, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  17. Good point. I think the problem is that the game engine makes no difference here. Once the armor is penetrated, then it seems to calculate the damage always with the same parameters. And this means in at least 80% that the tanks is dead.
  18. Oh sorry, the most people here believed this is a threat about historical accuracy, not about mastering the game engine!
  19. I think what is completly ignored here : would a real life daimler crew attemped to attack a Tiger frontal??? I would think that a Daimler crew, facing a Tiger, would act more like 'Let's get the hell out of here' 'Damned, I can't run fast enough, my pandies are full up to my nipples!' Technical, I think the problem is that a visible contact does not influence the moral in CM. Maybe it is possible for a Daimler to penetrate a Tiger frontal (I really don't know), but how cool must someone be to he try it? Another example, when a group of Infantry face a Tiger (or any other tank) while they are in open terrain I would think that this is already enough to turn them into alerted, maybe even panic. [ August 19, 2002, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. 'Trumpets' was a good one, IMO. No BS US flag waving like in 'Private Ryan'. 'Trumpets' has shown very good how war is on the level of the grunts - no idealistic blabla about the right or wrong things, just fight to survive. Maybe it was in the details unhistoric, but well, show me a movie that is full historic correct. Of course 'Private Ryan' was better produced, but it was a high budget cinema movie, not a TV production. The opening sequence was excellent, it reflected very good how helpless the grunts down on the beach were...but after this there was to much talking how good and justified and heroic the allies were. 'Stalingrad' had some good parts, bud there was also to much talking, but it was much better then 'Enemy at the gates', a partially really awful movie. Much to melodramatic and the viewpoint was to simple. It goes hand in hand with ideological BS like 'Pearl Harbor'. The book was much better (as so often). BTW, the story is often called 'historic' but there are no facts about it, and it is very likely only a legend. 'Thin red line' was great. Like 'Trumpets' it is one of the few US movies that doesn't show one side as 'good' and the other as 'evil'. 'Das Boot' was best as the German TV series. The 'Director's Cut' was not very good compared to that, to much was cut out to adapt it for the US market. 'Steiner' ('Cross of Iron' in the US) was okay as movie, but the book by Willi Heinrich was excellent! You should try to get a copy! I have read it twice [ August 18, 2002, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  21. This sounds are all taken from the CloseCombat series. You can find them very often on the net.
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