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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Question for Mac owners: what resolution do you use? I am forced to use 800 x 600 due to monitor constraint, but does around 1,000 really make that much of a difference, or is it when you get to 1,500 that you can get the benefit of a higher res Combat Mission?
  2. Seeing as WW2Online (massive WW2 action internet game) has got a publisher, does this mean that WW2Online will be an off the shelf game, where you pay X money and can play multiplayer straight away? Or are they still going to have people downloading for free from their website, and then paying to play people online? I am asking the question, because surely the second model I described could it achieved without getting a publisher. Personally, I would not have a monthly bill for a game no matter how good it is. Myth 2 never required a monthly fee, and that game is capable of hundreds of players at once.
  3. BIG DD = J. PEIPER, he of the fondness for German shower units?? The CAPITALS can be a giveaway!!
  4. The new sky textures look very good, but bear in mind that most people will not be playing in the game views which enable sight of the sky. Hopefully this 'limited horizon' will be fixed in CM2.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's not just one bullet. It's a round of firing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Haha. I think you meant "several bullets"
  6. On a similar note, this is what Macformat, Britain's biggest selling Macintosh magazine, said about Combat Mission in it's forthcoming games feature: "Set during World War II and boasting some historically authentic weoponary and "armour penetration algorithms", Combat Mission looks to be a game suitable for the more devoted of strategy game fans." Macformat hasn't even reviewed this game yet, tho they are probably lazy bahhstards who get review copies sent to them. Anyways, at least it is a mention.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone already said this but the M18 Hellcat gives you everything you just mentioned plus the punching power of a 76mm gun. The M18 also moves at 55 mph and has a lightning fast turret. However, it does cost a little more than the M8 and has less overall rounds, especially HE. It also probably has a slower rate of fire. Another negative factor is that it is bigger than the M8, presenting a bigger target to the enemy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Very true, BUT you forget something very important. The Greyhound gives you superb light tank functionality but it costs NO Armor points!! So you can stack up on the heavy and medium tanks, without wasting armor points on light tanks!!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I also wonder how folks'll feel about it after the next patch...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even if I have proffited from their effectiveness, I hate the little bastards, so I am primarily looking forward to this new patch which will "hobble" the Greyhound. (Of course, I don't refer to hobbling real-life greyhounds, just the cars in CM).
  9. When is this campaign up and running? There's been about twenty threads on it but all the players are not in place??
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dear cousin across the pond, M. Bates. First of all A. Murphy was a Texan. That is sufficient. Incidental information: He was the most decorated US soldier of WWII, including the Congressional Medal of Honor. You may be already knowledgeable about these details as well as other accomplishments of this gentleman and just teasing a bit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't mean to sound dismissive, I remembered that they made a movie of America's most decorated soldier, and "Murphy" rang a bell. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But, the vast majority of books are of American origin about American participation. The shortage of translations from tounges other than English are more understandable in the book trade, but English language works puzzle me a bit. It seems to me that the market here would support it. I think I have seen more German first person accounts than English or Commonwealth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't really explain this either, perhaps those who had served in the armed services were a bit "war weary". The first hand accounts are valuable, otherwise wars will not get remembered from that perspective, only by anti-war poems, I think this has already happened to some extent with the First World War.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>LOL! I totally agree, but I also have a feeling German Audie Murphy's didn't run around leading assaults with so many SP flak guns or armored cars sporting 50mm and 75mm guns.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Who's Audie Murphy? Is he that famous decorated American soldier? Anyways, there are far too many people using armoured cars with 50mm and 75mm guns as "tanks lite". I mean, so the Greyhound is not a tracked vehicle, BIG DEAL. The same goes for various incarnations of the Puma. They all have good guns and they are bloody fast. I NEVER buy light tanks, because I can use my armour points on medium and heavy tanks, and I can bet that I can buy an armoured car which will do the same job, if not better, than a light tank. Because they are cars, they won't stop and get shot to bits. If I give a tank a fast move order, it will stop when it sees an enemy tank, and more often than not it gets knocked out. The armoured car on the other hand will carry on moving to cover, and will get off a shot as well. At the end of the turn it is still alive and is ready to cause more agitation, if not damage.
  12. When defending I *pray* that the generated map has the kind of tree coverage which I can combine with roadblocks to "seal off" one half of the map. I can *just* draw a game by chanelling the infantry through woods and taking out the enemy armour when they approach hill tops, but it all seems contrived and gamey.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(send that Greyhound up against a PzKw IV? Sure, why not?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In my latest PBEM game I have seen two of my Greyhound take out THREE Veteran IVs. I think that the speed of Greyhounds on grass needs to be toned down. Most of my ongoing PBEM games have me or my opponent zipping Greyhounds all over the map, from tree cover to tree cover, and the German tanks can't do a thing.
  14. But if the German player has no armoured cars left, a Greyhound is mighty difficult to get rid of... true, they have weak armour, but I have never seen a Tiger for example follow one at close range with its turret and hit a Greyhound.
  15. Has someone got a diagram or picture of this potato launcher thing??
  16. The M8 Greyhound (armoured car) is the best the unit in CM for these reasons: 1) It is fast at 55mph, is still quick over grassy areas, and its turret is lightning fast. 2) It can frontally kill any German vehicle up to and including a Mark IV Panzer. 3) If it misses its first shot, it will always get another away because its turret normally stays with the target when the Greyhound is moving. 4) A German tank with a slow or very slow turret cannot kill a Greyhound which is moving from cover to cover and only showing itself briefly, and anti-tank guns have similar luck. Anyway, those are my 4 reasons for thinking that the Greyhound is the best unit in Combat Mission. I have been on the receiving end of this unit, and I have also had it kill German tanks and then go on to kill enemy infantry with its number of HE (nearly 60 I think). Anyone else care to agree or have other uses for this deadly vehicle??
  17. Question: which terrain mods are you using? Those buildings look good BTW, just subdued enuff.
  18. Damnit I forgot to send my last turn!! I still have not received a casualty yet, I am aiming for a score of 100 and a Total Victory.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>yes and where are all the members of this forum who were happy with this new ladder? I haven't seen many of the people from that post in the teams that are present now. Come on people!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stoffers, people probably just want to clear and finish some single player PBEM games before starting new group games. I am in the process of challenging some Yanks. Hopefully their morale will be "Panic" after the recent breakdown in domestic democracy By the way, have you recovered from losing two IV's to my Greyhounds??
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Formation Move -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Flamethrowers are separate units, so move independently. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Force Load -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Personally I would like see that implemented. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Abandon Position -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And this idea is good as well. Providing an abandoned gun or whatever does not count as an enemy hit. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Waypoints for Group Moves -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, that would also be good for when feeling lazy. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Fire X Number of Rounds -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES. Often a whole 60 seconds of arty fire is WAY too much. Some kind of pause command would be welcome. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Salvage Ammo -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nah, makes CM like Doom or some other 1st person game.
  21. Rugged Defense is the best methinks. Plus there is a new groups ladder so well done Cyberfox.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think BTS has chosen (knowingly or unknowingly) to focus on the smaller audience who are satisfied with a PBEM (or solo) game rather than shoot for the much larger market of a real multiplayer format. Too bad.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey man no one held a gun to your held and MADE you buy this game!!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Please don't use this stupid newsgroup. There is already a better one for discussing Combat Mission: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, but look at what you just wrote: COMP.SYS.IBM.PC Lots of people here use Macintosh AND I think that many will see a new Combat Mission newsgroup as a good thing!! Close Combat has one!! (or a few)
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