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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I just posted a new topic about this very site. I guess one should look before leaping. Oh well It never hurts telling about a good thing.
  2. As the above says if you are looking for a game try here: http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/ I think this site may be a big hit I know it will be for me.
  3. Well how's that for service. Great job GJK and fast too. So I am heading over right now to join up although as I am currenting beating the stuffing out of four guys already I won't be taking on any other games for a little bit unless one of those poor souls I'm just clobbering surrenders or just commits suicide which just may very well be the case soon. Sounds like this site is going to be very popular.
  4. Well one more reason for me to wait before buying CMBB it sounds like. This sounds like it would make the game for me unsatisfactory. I hate bugs like this in a game. Ruins any enjoyment I would get out of a game. Of course now if you guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill that's another story. Any other problems I should know about other then this and is this that big of problem? BFC is awful good about fixing stuff like this and I am surprised to hear it hasn't already been done but not really keeping up on CMBB since I don't have it it may very well be being addressed as we speak. Sure hope so.
  5. Good note Frunze thanks. I need all the help that I can get. Getting tired of everybody pushing me around in my Pbem's. Their all just a lot of bullyboys.
  6. Oh I forgot to add that I think it would be a great idea to refer everyone to this site or one like it if there's a better one out there. http://home.arcor.de/rehbold/Gamey_tactics.htm It would help, at least I think, to get everybody on the same page so to speak. I think it's the minium two opponents should discuss and decide on before playing each other to avoid any hard feelings. I am excited about this idea of yours and am looking forward to using it - hopefully a lot.
  7. Well after you explaining it GJK I think it sounds like a great idea. Also it would keep from getting hooked up with somebody like Moneymaxx that is so gamey it's horrible. No just kidding he is presently teaching me the finer points of getting my butt kicked so I don't like him at this particular date in time. I do agree with him however on his post and would think it pretty important for something like that to be done. I could see that as one thing above all to kill the site and make it not so hot. I also very much agree with him about stating if CMBB or CMBO. I also really like your idea GJK about notes that each player can post describing others. I've only played 7 pbem's in my 3 years of owning the game and 4 of them going on as we speak but can see this area to be pretty important as it could certainly keep you from wasting your time with those that play different then from you to put it nicely. Oh and I even have an original idea of my own. How about a column showing the current number of games a player is presently playing and if they are booked up and couldn't take any more games on. The reason for this is I'd like to sure sign up right now but couldn't take any more games on until I beat these fine fellows I'm currently playing. I just can't say no to somebody that asks me for a game as I don't like to reject people ( call me silly ) and could allow my self to get too booked up and become one of those that don't do a good job or return turns, etc.
  8. Not meaning to be rude or ungrateful could you explain why this site would be better or preferred over the opponent finder here at BFC? Just trying to get an idea of what this site would do for me over BFC's. Thanks.
  9. Outstanding topic there JasonC. As always I get a lot out of your posts or at least enjoy them. In this case I learned something that I have had problems with like forever. I am dying to try your suggestions on moving these short lived troopers. They are always and I mean always either late to battle if they get there at all and/or dead before going far. Anyway thanks for the tips. I plan on using them tonight in some of my pbem games.
  10. Yeah I also noticed that we're both from Austin. That's kind of neat. Yes pretty nice town but man it is getting too big. I've been here now for about 22 years. Oh and for your info I learned yesterday from the General Forum that Renaud is also from Austin so that makes 3 of us. And again easytarget I do appreciate the offer and might very well take you up on it one day not too far in the future.
  11. Well I sure appreciate that offer easytarget and just might take you up on it but now I'm thinking I'll just wait until I need it like if and when I buy CMBB. Do appreciate your help and advice however. Very kind and thoughtful of you.
  12. Thanks easytarget. That sounds like some good advice since I really don't enjoy throwing money away. So there seems to be some question weather or not it would really really improve the game at least CMBO wise. As far as spending that much money ($150.00) that includes labor also since there is no way I'd figure out how to physically install it or even if I could physically install it I know there are drivers or stuff also to install and that would be way over my head. Thanks for the advice.
  13. Thanks for the info guys. The 64 mb I am planning on getting is a Geforce by the way. So sounds like if planning on getting CMBB which I am one of these days it would be good to go to a 64mb card. Again thanks for answering.
  14. Would I see a lot better picture if switching from a 32 video card to a 64 card. My processor is a Pent. 850. Please don't confuse me with rpm's or any of that other stuff because I don't understand it and just confuses rather then helps. Let me ask it this way. Is it worth spending $150.00 to go from 32 to 64. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Ok I take it back about wanting Korea if and only if a re-make of CMBO is possible. I didn't know that was even an option so I agree about the re-make.
  16. Yes Dressler I would love to drive it around a bit and I'll sure get back with you if like the barrel or maybe a wheel falls off or something. Yeah please do email it to me if you would be so kind.
  17. I suggest you start out with CMBO because it was the first game out. Starting on CMBB might spoil you for going back to CMBO. That at least's my understanding although I don't have CMBB - yet.
  18. Well here I was all ready to go get it but I think I'll wait until you post it somewhere or if you wouldn't mind you could email it to me. I really would like to have it. I personally think it looks very nice and would sure use it. Oh and what is a rotbraun?
  19. Very nice mod there Dressler. I like it and am heading over to get it right now. I also like the tricolor and glad you modded one for us. Thanks for thinking about us and your time.
  20. Hey thanks Fuerte for this two-turn program. It looks very interesting and I will try it out. Again thanks for your work and time.
  21. Welcome Nate it's always nice to see new people come aboard. As far as club's I really can't answer that as I have only used this forum in the close to 3 years that I have been playing this game and have never needed any other place. Now saying that I am sure that the other sites are great too but you really don't have to join one to learn to play. Everything is here is except mods and that's another story. Anyway, welcome and hopefully others will follow me that have more knowledge on club's. Enjoy and you are in for the treat of your life. I know I have.
  22. Oh and you might want to take a look at this site; http://www.cmoutpost.net/ but then again it'll just make your deciding that much harder. Excellent and one of the most useful sites for mods and where they are. Enjoy the games and see you around and welcome to this forum. You will soon enjoy reading and talking on this forum as much as you will the games.
  23. Well yes and no. I would suggest that you go here: http://www.combatmission.com/ and download the two MDMP's # 1 and # 2. This will improve a lot of the game but it's really only the beginning as you will soon see. There are so many individual mods you will see and just have to have, but it is a beginning. Of course you will also have to decide if you want to load CMMOS or not. You can read about this at the same site. Well good luck on trying to deciding what you are going to do but what I would do is simply play and learn the game while downloading what you want little by little. It's really too overwhelming.
  24. This is good news indeed. If they are making vast improvements to CMBB then it won't be long before they do the same for CMBO. This is great news! I am soooooooo excited. I've got to go now so I can call and email all my friends about it. Happy days are here again!!!!!! Great news, truely great!!!
  25. I want Korea and if they don't make it I'm not going to play. That's right I won't play anything else. I didn't bitch when they did the Western Theater and I didn't even bitch when the Eastern theater came out but this is where I draw the line. :mad:
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