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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Surely a stupid idea, but anyway: how about a penalty system if the player prematurly ceases fire?
  2. Here are a few things from my wishlist: a) Unit details with kill stats. that damaged/destroyed vehicels LOOK damaged/destroyed. The only advantage of ToW. c) a more detailed 'End of Battle' screen. Seriously, the given informations are currently so abstract that they are nearly senseless, at least for my simple mind.
  3. I would prefer if something like CMC will once be an integrated part of CM2x!!! How about that, Steve? Ain't this a philosophic question??
  4. That's something I also would like to be changed/added: two different commands for 'move til contact' and 'hunt'!
  5. ...which you have obviously not visited before your post, otherwise you would have understood the question .
  6. If somebody should be still interessted into the original topic, I'm looking for PBEM opponents, too, and would be very pleased if somebody could name some good places where I can find PBEM-players for CMSF. Please note that I have asked for 'good places', what means that the warfarehq.com offspring (however it is named today) is not included!!!
  7. Yes Yes Yes!!! I'm also missing the unit-details pop-up including kill stats as we had it in CM1. I also think the end game screen needs some work. I get only very few - if any - informations here. The winning conditions are not necessarily pointed out in the briefing in detail , while I think the end game screen is to abstracted for an analyses after the battle. I sometimes have really no idea why I have achieved a specific result. Another point - is there a reason why units can't exit the map anymore, and why we don't have exiting point/zones as victory conditions anymore?
  8. Yes Yes Yes!!! I'm also missing the unit-details pop-up including kill stats as we had it in CM1. I also think the end game screen needs some work. I get only very few - if any - informations here. The winning conditions are not necessarily pointed out in the briefing in detail , while I think the end game screen is to abstracted for an analyses after the battle. I sometimes have really no idea why I have achieved a specific result. Another point - is there a reason why units can't exit the map anymore, and why we don't have exiting point/zones as victory conditions anymore?
  9. Yes Yes Yes!!! I'm also missing the unit-details pop-up including kill stats as we had it in CM1. I also think the end game screen needs some work. I get only very few - if any - informations here. The winning conditions are not necessarily pointed out in the briefing in detail , while I think the end game screen is to abstracted for an analyses after the battle. I sometimes have really no idea why I have achieved a specific result. Another point - is there a reason why units can't exit the map anymore, and why we don't have exiting point/zones as victory conditions anymore?
  10. music end of battle.wav music intro.wav music splash.wav I hate the 'splash' music, too, and have replaced it with bagpipe music ('Heptessenz' from Saltatio Mortis).
  11. Steve frequently mentioned that it is possible to mod sound files and textures, but it is not possible to mod and/or add 3D models. It surely makes some sense that users are not allowed to manipulate existing units or even add new units. But is it a must for things like houses, flavor objects, trees and such? By the way, which program is needed for the mdr files!?
  12. Nice pics, by the way. So, may I assume that we will once see starflares in the game?
  13. Regarding the file structure. I once asked in CMX1 times if it ain't possible to give us the pure map data in a raw text format, so that maybe a third party can program an alternate quickbattle map generator or similiar things. Steve answered that the scenariofile is encrypted in the same way as the PBEM turn files. To give away unencrypted files such as maps or scenario data would people enable to find a way to unencrypt PBEM-files. Well, I'm not such a techbuff that I know if this is possible or not. But from a practical standpoint let's imagine that somebody would invest a lot of time and efforts to program a tool that can decrypt PBEM files into some kind of editable text format. Now let's furtherly image the poor wannabe cheating bastard that spends some days to work through some megabyte of raw PBEM data to manipulate the result of a single shot fired during a game. With all respect, but Steve argument sounds a bit paranoid for me today... I think it's time to ask the question again.
  14. I would prefer if we could order this directly; and to have real Medic units!! You can call it stupid, but I have noticed that I really hate to leave my wounded toysoldiers behind.
  15. I would prefer if we could order this directly; and to have real Medic units!! You can call it stupid, but I have noticed that I really hate to leave my wounded toysoldiers behind.
  16. I would prefer if we could order this directly; and to have real Medic units!! You can call it stupid, but I have noticed that I really hate to leave my wounded toysoldiers behind.
  17. Please add the USA to the list of the biggest hotspots! No other nation has started more wars in the last 50 years . Skelley, do a search about it on your own Okay, it's late here. Have a nice weekend! :cool:
  18. OK I will tell them. Please expect it in the news tomorrow...
  19. Yes, of course. No lend-lease program etc for the UK and USSR, and it is likely that Third Reich would have won the war. Well, I guess that wouldn't be better, since a black uniform doesn't suits me well...
  20. Skelley, on the long term some of worst political hotspots such as India/Pakistan, Afghanistan or Israel/Palastine are risen from the way how the Brits have left there colonial ruins behind... If you ask me, we should send all politics as first wave into the wars they have started!!!
  21. Skelley, yes this is right, that's why I have corrected my post to 'Taliban is the offspring of the group'. Sorry, I wasn't fast enough...
  22. Dave, this sounds a little bit like "In different times it is okay to support even Hitler...or Stalin"! Ooops...
  23. The reason is, that the Taliban is the offspring of the group that has been trained, supported and payed by the USA during the 1980's in their fight against the Soviet troops. The problem is "Made in the USA".
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