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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Maybe the whole system of 'capture the flag' should be reconsidered. A normal mission is for example 'Take control of the village', what includes the village and the area around. The current system is more like 'Take control of some key positions, what means in a quickbattle 'take control of of some randomly set spots on the map'. But the best defendable or attackable position on a map must not always be the important objective. My idea would be 'victory areas' = the whole village including the area around, and both sides get points depending on the percentage of the area they control. Another example would be 'Capture that bridge'. A bridge is a relative small objective. But it makes no sense if you manage to take the bridge and a small bridgehead on the other side of the river, you must control the whole area. You can use the bridge not before you can make sure that the enemy has no LOF to it. Yes, I know that's simplified, but I hope you get the idea. The victory area can be created like a setup zone, but it can be even the whole map.
  2. I adore your optimism BTW, if we still have a)quickbattle maps and b)have to play them blind, then please consider this: 1) PlayerA makes the setup, select his units and sets his password. 2) Same for PlayerB 3) CM2 creates the map. That way it should be impossible for PlayerA to take a look on the map before he sends it to PlayerB as in CM1
  3. That's logic. That rises the next question. Since one player must make the setup, doesn't this mean that a first turn must be exchanged to determine which settings are available for both sides and which not? Example, the main game cover operation phase June-August, module A covers side aspect xy in August and September, module B covers side aspect yz in August. At some point it will be possible to get a doctor title about "The compatibility of CM2x titles and moduls for H2H gaming". If my thinking here is not completly wrong, something like this would be necessary: Player A sets his password, the CM2x program of Player A creates some kind of statement that simply tells the CM2x of Player 2 'Player A has title x and module 1 & 3, now we know whats possible, let Player 2 make a setup with the possible settings'.
  4. That's what I'm most worried about, too. If I own 'Leather goddesses of Phobos' and the 'Purple Saturn' module, while my opponent has only the 'Mercury Spring' module - will we be completly incompatible, or can we still play on base of the basic game?
  5. I don't think so. I'm not very familiar with Bull Run and the other ACW battles (what reminds me to read the McPherson in my bookhelf), but I think as any other battles it can be broken down into different phases/parts/battles, each can be played as single scenario and all together would be a campaign? BTW, I would be pleased about an ACW or Napoleonivc or 18th century game.
  6. What brings up the question if things like this will be modeled and/or if they are visible. In CM1x you can't see much damage on vehicels. I wonder how it will be done in CM2x.
  7. Nothing was wrong with the QB purchase rules. But that's the point. If players would simply use for example an artifical rule like the Short-75, than BTC doesn't need to waste time on a rarity system. But I doesn't meant to skip the rarity completly. But the system that is used now doesn't make much sense. Why should I purchase an completly outdated tank with +200% rarity markup when I can have a whole platoon of up-to-date tanks for the same price? That leads us to Battalion XIII. Shall we say, the historical OOB says it had AD-squads at the chosen date and place. So even if this would be the rarest ever used unit in the whole war, a purchase markup ain't needed, cause they were indeed there. What I think is, the rarity should not be determined with something artifical like purchase points, but by available numbers of units. Shall we say, at this time and that place you have only two platoons of AD-squads available. So you must purchase something else for the rest of your purchase points. The following would be of course only necessary within some kind of campaign mode: Yes, if the most AD-squads were killed in battle one,you have less available in battle two. You see, you have a starting pool of units, but the number of units decreases corresponding to your casualties (+ reinforcements, if available)
  8. I really have read at the first time '...I filled out the weight... I was off about 8cm.'
  9. Well, then rarity could be skiped completly. Players just agree what they can use and what should be excluded. However, following my idea, it don't has to be so strict. For example, Battalion XIII, equipted with antimatter-disrupter squads, were at the frontline in month x and y, but surely not in month z in that area. However, if 'they' include some kind of campaign modus, they would also need to keep track of casualties, especially regarding the rare equipment like KTs, don't they?
  10. Oh, sorry, I have forgotten that you are not multi-measures capable on the wrong side of the pool. Waist32" @ 5'11'' tall. Please let me know if your sister needs to know more about me (if she's old enough, of course)
  11. I like the CMx2 module idea. Even if I'm not looking forward to "CMx2: Invasion of the space lobbsters", since I'm more interested into "CMx2: Leather goddesses of Phobos"
  12. Well then you guys stop sitting around waiting for this silly game to be released - or screenshots of the development of the game rather - and start working out!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  13. How about that kind of rarity: Since the CM2x battles will cover a much smaller timeframe - shall we say up to an operation like Market Garden, Normandy or maybe Barbarossa, Heeresgrupps Süd...? This means, OoBs are smaller and can be more detailed. You set the time and/or place of battle. The program will now set wish Divisions were available at that time and part of the front. Depending on this, you will now have a pool of units from wish you can make your purchase. I think a variable rarity based on purchase points wouldn't be necessary anymore now. Of course this could mean that many unit types will not be available.
  14. Some pictures of the landscape would be already very nice. Even if some kind of M2/M3/M5-HT should show up, it still could be nearly everywhere in the world from early WWII til today. So I second what MikeyD has said.
  15. I turn rarity completly off in my battles. As written above, it's an artifical solution to an artifical problem. When this means that I will face masses of Jagdtigers or JS-III, then I have made indeed a wrong decision: I have chosen the wrong opponent. A realistic rarity system would mean that the rarity for each vehicel at each time and place must be considered, it would also mean that some vehicels are completly unavaiable at a specific time and place. In CMBB, you can have T-34 in 1941 all over the frontline, while (IIRC) the Germans faced them only on the southern part of the front in the first month of war, and not in very large numbers.
  16. I must have missed that little piece of information. Please excuse me, my hardware is already 36 years old, and it's basic concept of data management wasn't changed for at least ~50000 years. So what do you expect?
  17. What's the latest news on the 'Will we still have only 3 visible soldiers per squad, or will each single soldier be visible and act individual, even if we can give only orders to teams and up' question?
  18. That all sounds nice, I hope CM2x will directly support multicore 4800mhz 64-bit CPUs, so I have at least one game that makes full use of this stuff - as soon as I have killed and robbed enough grannies to purchase it...
  19. Maybe it would do when it's possible to copy the OOB from the oob editor into the Windows clipboard? This is - in theory - relativ simple to hardcode. [ September 05, 2005, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. Ehm...studds??? Ooophs, sorry, I guess that's the wrong forum. Can somebody please tell me were the forum about this CM2x thing is?
  21. Yeah, "CM2:Leather goddesses of Phobos" wouldn't make sense without desintegrator pistols and ray guns, would it? [ September 02, 2005, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  22. I would like to see Para drops as well as glider landings. I mean, I really want to see them come in, not just a simulation of some kind.
  23. Who want to be the first to ask "Which grass mod is it?"
  24. um... "How do you know the light goes off when you close the frig door?" (it just does)</font>
  25. I wonder if they consider to model a direct artillery hit into this and the impact on the moral of troops around...
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