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Ales Dvorak

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Everything posted by Ales Dvorak

  1. And CMBB was made on mac? *not so happy mac user*
  2. Where are You? In the month& half there is gonabe WBW party.
  3. Hey, where the f**k is MasterGoodale? --------- :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Beacuse of the Palace at Versailles...or somefink ( by Michael Dorosh ) Too symetrical map........
  5. Now You are talking. .......... Nevermind [ November 21, 2002, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Ales Dvorak ]
  6. I was just wondering how to simulate corn field in CMBB.
  7. Is this a historical map editor ( in CMBB ) or is it * just * map editor?
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