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Everything posted by ParaBellum

  1. German forces in the area consist of older men and Hitlerjugend kids with bycicles...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: Well for some interesting insight into how it all works, check out this piece of historical data...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thx Bill, great stuff to read. One can really imagine those guys sitting in their steel boxes with very restricted vision, trying to get information about what's going on "outside". And the way their formation ALWAYS seems too close for the platoon leader, looks like inexperienced crews. I remember the first weeks of my army service when our squad leader was telling us "you're too close, spread out!" all the time... I guess it's just an instinct to bunch together in unknown situations.
  3. Yes, it does. You need to select a game with enough points (1500+) and clear sky and then the AI sometimes purchases a Jabo. I once played a 1250 pts defense against the AI. An enemy fighter bomber appeared and took out two halftracks and a whole platoon of infantry. His own troops! I'm sure the AI was pretty pissed...
  4. So, ich habe fertig! Jetzt fahr' ich erst einmal ein paar Tage nach Bayern. Meine Freundin hat mich gezwungen meinen Laptop zu Hause zu lassen. Kein CM! Aaaargh... Naja, vieleicht finde ich ja ein paar Gebirgsjäger. Oder ein paar possierliche Hefeweizen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: If you are using Windows, on the other hand, be advised that it is crap as far as simple commonsense things like this are concerned, and you will need to use the Key Caps program buried somewhere in the darkest recesses of the Start menu to reproduce the umlaut-augmented letter and then copy it to your typing. [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh no, it's much more simple. Just change the "countries" setting to Germany. Then buy a german keyboard with all these nice Umlaute and you can start to write Umlaute in Wörtern mit Umlaute mit richtigen Umlauten. That's it.
  6. Party? Bier Höre ich da richtig? Hallo? Äh, ich meine natürlich armour slope on SdKfZ 251/9.
  7. Tja, wie man an einem aktuellen Beispiel sieht, sollte man den "verrückten Glatzerten" nicht reizen... Deshalb lieber weiter mit unserem konspirativen D/CSU/KPD thread. Und SMG squads laufen hier auch frei herum. [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollstoy: Na phantastisch! Wenn Du seinen Namen erwähnst wird er natürlich sofort Verdacht schöpfen! Eine zärtliche Umschreibung wie "Der verrückte Glatzerte" waere (keine Umlaute ab hier, Anm.) wesentlich diskreter! Aber eins ist sicher: Lange gibt's dieses Topic sicher nicht mehr, konspirativ wie es nun mal ist! Aber bei CDV gibt's sicher ein deutschsprachiges Forum, oder? (Na, und schon zurueck beim Thema).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mea culpa! Der "verrückte Glatzerte" hat hoffentlich sein Deutschwörterbuch verlegt. Ach ja, Jeep Rush, nur um Verwirrung zu stiften. Wäre interessant zu erfahren, ob eine Zusammenarbeit hinsichtlich CMBB geplant ist.
  9. LOL! Das hat mir gerade noch gefehlt! Ein Peng-thread auf deutsch... Und von wegen Baden-Württemberger können kein Englisch! "Mir könnet alles, nur nit Hochdeutsch". Unser Englisch dagegen ist perfekt. Wäre interessant zu wissen was Madmatt über diesen thread denkt. Vieleicht sollte man Worte wie 88L71 einfügen, damit er meint das hier wäre ein sinnvoller Beitrag... Ach ja, HVAP wollte ich auch schon immer mal schreiben. Editiert weil ich sogar auf Deutsch noch Fehler mache... [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  10. I actually think he's funny. Like a really bad movie. Does anyone know "Plan 9 from outer space"? Ah, and a big hug to you all *Hi mom!*
  11. Thx Lawyer! I guess I'm a junkie. I need stuff like that every now and then... And I think I just found a new sig line: with (I hope so) kind permission of Babra:
  12. 1.) "Playing? I'm not playing games, I'm just testing the TCP/IP configuration..." 2.) "Look honey, isnt that beautiful, you see that little lake next to that forest? And there, look at that lovely little chapel next to that romantic bridge. And can you hear the birds singing?" You should then make her leave the room before your 105mm arty starts pulverizing the lovely chapel, bridge and birds... 3.) Stop playing CM for a while. Start working longer, coming home late. When the telephone rings, run like hell to the phone and start whispering things like "Ah, sorry, I can't speak right now... Yes... tomorrow... bye" Buy a cheap women's eau de toilet and apply a few drops on yourself before coming home. Then, after some weeks buy your wife a big bunch of flowers. Tell her you love her. Start your normal life again. Start playing CM again. I doubt that she will interfere with such a "harmless" hobby anymore... PS: If she leaves you, you played your role too well. But at least you have time again for playing CM. [ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  13. Maybe some of you "guys" got a "little bit" too much "sun" lately ? :cool:
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: I don't know if he still exists, but there used to be another requirement: People had to have been assimilated by the CM Borg. Ah, those were the days. Now we are in a lull, waiting for CM2 to be released.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, the old days. I really miss CMBorg. I'll never forget the day he assimilated me...
  15. Ah, and Fieldmarshall, something is wrong with your caps-lock key. Everytime you post something it looks like YOUR'RE SHOUTING AT US.
  16. OK. Could everybody take a deep breath? Come on, it's not that hard. All is quiet...I'm am calm...peace.... And now alltogether: "Ommmmmmmmmm..." Hey, you there! Relax! Yes, you ! OK, let's do it together again: "Ommmmmmm!" Feel better?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H: Set up a couple of lines of defense. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is IMO fairly difficult in battles <1500pts. If you're playing on a medium or large map there's so much terrain to cover that two or more lines of resistance will be either weak or concentrated around certain key positions which can be easily flanked by an opponet superior in numbers. I experimented a lot with a "screening force" of one or two platoons but since obstacles like minefields and barbe wire are IMO too expensive this troops get too easily overwhelmed by the enemy. But I agree with your overall tactics, only that I wouldn't spend points on a 8,8 Pak unless I think I'll run into Jumbos or thickly armoured Churchills. In CM an 88mm is almost overkill. A 75mm does the same job for far less price and its smaller and thus easier to hide and more difficult to spot. Ah, and the 250/9s are very vulnerable, too. I hate to see my HTs getting knocked out by .50 cals...
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I think you know my strategy <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe, yes I do. But I think that your Püppchen/20mm defense is quite vulnerable to long range direct HE and arty. In our recent game the low visibility restricted the use of arty and long range direct HE and maximised the advantages of Püppchens/20mm. If you had a more mobile force you could've stopped my flanking attack cold.
  19. Since I like playing defensive battles a lot, I'm still trying to find out what works better for me. With mobile defense I mean a defense that (besides infantry and off-board arty, of course) relies on tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled arty, while a static defense would employ AT guns, howitzers and infantry guns. The big point for the tanks is, of course, mobility, but in many medium battles (1000-2000 points) mobility is not such a decisive factor IMO since the map is just too small for large flanking/counter attack moves. So the tanks are forced into a "mobile pillbox" role. Second point: tanks are armoured and should survive MG and arty fire far better than stationary guns. BUT: since the engagement ranges in CM are usually short and deadly, they can die very fast. Almost every gun can knock out almost (OK, no King Tigers, Jagdtigers, Super Pershings... I'm talking about the "normal" Stugs, Pz IV, Shermans) every tank. So armour can be quiet vulnerable. The big advantage for guns IMO is that they can (other than AFVs) effectively hide from their opponent and decide WHEN to engage the enemy. Under normal circumstances I ALWAYS manage to get of two, three shots with an AT gun before the target spots the gun. So there's a very good chance that the each gun will at least destroy one tank. If they see a target. Which can be a problem when the terrain resticts LOS over large parts of the map. And guns are cheap! For the cost of a regular Pz IV (119pts) I could by a 75mm Pak, a HMG 42 and a 20mm Flak. (121 pts) Lots of firepower against armoured/unarmoured vehicles and infantry. If you rely on static guns to defend, you REALLY have to place them good at the beginning of a battle, 'cause during the battle it's VERY difficult to move those buggers. With mobile units I can wait for the attacker to show me his "Schwerpunkt" of attack and then concentrate my mobile assets on his forces. So, what's your tactic? Static guns or tanks or a mixture of both?
  20. Well, Tiger, half my tanks have your name on them. It would be really sad if a man with your talents leaves us and CM because of some jerks who behave like 5-year olds.
  21. Oh yeah, I would like to see that, too. Especially as the gunner of a 88mm Pak. First the sirens:"Hey zere, fashist dogs! Wake up, we're coming!!" Then:"What, you can't see us, wait, we'll turn on the headlights! Better now?" But yes, you're right. IIRC it was Gen.Rybalkov who ordered his tanks to charge through the german lines with sirens howling and headlights on, firing on the move. It was supposed to psychologically wear down the defenders. When you consider that the russians had 3 armys, 1 tank corps and 2500 guns, heavy mortars and Katyushas to break through the german line held by three weak divisions I wonder if the "psychological effect" was significant in any way besides a nice story for the press...
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: My kanigget can beat up your kanigget any time!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean: Your kanigget can beat up someone's kanigget if your kanigget gets more 20mm than a Luftwaffe kanigget Division in deep snow just before sunrise. In response to Panzerkanigget's post describing the heroic actions of my soldiers vs his 20mm/SMG/Püppchen/snow/low visibility defense (last Peng thread): On a clear day with historical forces my kaniggets would've trashed your kaniggets in no time! Ha! [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  23. I once moved a bazooka team into a house where it ambushed a Stug. The Stug got knocked out, the house was on fire. The tank crew and the Bazooka guys BOTH ran into the SAME house, hugging the ground! I really would like to know their conversation...
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