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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Hi David, you are still alive?!! Okay, I'm guilty. I will purchase it even with Waffen-Bunnys in unhistoric pink sexy underwear . I just want to shorten the time till 20 September :cool:
  2. Panzer Leader I never claimed to be anything else Soddball Excuse the missunderstanding, now that I know that you only used the wrong smiley I still can't stop laughing . BTW, I didn't adressed you with 'a few', but if the shoe fits, you can wear it . Athkatla Thanks for the answer.
  3. Soddball I do what I always do. I learn. I study. I solve the problem. I develop myself further :cool: . Other than a few people on this board. Mr. Dorosh What annoys you more, that my mods are unhistoric or that the people use them? I don't expect that you understand it, but the point is that the people in case of my mods have the choice between historic or unhistoric. [ July 17, 2002, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  4. I hope I have not missed an update about it, but will there be a Demo before 20 September?
  5. A very narrow point of view. You completly ignore that Germnay didn't fought against USSR alone, there were also the Brits and the USA, first with supply support, later military forces. The Soviets made it to Berlin, true, but under what costs in man and material? They build more T-34 then the Germans in all battle tanks together, but the average live time was only one week. In CM:BO you have always an advantage with more tanks - what is somewhat logic. But how does it work in CM:BB? The Russians were often with several times so much tanks on the battlefield than the Germans, but they had no advantage from it - the bigger numbers equalized only the power. So the CM:BO calculation 'a Pz IV vs a Sherman 76 is relativ equalized' can't work in CM:BB. Otherwise we had a real great riddle to solve : why needed the Soviets with help of the Western Allies still more time to push the Wehrmacht back to Berlin than Germany had needed to conquer all the territory - and don't forget the German shortage in raw materials and later in war also in production beacause of the Allied bombarments? But to come back to the topic, the German tankers usually take care of the slower turrets and manouvered the tanks in the appropriate way, when possible.
  6. The link is a dead end, but anyway. Hard to read something from this few numbers... it is obvisous that they can be valid for only one gun, and I guess it must be more a falling curve and not a stairway, so 84% can be valid for 1 meter or for 350 meters or somewhere between this, but not be valid for both. I guess it is very difficult to miss a shot on 5 yards for example, even if I'm one of those who believe that the accuracy model in CM:BO is much to optimistic for several reasons, your chances would be surely better then 84%. [ July 15, 2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  7. The gun was a 38-cm-Raketenwerfer 61, also named 'Sturmmörser'(~Assaultmortar'). The shell was based on altered depth charge of 345 kg weight, the range up to 5650 meters. This infos from 'Achtung Panzer' are a bit confusing. (4,600 to 6,000 meters, or 2,850 to 3,720 yards) I though a yard is 0,9144 meters? Hohladungsgranate 4582 for use against fortifications I'm of course not an expert, but a shaped charge for this type of weapon sounds at least very interesting. Has it worked? Beside that, I thought the Sturmtiger was always used against fortification and buildings? [ July 15, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  8. Did you also see the head flying away, or was he simply dead? (BAD Scipio)
  9. Right, I know a guy called Scipio who made camo uniforms with the Blue Divisions badge on the sleeve for CM:BO. This is not historic correct, but he doesn't cares so much about such things, except he is in the mood to make noise about it and show all the world what an asshole he is. Hey, wait...did I say 'a guy called Scipio'. This reminds me of something...?
  10. Uhm, if you ask the sound fetishist in me: definite yes!!! [ July 14, 2002, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  11. Schoerner, thanks for your explanation. I can understand that you feel the need to answer on the other posts. But I please you and all other to discuss the history of Schoerner on the general board, it is of topic for this threat and for CM in general.
  12. No problemo, Andreas. To come back to the topic, I agree that masses of prisoners were often made because of stratic incidents. The question is, how is (or can) this be reflected in the game. The knowledge to be in a pocket has great influence on the general moral, for example.
  13. Thanks for the info...but regarding the TO&E, the same is true for the Canadian, Polish & French troops in CM:BO. Mh. Of course, they reprsented their nation anyway. The Spanish did no so, they acted as part of the Wehrmacht. Maybe that is the answer...
  14. Well, if Stalin prepared an attack on Germany is a good theme for the general forum, so if you want to... Henning von Tresckow, one of the 20. July assassins, served in Herresgruppe Mitte on the East Front. AFAIK it was also not the plan to let the Wehrmacht surrender, but to negotiate for an armistice. About the Soviet war crimes - yes, it is true. But don't forget that the Germans acted in the same way. German soldiers starved also in the Americn camps. You don't enter a war to find new friends.
  15. You can be sure they are if Madmatt signed them
  16. Well, beside all side kicks... Seriously, were is the Blue Division? They even included the Polish (even if I don't know if they are in as part of the Soviet Army or only for the Warshaw uprising (as Partisans?)
  17. I once was in an open air museum with lot's of tanks and weapons...can't remember were exactly it was in NL - it's about 18 years ago, when I was still at school... Someone knows the place?
  18. BRING TAR AND FEATHERS! LET'S CARRY HIM OUT OF THE TOWN ON A RAIL!!! Does anyone else agree? [ July 13, 2002, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  19. BTW, I thought there are no runes in CM:BB??? :confused: Sorry, I couldn't resist...
  20. There are no Spansih units!!! Where is the Blue Division??? :mad: P.S.:
  21. Slovenes, not Slovacians. And yes, he was a Slovenian - I checked with some historians. He's just one of those guys that historians here (especially when you look at our recent history) do not want to mention.[/QB]</font>
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