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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Another question, will CM:SF have a rarity system? As I have written above, it looks to me a little bit unrealistic that everything is always everywhere available. Maybe I'm wrong with that.
  2. Question, what's the big difference between the US Army and the USMC? Is the equipment really that different. I just ask, since USMA will possibly be the first add-on to CM:SF.
  3. Steve, will CMx2 maps be compatible in different moduls?
  4. Yes, that's basically what I meant. You can select from the equipment that is currently available in the area, but this can change from one day to another, or in CM1x terms, it is a mix between the unit purchase by the player and random purchase by the game engine. The player can make his unit selection (without the CM1x rarity system), but the available TO&E is randomly set by the game engine. I guess this is more realistic than to believe that all unit types are all the time available in all areas of the theatre. And of course, it could be set as option in the QB setup...
  5. I wonder how rarity in QB purchase will be handled in CM2x (assuming that QBs are still possible, but without random maps). What I didn't liked so much on the old system is that generally all equipment of the timeframe is available, just with higher or lower purchase costs. My view is, that some or even many equipment in reality is just unavailable for different reasons. How common this equipment is/was (expressed by purchase points) is only part of it. Sorry if I can't explain it so good - think of it like this: You have 10 Mark-X in the area, but not a single Mark-Y, even if the Mark-Y is the most used tank in the operation... The USA has (simply said) no or few supply problems, while Syria with a much lower industrial output and military funds surely has. In CM1x I can purchase dozends of Panthers in a larger QB, while in reality the Germans had in late war only some hundredt tanks of all types - that were really ready to combat - available on all frontlines together. (If I believe the stats I once read somewhere). Makes this any sense?
  6. Including beach landing on D-Day this time?
  7. How about on-map artillery, mortars and everything else that's able to fire indirectly? How do they fit into the system, or shall I better ask: do they!?
  8. My god, can you please stop talking in riddles? What the hell means : MOUT FIST JTAC SOL FASCAM OIF (...) By the way, it's sad that aircrafts are unvisible as they are in CM1x. I guess even something simple would be better than nothing. Maybe this will be changed in future titles?
  9. I have read so many pros and contras about nearly each aspect of the game, and took part in some discussions, too! I feel really pissed because everybody here is an expert in the beta team and play CM:SF 8 hours each day. I seem to be the only one who has no idea what he's talking about. :eek: I guess the only thing I can do is to keep on waiting for the demo, than I will buuild my opinion about a real time modern warfare CM with or without (but likely with) PBEM.
  10. Steve, are you talking about CM:SF, or the 8 o'clock news?
  11. What!? You don't!?! Damned, that ruined my day!
  12. I'm pretty sure it ain't that easy. Maybe it's a good idea to use a basically standardize & exchangeable CM2 map format, so it finally doesn't matter if the map was created in CM2:SF or in CM2:WWIIwhatever. So the pool of available maps would get bigger and bigger with & for each future title.
  13. In my opinion, random maps had the big pro that you don't need to search a map first. The big contra of random maps are of course that they are simply poor, with senseless placed VLs, unrealistic cities, no rivers, and a serveral of errors.
  14. Steve, the faces of the soldiers are probably distorted with intention. KSK soldiers don't like to show their faces to the public, IIRC.
  15. Cassh, I think the point is that you simply don't like Germany, for whatever reason. The German Bundeswehr has forces in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Kongo and a half dozend other countries, including Lebanon. None of them has ever threatened Germany. Fact is, that it is still difficult for Germany to send soldiers to foreign countries because of the Germa history in WWII While the USA has paricipated in many wars since WWII (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, Grenada, to name a few), plus many "CIA actions", plus a lot of financial and logistic support for "US friendly regimes" (including the Taliban and Saddam Hussein). What I want to say is, the US is just more 'used' to have soldiers dying everywhere around the world. [ October 02, 2006, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  16. My vote goes to a German, French or British force (in this order) under UN mandate, what would make each nation or mix possible. I don't like the idea the USMC. Looks a bit like 'After you have fought with a US force - woah-woah-woah you can now fight with another US force'...you know what I mean!?
  17. Please excuse this off-topic question, but does it mean what it sounds like? CM:SF will be a RTS, not turn based we-go anymore? Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else already, the search function result hasn't helped...
  18. Jaja, kaum wird mal in einem anständigen Deutsch debattiert, schon meint jeder, er müsse seinen Senf dazu geben. Wir sind hier doch nicht im Europaparlament. Überhaupt, am Besten marschieren wir mal wieder bei den Nachbarn ein. Schon um die Arbeitslosenzahlen zu senken und die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln. Hat ja schließlich schon mal funktioniert…
  19. Can units pick up abandoned equipment from own(enemy) forces and use it? As for example a maschine gun or Panzerfaust? [ August 01, 2006, 05:43 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. Huch, man Spricht deush! Haben wir den Krieg doch gewonnen? Andreas, das Spiel ist ja nu mal ein RTS wie die alten Close Combat Titel, da würde sich ein PBEM-Modus schlecht umsetzen lassen, glaub ich. Moon, jetzt bin ich aber auch überrascht.
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