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Ales Dvorak

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Everything posted by Ales Dvorak

  1. Yes, but it takes time........ Stoffel , there will be a day when......
  2. OMG! I'ts .... Assault on the Moon Love Alice.........Out --------- Random
  3. Now you're see why it's BACKORDERED!
  4. ...And did we tell you the name of the game. boy, we call it Riding the Gravy Train....
  5. Keep on truckin' "against the computer" Well.....
  6. Since #8000 was Lyonel " The Lurker " [ March 01, 2003, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  7. *zzzvvvviiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzz* stole crystal ball *zzzzzvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz* Muuuuuaaaaaaa......... wait a minute ... crystal ball......... Yeek.......running on empty .....whatever.....
  8. Maybe check this one. Quicktime (sometimes ) makes problems with audio programs such as Cubase, Nuendo..etc.
  9. Not for Mac. --------- OMG this is my first grin..... [ February 04, 2003, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  10. Same here. Fine? Downsampled look and blurry skies.
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