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Ales Dvorak

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Everything posted by Ales Dvorak

  1. DA =27, NE = 1 [ December 22, 2002, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  2. Same here on 867 dual, GF 4 , but on i book 700, ATI, everything is OK. I think kmead is right.
  3. ...beacuse there is no problem with video card. Chess in the fog?....... hmmm.............
  4. I wasn't aware a mortar could actually malfunction like that. You learn something new every day.</font>
  5. I was in mortar ( 82 mm) training almost a year. One day round stucked in the tube. It was pretty nervous situation. Oh BTW, Olle Petersson , it is hard to fire at range 500 or 1000m immediately behind a large building in real life.
  6. There are no upgrades or weapon selection: you take what you're given.
  7. Bought machine two month ago and 3.5 drivers were included (?). Looks? Blurry sky, downsempled mods, etc. Problem? No ( only with CM ) Improvements? I never try 3.1 drivers, so...... BTW I got mail from tecumseh and he wrote: " I have put the screenshots up on the main forum. Your gf4mx looks identical to my gf2mx in terms of textures and quality. For example you have slightly fuzzy uniforms, compared to a 32mb Radeon AGP card. " That is all I can help. Ales [ December 08, 2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  8. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001852
  9. Thanx, if any? http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=026635
  10. Tanks a lot, please there is request for winter water mod, please ( yes I know there is (are) other winter water mod(s). Please.......... Thanx Ales
  11. Once I started QB for 300 pts. everything random, computer pick and I got nothing (0). OK. I pressed GO and I lost (This is not a joke) ........... Sorry. I didnt save a file
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