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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Thanks again for trying to help Moonfog but I think my wife answered my question in that we are just now getting Roadrunner and if she is reading it right I will have 10 MB thur thier email service. So how cool is that?
  2. Hey there Fuerte I am interested I think but not sure what "two turns per email " means although I assume it means just what it says? If that is the case then yes I would certainly be interested as I am just fixin to get Roadrunner and for the first time since about two years ago am thinking about getting involved in PBEM's again. So hopefully the demand is there for it to be worth your time to make it work with CMBO.
  3. Thanks for the reply moonfog but I can't understand a thing on that site. It ain't english! I know that wasn't either. Anyway, appreciate the attempt to help. Anybody else use anything?
  4. I need to find another Email service that I can use. My problem is that I am currently using Yahoo and Hotmail but when I tried to have an individual email me a mod he had to email it to me in sections. That pretty much sucks so I was wondering if anybody knew of one that could handle it. This is kind of related to CM since my only use for one other then what I am currently using would be due to mod emails. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Oh well like I said I can hardly wait until it comes out or stops hiding or whatever. Maybe Tools will see this post and let us know if and where it's at. The wait goes on. :confused:
  6. Hey thanks Esper for the word. I didn't notice Tools date when I posted and therefore waiting for him to complete it. I appreciate the info. So now I can go get it thanks to you.
  7. OK Tools it's been a couple of days already. Is it done yet? Just kidding of course but am looking forward to seeing it in the game. Please do keep us posted. I'm rather excited about this mod as it is of a vehcile that I need a good mod for badly. But please take your time.
  8. So looks like BF got it right when modelling the Tiger since I find it's one if not the most accurate tank in the game. Thanks for the reading most enjoyable.
  9. Interesting post Rexford and as always useful information and just confirms why the Tiger is such an awlsome tank and killer of my fine allied troops. I really don't see how anybody could stand up to these monsters. Guess they did though.
  10. That is one very nice mod there Tools. The color is very different and that camo pattern excellent so yeah I really like it. Detail really stands out which I personally place a lot - a lot - of importance on. I do believe it will look great in the game. And like already stated thanks ever so much for doing it for CMBO and your hard work and talents. Looking forward to seeing in the game. Very Very nice.
  11. Very nice Makjager. I sure like that red one but the green looks pretty darn nice too. Outstanding job there my friend. Please keep us posted but they sure look like their ready now. I know I am.
  12. Here I was taking the day off and didn't know what I was going to do and then you come along and make my day with all these scenarios. What a deal. Thanks guys. Happy Presidents day. Hey I'll take any holiday off I can.
  13. In d/l some mods I noticed that on many of them the outpost refers you to Combat Mission FTP not just Combat Mission. In going over to Combat Mission I can't find these mods. Anybody know what that FTP means or stands for. Would appreciate any help as I just have to have these certain mods and can't find them but if I know what FTP stood for I probably would have a lot better chance. :confused:
  14. For that matter I don't see why BF couldn't redo this game with all the neat things that are available in CMBB but have it cover the entire war period. I mean most people that own CMBO now would probably buy it since it would be all the goodies that we want plus a lot of new things like vehicles, more terrain features like different types of land marks such as different types of building, dams, etc. They could do it in a year or shorter time since most everything is all really done for CMBO anyway, make some quick cash get themselves that extra SUV and summer house they've been wanting and then move on to another new game plus the big bonus would be they would get us CMBO diehards off their backs. Anyway, I thought it was an excellent idea. :cool:
  15. Well, again I do appreciate everybody's feed back. This is the type of response I was hoping to get and it was very helpful. Thanks. After reading one response I would decide not to buy then I'd read the next favorable one and decide to buy it and so forth and so on. But after Yankee Dog took the time to really explain certain aspects of the game I feel it sounds like something I would like to try. So looks like I'm buying although I'll wait until the next update comes out before doing so. Again, thanks to all and especially to Yankee Dog for his much appreciated detailed post. That's just what I needed to make a decision. See yall on the Eastern Front.
  16. Well I don't know if you guys helped me or made me more confused. Not that that would be hard to do. Everyone makes a good point however and I do appreciate the feed back. Darn CM for coming out with CMBB instead of improving CMBO. Well I'll just continue to think about it I guess but in the mean time if somebody would care for a game let me know. I have only played 3 PBEM's in the 2 1/2 years I've had the game and those were over 2 years or so ago so I'm not an old pro at this game in case one would be worried. I'm easy so any side or setup would be fine with me. I prefer American's but I could do the evil German's.
  17. Well, thanks guys for the imput. I appreciate it. It's really a hard decision because I enjoy CMBO so much but kind of feel like I might be missing out in not getting CMBB. So I don't know what I'll do yet but do appreciate you taking the time to answer my post. I guess it wouldn't kill me to buy it and see but then again - hell I don't know.
  18. I am seriously thinking about buying CMBB but am hesitant as why waste money when I really am perfectly happy with CMBO. Not that I can't afford the $50.00 but I really wonder if CMBB is all that different and better since I really really prefer and am more interested in the Western Front over the Eastern anyway. Would it be a waste of money since I would probably just go back to playing CMBO unless it was a lot better/fun/different, etc. Anybody that has CMBB and CMBO want to make a comment, suggestion or advice.
  19. I have heard that there is a way to make a backup copy of my disk and I would like to do that as my current CD is getting old and I am afraid that something could happen to it. Can anybody tell me in real simple terms how I would go about this. Now remember I know nothing about computers and have never copied or back upped anything. Anyway, I would appreciate any help.
  20. Quote; I've just discovered Steven Burvenich's excellent grey StuG mod but in the CMHQ dl there appears to be a texture missing (sides of the StuG IV) Anyone know where I can get the complete mod or this particular texture? Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It never was finished so you won't be able to have the side plates if you choose to use that particular mod. All models will not have side plates. I know it's a bummer cause I too liked that particular gray color but I had to choose anther mod to get the side plates.
  21. Ares-the-great wrote; Sorry,not a reference to age,just meaning the ones who were around during the start of this board and the CM game itself.I was reading through the old archives back to '99 and '00(gaining very useful info),and having played the end product of CMBO,i was amazed to read that at one time BTS wasnt going to have dead bodies,or any representation of casualties.Now i know from reading those posts that this poor dead horse has been beaten more times than a red headed step child ,but i was curious to the evoulution of this. __________________________________________________ Ares I believe that CM decided that the game did need to show some dead left on the battle field but that they felt it in poor taste to show all the blood and guts involved and that if the true count of bodies was shown it would slow the game down. A lot of people didn't have a problem with blood and guts but as you can imagine there were plenty that did. CM took the safe route as I for one can understand although I disagree with and went with the feeling of the mini-van moms or more senitive ones.
  22. Ares if you will go here : http://www.combatmission.com/ and then click on "3rd Party Mods" which is at the left of screen and then click on "Winter Vehicle Camo Textures" you will find all the mods that aren't individually done. Now there are also vehicles in that pack that were individually done later but to get the ones that haven't ever been individually done you have to first start with this pack. Now it will override some of the individual ones you already got but the only way to avoid this is by eliminating the bmp's in the pack that you already have. That way you are only changing what you actually need. I hope this makes sense. If not post again and I or somebody that understands and can explain better will expound on it.
  23. Sorry I just reread your post where you mention you prefer the allied's so I'll take German's. It'll be different for a change anyway.
  24. Well our machines sound about the same so if you want go ahead and send me a setup and we'll have a go at it. I too could do several turns a week. I prefer the American's but would take German's. Let me know any gamey considerations so we can discuss them. Other then that I'm easy.
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