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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. What makes you believe he was Slovenian or Slavic? In which town was he born? (I'm just curious) P.S.: Not that it matters. Just imagine - 'Scipio' was an Italian!!! </font>
  2. a) Make a disapointed face because CM:BB isn't released in Europe yet. or Buy CM:BB and try to hack the exe immediatly. I want my Waffen-SS back!!!
  3. The press release says that CM:BB has Polish units, too, but also that the time frame starts with Barbarossa - I wasn't aware that the Polish Army had any battles on the East Front after 1939 - what have I missed??
  4. Well, 'Hitler', 'Eichmann' or 'Goeth' sounds very German, but they were all from Austria, while 'Schimanski' sounds Polish or 'Desgronte' sounds Fresh, but all are 'good German names' . Another nice story about names, Einstein once said: 'If my theories should be right, the Germans will say that I'm German, and the French will say I'm European. If they are wrong, the Germans will say I'm yew, and the French will say I'm German'. What does it mean? Mostly that I'm bored, because I still have to wait 9 weeks for CMBB.
  5. What I have heard is that the copy protection cause several problems with some CD/DVD drives - the CD is not recognized by the drive, so you can't install or play the game. I hope I'm wrong with this - it would be very annoying if not.
  6. Which post are you refering to? I know only what Moon has said here again.
  7. What makes you believe he was Slovenian or Slavic? In which town was he born? (I'm just curious) P.S.: Not that it matters. Just imagine - 'Scipio' was an Italian!!! [ July 12, 2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  8. Sorry, but what else should I read from this? I disagree that this is true for SS units in general, and Redwolf doesn't make a difference in his post. The SS partially had a different training etc. But there were also units that were just a scratched bunch. [ July 12, 2002, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  9. I couldn't have made it more clear that the aspects I mentioned only made them stronger under the right circumstances. Scipio, you really need to work on your communications skills. How could anyone possibly read my messages as implying the Waffen-SS would be universially more successful? Nowhere did I say anything like that. Must stop ranting... must stop it now...</font>
  10. I disagree. Especially several of the foreign SS Division showed very poor battle qualities had had a worse dicipline, for example the 13., 14 or 23. Divisions. Just to name a few.
  11. Again, I don't think that special settings make any sense. There were to many different units with to many different qualitys in the SS. SS units were also not generally more fanatic then Wehrmacht units. We could also say that Volksturm units should be more fanatic if they consists from Hitlerjugend boys. I think it is all in the game already. An Elite unit with best fitness (that was the bad word ) is the best you can get, it doesn't matter if it is SS or for example Wehrmacht 'Großdeutschland' or even fresh Siberians or Finnish wood people And the grate of fanatism depents on the special unit. This can be preset in the scenario editor
  12. Doug Mh - but a captured soldiers is worth the double victory points (AFAIK). Austrian Strategist I disagree. Both sides made very much prisoners. It is correct that both sides killed many of them, but the most of them died in the Gulags/KZ.
  13. I still wonder if the EU and the US versions are so compatible that we can execute the US version with an EU executable and vice versa.
  14. I often wonder why soldiers in CM so rarly surrender. Units usually fight til there is only one or two men left. I think that a unit should nearly always surrenders once they are broken and an enemy is in sight (in simple words).
  15. I think it is all in the experience and the new - how was it called? - condition(?) ratings. Generally, I don't think that an additional special rule makes sense. P.S.: Sorry Michael. I corrected the errors. [ July 11, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  16. Sorry, I'm still a whinner. Why not calling the Allies in CM:BO Confederated States and Imperial Stormtroopers? Why not remove all Soviet flags from the game, too? The Soviet regime killed more people the the Nazi regime. To all Amies who think I'm an asshole (you are right) and whiner - how about this: you order an European SS-free version by me, and I pay all additional shipping costs. Everyone of you who don't think it's a good idea cause you want to have your SS units historical correct in the game should shut up now.
  17. If you prefer that I say it: Steve, sorry, I'm wrong, I'll shut up now. It is well known what kind of questionable person I am!!! I'm sure you made a great job with CM:BB. P.S.: Will ther US.exe run with a German CD?
  18. Yup, changing one word negates 5 years of research. Good, solid, thinking in perspective there. As for the BS from the lawyer... you obviously have no experience dealing with lawyers, do you? We were not surprised about what the CDV lawyers came up with. And since this was not "advice", but a "deal breaker", our choice was either to have a deal with CDV or not. For all the reasons I stated in this thread, only a total and complete utter moron would have scuttled the deal over this issue. In fact, the person would have to be so stupid that it is highly unlikely they would have been in a position to make a deal with anybody in the first place. Why? Because they would have put themselves out of business long before it ever got to that point. No, we can not release a patch and "slip" in a change. You are asking us to break a legally binding agreement and the trust between us and a valued partner. To even suggest such a thing does not speak well about how well you can be trusted. We do not stab our partners in the backs. It is also a moronic way to do business. Steve</font>
  19. Well, I guess that means : purchase in the US via third party - mh, wait... Steve, will the US.exe run with the German CD?
  20. I hate it when the small things are not made right. Call me small minded, but I'm very sorry that BTS spended five years of historic research, and then make such a unnecessary wrong decission on the word of a German laywer who told some completly false BS. Steve, you wouldn't undermine something with an official patch, you just would correct a misspelling - without violating any German law.
  21. I would prefer CM:BG (Beyond Gleiwitz) = early war, 1939 - Barbarossa Then CM:Hits (Holiday in the sun) - North Africa, Italy CM:CS (Chop Suey) Pazific War, inclusive Post-WWII Korea (to have some change, islands are always the same) CM:ME (Middle East) - Israel, 1947 - 1973 CM:RD (Red Dawn) - Hypothetical NATO vs Warshaw Pact CM:GW (Great War) - World War 1
  22. I had German Western Front. I wasn't able to PBEM with the rest of the world, beacause it was incompatible to any other language version. In the ned I had to order in the US to play with someone outside of Germany. :mad:
  23. P.S.: The term 'Waffen-SS' is not and was never a violation of German law. I never heard about a single game (or even book, movie etc) that was put on a black list because it uses this term. 'Saving Privat Ryan' was for example not rated in Germany, even if there were a lot of SS soldiers (with runes!). Talonsofts's Campaign series and other wargames are still available here, even if there are a lot of SS units in it. We can also order a lot of books at amazon.de with 'Waffen-SS' in the title. No problemo. Anyway, I can understand that BTS won't risc something and sell an European 'SS-Version'. But as I stated above, there are ways around it once the software is at home. And nothing of it violates the German law regarding the nazi hysteria. [ July 10, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  24. Folks, why the noise about the German version? Of course we in Germany and whole W-Europe feels pissed because of the German censorship. But there are always ways around it. Once the game is out, one of our Amies can post the forged BMP. 'Someone' can post an update where the Waffen-Grenadiere (the most stupid name I ever heard, sorry) use their historic correct name. Just by mistake, of course. If 'someone' will not make this mistake, we find someone else. Not because of two letters, or because we are all Nazis. Only to piss on the German law.
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