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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Richard I couldn't agree with you more. Actually I was just about to post about this very thing when I read your post. Last night I was advancing on a town and a squad of my men came under fire from a Panther. Well, the stupid heads just layed there until almost all were killed. Had I been able to tell them advance but if a Panther comes along and shots the crap out of you - beat it. Anyway, sure wish there were a better way to avoid that situation. Maybe the answer is to just pick troops with high morale like jdmorse suggests. Hope CM2 addresses this, what I call major problem.
  2. Thank you, thank you & thank you. This will almost complete my needs in the way of mods. Well, at least until another one comes out. The recent mods are just great. I can't believe the improvement over the older ones. Is there no end in sight. Hope not. Maybe prayers do actually help. Again, we thank you, Matt.
  3. Hey, great looking marsh. Thank you ever so much. This has got to be the best looking one out there.
  4. Just got in from a weekend at the lake and was very glad to see these great looking uniforms to download. Thanks alot and yeah you should do some more if this is how good you are!
  5. I have just about played all the scenario's that came with this game and wanted to see which everybody thinks is the best 3rd party ones. I prefer ones with tanks in them but if one really stands out that doesn't I'd be interested in it/them. Any suggestions? Also, if you could tell me where I might find them. Lazy bumm aren't I? I also prefer playing as the American's. Can't help it just can't get into playing any other nations. Appreciate any help.
  6. Now that's cool. No really what a great idea and it looks great. It would even be neater if others could download it. Hint! Hint!
  7. Very nice work. Thanks for your efforts they look like ..... well, the sky. Good job.
  8. Thanks for the replys. I'll just have to try Old Dogs.
  9. I am really having trouble seeing the different terrain elevations in the game. Since it seems that much of winning depends on a large part to not getting shot and the best way I know is to keep from being seen I try very hard to stay low and use the lower elevations to move around. This however is very difficult since I am having a lot of problems distinguishing the elevations and was wondering what everybody thought was the best grass/terrain mod for this. Also, if anybody has any suggestions or comments on this subject I'd be grateful.
  10. Now that I like. I'll use, thanks and there is no such thing as being over done. Not when it comes to mods. Really nice looking stuff you got there.
  11. Truely excellent work Marco, but that's to be expected from you so a big big thanks!!!
  12. Just a bump. I really would like to know why the brown helmets in the winter on the American vehicle crews and why most of the German vehicle crew uniforms still in black instead of white when it's winter. Am I the only one interested? Everybody should be highly ashamed. This is very important can't you all see that????
  13. Yeah and do the American's drinking a coke. Just kidding. Cool idea but bet it's hard-coded (faces) where you can't.
  14. Yeah, been there done that. What can you do but say bad words, loud bad words and move on. Yes, I'd say the dumb ass deserved it.
  15. Maximus. I just finished downloading your V3 and went to the game to see if that changed all uniforms to white and it doens't change all. Most still have the brown helmets on them. So that's not it. So, I wonder why helmets are still brown? Any other comments? I just have to know why German crews uniforms are black and why American crew helmets are brown. I can live with it but now just want to know why. Oh by the way glad I did download yours, very nice coloring.
  16. Looking very nice. As your mod improves I feel more stupid about my first comment. Good job and am waiting to download. Thanks.
  17. Great be sure to let us know when it's done. Guess there's no pictures to tease us, That's ok we can Wait........Is it ready yet.
  18. I dont think anyone would, unless one's wife won the "me or computer" match. Damn and I going to miss her too.
  19. I asked this in another post but I think the post is dead, so thought - hey, I'll ask everybody. I know one of you out there knows and I'll be hanged if I'm going to let you keep it to yourself. So come on - give. Tell me it's that damn hard-coded thing and not just our dear modders didn't notice it, I noticed it and if you want to hear something more shocking did you realize that almost all of the American crew helmets aren't white either!!!!!! Yes, their uniforms are white but no, no white helmets. I am ashamed - to say the least. So really anybody know?
  20. Yeah or just getting lazy? What do we pay these people for if - never mind.
  21. Damn! he never said if tank turrets would be able to turn independent of the hull on command. Isn't that just like BTS thinking of work instead of just me.
  22. Hey Mike8g I just played a game after posting my message above and I guess since I was just talking about them I used one ( actually two ) of the SdKfz7's and I want to take back what I said about the comparison between yours and the original. No comparison. Your's is far better with much more detail. I guess that's what you ( Me ) get for being in a hurry. Foot doesn't taste that good either, by the way. So I'm a dumb ass. But decal's are good on any and everything if you don't know. Just a hint. Please do let us know when your's is finished I would love to have it. Sincerely.
  23. Not an expert but I don't see how that's gamey or much if any at all. I would assume they did that in real life? If they didn't shame on them for wasting life's.
  24. Yes it sounds like good things are coming our way. A winter truck, good we need one plus I think someone said there's a winter Chaffee coming also so we should just about have winter mods for all our American vehicles. I wish somebody would do the Pershing Tank in winter. I know we have one but it looks more brown than OD. plus too much snow ( at least it looks to be snow ) around the wheels. Just doesn't suit my taste. It was done some time ago I think and what with the great looking ones coming out now it just is lacking in comparison. Look who's talking though I can't even color in a book.
  25. Well PawBroon I do appreciate that. How about with star and whitewashed? Yeah, that's my favorite one and thank you ever so much.
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