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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. No, as any other reasonable person I would prefer Deutsch Mark.
  2. I have AMD XP2200+ and a MSI Geforce4 4600Ti With the Benchmark '3DMark 2001SE build330' (standart settings without FSAA) I scored with the driver 30.82 : 10228 40.72 : 11152 (+ 9%) I have problems with texts in CM if I use FSAA, but to be true, in CM is FSAA not so important, so I don't care when I have to turn it off. Performance increased by 9% is more important.
  3. Say huh, invisible depressions? Hey, is that true? Are there invisible trees too...</font>
  4. Here is a pic of the 251/17 (2cm AA vehicel) in CM: an in real (well, at least a realistic painting) : As we can see, the CM model has a MG34 instead a 2cm gun!?!
  5. I've set up dozens of QB ME's and never could order a pre-planned barrage. Of course you can plot a normal arty strike in turn 1, but that's not the same as the pre-planned strike. Do you still have the file?</font>
  6. I've set up dozens of QB ME's and never could order a pre-planned barrage. Of course you can plot a normal arty strike in turn 1, but that's not the same as the pre-planned strike. Do you still have the file?</font>
  7. This is interesting, I noticed the same in 'To the Wolga', running a similiar hardware (AMD2200+, Geforce4 4600Ti). BTW, is it possible to proof and log how much VRAM is used?
  8. Funny, I started a ME a week ago and was allowed to order a barrage in round one. Bug?
  9. I have installed the 40.72 a few minutes ago. I did not encounter any problems during installation or when playing CMBB. My OS is XPpro. I also ran the benchmark 3Dmark2002SE build330, using standart settings without FSAA (I never use FSAA, cause I seriously can't notice a significant difference). With 30.82 I scored 10228, with the 40.72 I scored 11152, that's 9% more. (AMD XP2200+, MSI Geforce4 4600Ti) [ October 04, 2002, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  10. Just wonder, where are the T-28 and T-35? I guess they where relative rare, but on the other hand not that rare as the Sturmtiger!?
  11. Well, I guess you missed the idea. I did not mean to add an additional texture for the inner side of the building. The problem is (if I understood it right): As you (maybe) know, CM uses a special pink color on textures that is transparent in the game - this works fine on vehicels. If I use the pink on a vehicel, it just makes 'hole' into the vehicel, and now I can see the vehicel from inside (of course only an 'empty' vehicel without interior). If I do the same for a building texture, I see only the terraine behind the building through the 'hole'. If the building textures would work like the vehicel textures, we could make just better looking ruins.
  12. Does it double the texture even if they use the same texture? Does this mean that also all unit textures are double loaded into the VRAM?
  13. Why don't you just send me a mail? Anyway, thx. Link is corrected.
  14. Oh, I didn't mean interiors. Just the walls. Well, I'm not sure if it means that each building texture most be loaded twice into the VRAM to do this. Must it?
  15. How about texture compression? Most games use it.
  16. I just wonder why BTS has 'missed' to render the building texture from inside, so if I make a pink spot, I can only see the terraine behind the building, but not the building from inside. If the building texture would be rendered, then we could make our own textures for ruins - I think current ones are just so...you know? I wonder why they decided to hardcode this, as well as I wonder why the buildings are not rendered from the inside - it is possible for tanks, so why not for buildings?
  17. His edress is shown on the main page : antaress@videotron.ca He don't use leech links, and I guess it depents on the webmasters how the submit their infos
  18. No, this is the modern RPG, developed in the USSR during cold war (RPG-2 in the early 50s, RPG-7 in the mid sixties, RPG-18 in the late 70s, last one is similar to the US LAW-72) [ October 01, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  19. I have bes results for 'thrown' weapons like Molotovs or grenade bundles etc on distances of 30m and below.
  20. Well, I just want to rise your attention on this site: Patrick's CMBB page. Patrick tries to create a complete index of CMBB mods - he don't post them, he only collect the links & screenshots. I think this is a great idea, I we should support him and tell him about the new mods. It is really a pain when you search a special mod and don't know were to find it.
  21. This is only a missunderstanding. All members on this board living in assylums all over the world. We are always under high doses of tranqillizers, and beside that we only sound so cool cause we fear the electroshock therapy if we have..well...our little attacks...you know.. If you search a ladder, then don't miss www.warfarehq.com [ October 01, 2002, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  22. It is possible. I will take a look (or better an ear) on them.
  23. Good argument, but in princip are all the necessary datas already in the game. Each Spotter is assigned to battalion, regiment and above in the purchase menu. I would think artillery on Battalions level can work that flexible as I suggested, everything else not. This would also limit the available calibers to 81mm and 120mm mortars & 75mm artillery.
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