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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. With all respect, but I think this discussion is some kinda hysterical, because people take some screenshots and develop theories about the things they believe to see - without any knowledge what the numbers should exactly reflect, and why they show what they show. In another game I have seen for example things like range and possible damage changing each time when you change the ammo and target. Wasn't a wargame, BTW, but I hope you get the idea... [ July 30, 2006, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  2. ...and sometimes it is just a bunch of hysterical pussies!!! I prefer to wait for the demo.
  3. Damned...now you've got me...
  4. I did so long ago, but I have never received something.
  5. Martin, I speak about the things that have been written in the German game news. T-72 was rated (from all what I have seen) at 50-60%. Same for SC2, which has been descriped for example as "Commando Sleep - War of the slide rules". Will CMSF be a revolution as CMBO was? Maybe...maybe not. I will surely give it a try if I don't miss it, since I have stopped to visit this page, because there is nothing new to find anyway. Even if I understand your reasons, it doesn't change anything.
  6. Michael, I think that's ridiculous. Regaring that guy you've mentioned, at that time everybody was investing money into everything with a .com in it's name. This times are gone. Fact is, that no other company has ever tried to bring a game with a we-go system on the market, at least none I have ever heard of. There are a lot of 2d strategy games. Most of them look like games from the early 1990's, like the HPS releases. I seriously wonder who spends $50 for them. And there are a lot of RTS games. Surely something worth mentioning is the Total War series, even if it's not comparable to CM. I guess the companies are not up to risk a lot of money with a cheap copy of CM when they can sell some hundred thousand copies of Total war. However the last BFC releases (T-72, SC2), even if they were build from other development teams, haven't rised much interest, at least in Europe.
  7. Great, then you've got plenty of other games to think about while waiting for CM:SF, yeah ? </font>
  8. AMD X2-4200+ with a Geforce 7800GT, 1GB Ram. Maybe it's a good idea to seek the garbage dump for a PII 350 to run CM smooth again
  9. Du mich auch, Andreas At least it can be said that BFC's PR strategy is as unique as CM.
  10. flamingknives, no need to write down all the known 'facts', or shall I say the old vague rumours again. Nice to see that there are still people who believe into CM, but this number is decreasing with each month. There will surely always be a group of dedicated fans like you, who will tell us all the time that CM is the best game out there. It's a unique game, but it's outdated anyway. Shall I repeat all critics again? I'm not up to. Regarding graphics, some players may have big fun handling dry numbers. For those people, graphics are just eye candy. But I don't think that a few thousand people can keep BFC alive. I wish BFC good luck selling a game without keeping the interest alive. [ May 12, 2006, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: KG_Leopard ]
  11. After nearly six years I feel a bit tired of the CM1 games. The graphics are outdated, and the engine is so out of time, that not even modern hardware let the game run smooth. With "modern" I mean a PC that runs for example Oblivion @ 1240x1024 resolution with full bells and wistles turned on without any problem. No way with CM. Surely not a fault of the programmer, the gameengine is just to old to make use of the hardware. I'm have no idea what to expect from CM2. There are only few facts known, nothing about for me important things. Will it be 'we-go' or just another RTS title, and will it allow PBEM? Will it be available online from the US, or do I have to wait for the possibly censored German CDV-version once again? All we frequently got is just a 'we will see', 'maybe' and 'it's ready when it's ready'. Well, that's fine. But please understand that I possibly won't care about that game anymore when it's ready, since there seems to be nobody who cares about the dedicated gamers and paying customers anymore. There are many other great games out there.
  12. And that's what we would like to get from you! If I understood right, commands are given that way to single units? How about Platoons? Shall we say, I want my infantry platoon sneak to point x, and than assault point y. Will I have to issue orders to each single squad, or can I use group commands? CM1x allows no waypoints for group commands. Will this be changed?
  13. Since I'm German, too... I guess you overdo things a little bit. It is not true that Nazi symbols are generally forbidden in Germany. Nobody goes to jail for owning Nazi symbols or whatever with such symbols on it. For example, I own a collection of German WWII stamps and many historic books. It is also not true that individual internet traffic or telephones are monitored by the police - except in a running investigation with court order, indeed anaything else would violate the German constituion. BUT it is forbidden to use and trade such materials for propaganda purposes, or, shall we say, in a down playing way. As example, to wear a T-Shirt with swastika (as the punk rocker Sid Vicious did) would surely cause you problems, to use it inside a computer game without any deeper sense surely, too (Wolfenstein, for example). But on the other hand, I remember a computer wargame (forgotten which one) with swastikas and runes, and nowbody cared. Now, if CMC would be avaiable from the US with swastika, runes and all the stuff in, it would not violate German law to buy and play the game. You possibly will get a problem if you try to sell the game from Germany, but only if this was forbidden by court order or similiar first. Of course it is better to avoid any problems by replacing the swastika flags with a German cross, for example. I guess not even the US customers would be unhappy with this. Or in short words, modern Germany is aware and not proud of this part of it's history, but it's not Third Reich any more, even if some British newspapers still prefer to see us that way - may I remind on the 'Panzer Pope'? [ October 17, 2005, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  14. A clear maybe is better as an unambiguous no, or in other words, this feature will be in as sure as PBEM.
  15. Yes, I know, CMC is a CM1 add-on/and stand-alone. Needless to say, CMC is the best add for the CM1 engine, it's success will be only comparable to sliced bread and soft toilet paper. Will the CMC functions be a natural part of the CM2 engine? If so, I dare to predict that you will win the 'Wargame of the Year Award', 'Best Wargame of the Known Universe Award', the Pulitzer award, the Nobel award, the Medal of Honor and needless to say the heards and minds of all wargamers in the world. There will be no other wargame besides CM2, no matter what the setting will be. Possibly you will even be proclaimed to mid ranked gods (goddess in case of Madmatt, of course). Each of you will own a (second) 500 yards yacht, some tropical islands etc etc. Oh, and if one of you shouldn't know the meaning of 'fumpfumpfump', please read the book 'Ham on rye' by Charles Bukowski.
  16. Bad Scipio. Asking complicated things How about the general moral? When troops on the operational level are caputered in a pocket, will this have an influence on the moral at the beginning of a tactical battle? Same thing with the overun of an artillery position scenario. Will the artillery unit (or the trucks) start the battle as 'panicked', maybe even broken/routed?? This would of course solve the problem of moving them from the map, since there can't be issued any orders anyway. Would be of course a short and boring battle. Maybe it's better to 'lock' this problem out, and in this cases the battle can only be auto-resolved. I guess there's no doubt about the result anyway... Damn, I even don't know if the CM1 engine takes a general moral into consideration from the start... [ October 15, 2005, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  17. Negativ. CMC is both an add-on and a stand-alone product within the CM1 series, so it is obvious that it is not compatible to a CM2 release. The question is, if all what CMC adds to CM1 will be an integrated part of the CM2 engine.
  18. How unpleasant for the defenders. But what if the defender simply moves the trucks off map - does this mean the artillery has survived? Sounds not logic, in case of an armored attack on an artillery position, there's not time to mount the artillery on the transport.
  19. More Questions : So a ME can consist of various units type, shall we say infantry, artillery, tanks all together? How about units that are generally not included in CMBB for the tactical level of a battle, like off map artillery, or headquarters? Are they represented on the operational map, and what if a 'normal' combat unit would attack such a support unit. For example, I move tanks into the backyard of my opponent to attack his artillery, a HQ or a supply depot. How will this be solved?
  20. I'm sure I have missed it on this forum, the website and the FAQ, but just for an idiot like me: how big is the smallest unit I can give orders to? I have read somewhere, for infantry it will be a platoon. How about guns and vehicels? Can units be splitted and merged during a battle?
  21. Okay, BFC, seriously: has it hurts much to tell us all the time that there will be NEVER NEVER NEVER campaign support for CM???
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