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  1. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Childress in Unsere Mutter, unsere Vater   
    I would watch this, very good series IMO and it gives a different POV of which I found useful to stimulate thinking on what would you do if you lived in a society that headed the way Germany headed.
    We are all humans and act pretty much along same lines, it is just a question of luck (birth) in which society you end up that then forms your frames of reference...
    Definately worth a watch.
  2. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Col Deadmarsh in Best H2H Scenarios   
    I think I mentioned some of these in my own H2H thread but I'll state them again here.
    Les Charne - Good H2H scenario in the fact that it's very balanced. Allies have better use of tanks while Germs have better use of Anti-tank weapons. Fighting is confined to a small space although there are some options for flanking. 7/10.
    Last Defense - Also a good H2H battle. Allies might have slight advantage on defense. If you're attacking with Germs, you better know how to use artillery effectively. 7/10.
    Bloody St. Omer - Playing it now and after being only halfway into the battle, I can already say that Germans have the advantage on defense. There are deadly surprises waiting for the Allies, ones you would not expect as there are no warnings in the briefing. Other than that, the map is very well made and more interesting than the other two. 8/10 (so far)
  3. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Sgt Joch in Strategic and tactical realities in CMBS   
    That type of language is out of line here. Do not use insulting language.
  4. Upvote
    Holien reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in Strategic and tactical realities in CMBS   
    I would like you to indicate where I have made an anything but contributing post on this forum, and if you are unable to do so, I would request you either address my points, or chose not to address me at all.
  5. Upvote
    Holien reacted to average in sell on Steam?   
    I'm not trying to be difficult here. I think the point for me is that across my various devices and the whole what you would call "trial attorney" lifestyle I generally have about 8-10 days a year where I can get stuck into my old hobbies. So this year for instance, I get to a break in my schedule, I dig out CMSF and try and install it on day 1 a short domestic vacation. That involves finding my windows laptop (not my Macbook Pro because not even I will buy the same program for different platforms unless its MS Office). Then I find out I've used up my three installs. So I email helpdesk. The response was super helpful but I've lost the time I had to play. A couple of years before that I repurchased the Marines module because of a key problem. 
    Or just over Christmas, this time I didn't take my windows laptop (my Apple is better). So I touch down in Paris and I'm left to ponder should I buy CMRT for Mac or Windows. I mostly play on Windows at home, but when I've got free time I'm often away. So the solution is I defer it until I get home by not buying anything. This matches my general dissatisfaction with the weird patches, DRM and content issues I described above. I notice that the titles I do play all have the "steam-play" feature that bridges that gap for me. 
    So I get home and I need to install CMBN and I decide to get version 3.0. So that takes me a day to download, and then I install it - which I need to do anyway since I've changed SSDs over. 
    Then I start playing Market Garden for a couple of days. I get involved in a what-if scenario involving the counter-attack at Eerde by Von der Heeydte. Totally enjoyed it. But very hard fought. Having just re-read "It Never Snows in September" I'm somewhat surprised that the scratch force attacking my left-hand flank (made up of training troops and stragglers in reality) are all set to crack. Probably not as surprised as I am by the amount of running armor that KG Wather has. Then yesterday I managed to spend a couple of hours in the Hunner Park Nijmegen scenario. But in the back of my mind I wonder how my PC with twin GT970s and running at about 4.5ghz, with 16gbs of ram and an SSD is running the game at a slide show pace. So again, rough edges taking the shine of what is the best game in its product class. 
    Perhaps the other thing to note is that I do frequently change components or entire computers. That has probably come about because of ever better SSD solutions, new processors and just being a little unlucky with having high end components fail early. So while I'm exaggerating to make a point, the point is a very real one for me.  
    So unlike many of the other posters here I have some very real time constraints that mean to me, the overwhelming imperative is having something I can pick up and play at any time without having any questions as to whether the product I've paid for will work, whether it is up to date and whether every scenario or campaign is uniformly worth the investment of time.
    I think what is literally missing from this conversation is that I am a marginal customer who used to be completely rusted on. I like CMX2 a whole lot better than CMX1. I like modern a whole lot more than WW2. I have more than enough spare money to buy everything you publish and not blink. What is making me a marginal customer is that its become cumulatively hard to find the time to keep up to date and sort through the content. There are also ease of transacting questions and some bad experiences with DRM into the bargain. What I am prepared to pay for is a seamless digital experience and a high level of curation of your content. If you can organise that then I don't mind paying for "features." Whether I have any interest in particular modules is another question, but that is exactly why you are selling modules, some of us will buy some, some of us will buy only a few. 
    So assuming I'm not a lone time poor voice in the wilderness I think its worth investigating whether a product like CMSF could be sold digitally (at say $20 for a complete copy) and given the chance that game deserved to succeed (which in versions 1.0 through to 1.10) it never really had owing to quality control issues. If that works then it might suggest moving to a dual track system of digital distribution and the BFC web-store.  Perhaps you could do this to generate publicity for CMBS and support for its release (as you said, many customers including friends of mine could never overcome their experience with CMSF 1.0 to 1.10). 
    Finally, I'm not sure that Baneman and Sburke et al represent the views of the majority of customers. Their forum post counts are so substantial that no doubt they are able to keep completely up to date and play on a regular basis. That said at most they will have spent $90 more (having personally purchased every CMX1 game and everything but Gustav line and CMRT) on BFC products than I have to date. So I appreciate your willingness to explore better methods to publish your products, because when your products work, with the right user made content, then they are fantastic. 
  6. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from m0317624 in sell on Steam?   
    Up to Steve, but if it was me I would spend £100 and some time to investigate a bit further. The tech base has changed and as part of the R&D of any business it is worth getting solid facts, even if it costs a few bucks...

    I have found some of the posts in this thread to be less than impressive. IMO the community needs new blood and if we can be civil without shouting people down then good things might come out of it.
  7. Upvote
    Holien reacted to PeterH in sell on Steam?   
    Just because you do not understand their position does not mean their position is in any way wrong. If Battlefront did go on steam I for one would hope that they kept their own store online for people such has yourself who would prefer not to be on steam.

    In terms of my own humble opinion (and here I mean that as I will only be giving my own certain knowledge) I won't try to make a judgement on whether or not steam will increase Battlefront's revenue. I as a customer would very much appreciate the ability to have all of my combat mission games on steam, auto-updating with easy access to mods and a nice hub for community. Maybe even support for a more fully realized multiplayer. The ability to review the games on a platform of millions is also helpful, and I would be giving extremely positive ones at that. Simply put for my own very selfish reasons I would urge Battlefront to keep considering this as an option, even if it is just to keep folk like me happy.

    For those mumbling and grumbling about "back in my day we used to write code to open applications" and "wow you are so lazy with your auto-updates what is the world coming to" you need to get a grip. Less time having to edit my games means more time to actually play them, see my friends, work and or better yet create something myself. It is not lazy to prefer not having to do these tasks, it is very much in human nature and I guarantee you will struggle to find many outside of your own age group who agree with you. I worry that when I get old, experienced and wise I will become stuck in my ways but never before have I seen a community so rigidly sticking to its ways. Though to be fair that is also precisely the reason I enjoy interacting here so much, the general level of respect and humor is usually ace. Aside from the rather pitiful showing in this thread so far.
    @Steve The fact that this thread is shown in the"ye olde wargaming" section of a games news website reputed to be more old fashioned in their approach to media shows that this subject is of special interest to a large group of people. There is definitely a call for this, is it time to go and do a little more research?
  8. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side   
    Thanks Chris... there is no way I can win this one, my goal now is to cause him as much pain as possible before I fall, at least make his victory a Pyrrhic victory.  
  9. Downvote
    Holien reacted to Rinaldi in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    U S A
    U S A
    U S A
  10. Upvote
    Holien reacted to von Luck in sell on Steam?   
    For those less interested in reading the article these graphs are an interesting look at Sales data.
    Initial Sales:

    Midweek Madness Sales:

    Humble Bundle Sales:

    Total Revenue:

    von Luck
  11. Upvote
    Holien reacted to GreenAsJade in CM Helper 1.5.0: please update (windows users particularly)   
    H2HH turned into CMH some time back ... they're the same thing, only CMH is more recent.
    If you're happy with the H2HH that you have, then you don't have to change, but if you even need support you'll need to update first - I can't support H2HH any more.  Also CMH has some things that H2HH doesn't.   Most noticeable is that all games are on a single pane, instead of spread between separate panes per game type.   Also, CMH tells you what versions/patches you have installed of the various games.
  12. Upvote
    Holien reacted to George MC in Peanut Gallery for the AAR, No Bill or Pnzrldr   
    Sorry but sadly Bil is toast. Those M1s will just roll in, shrug of any rpg shots and machine gun (iirc buildings might be preserve options) any Russian infantry sheltering in the buildings. Once Bil runs out of a/ T90s b/ anti tank assets nowt left to do but surrender. A company team with a plartoon of M1s and two platoons of BIFVs would have made for a more balanced challenge IMO.
  13. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side   
    The Thirteenth Minute
    1st MRC - continues to move through the gullies to setup their AT screen and OP/LP positions... the Counter-Attack (CA) Force is in position just behind the AT screen and ready to react to any potential enemy movements.  The rest of the company is either setting up in depth to defend this terrain or are starting to move toward the Power Station to start building the Assault Company.

    2nd MRC - the T90s that were supporting the two BMPs and infantry hunting the US Scout Platoon have pulled out to start their trek to the Power Station.  The BMPs, with their infantry screen in front begin to hunt forward looking for the US units.  Two things spotted at the end of this turn.. the platoon leader team, and another SA-13.. this last was spotted by BMP-3 #1 and it was taking aim as the turn ended.

    The more I think about it the more nervous I get about staying on center hill with this company.  The mortars Scott fired last turn, hitting my infantry teams really brought this home to me.. I need to move most of them forward into the gullies, clear them and take up positions from which I can attack any US reinforcements.. this will also mean that Scott will have to deal with them in close.. it'll be like the Battle of the Washboard at NTC (look it up).
    The positions in green marked 1, 2, and 3 are the supposed positions the US Scout Platoon could be in.  I know there was one HMMWV and team in #1, might still be there... I also know there were a couple more HMMWVs in position #2, I haven't seen them leave, so they might still be there.. if I missed their withdrawal then they should be in position 3.  With the Platoon HQ in position 2, its probable that the other teams are still here as well.

    The following image shows what I suspect could be the entry positions for the US reinforcements.. As soon as I identify where they are coming in, I will then give you my analysis on what I suspect they might do.. so we'll revisit this image then.

    The Pocket - Tunguska #2 moved forward, fired up one of my unmanned TIgrs (destroying it) then started moving quickly back toward the town moving right by one of my recon teams (which does not have an RPG).  Tunguska #1 turned up in an overwatch position overlooking the river... hmmm.. this might give me an opportunity.  No other activity was noted.. oh, my artillery is still falling despite losing my observer last turn.

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