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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Yes just install Patch 1.12 and you are set as far as the game goes. No other patches or anything available or needed. Now what you do after that with improveing the looks of the game in the way of mods is strictly up to you and your personal taste. It's a lot of work but nobody says you have to do it overnight anyway. Hell I'm still changing mods and I've been playing for over 3 years. As far as Pbem not sure if you want help learning how to set it up or what?
  2. CMBB gets everything. :mad: You'd think that BFC are Russia's or something.
  3. I am also somewhat of a mod nut myself but have decided that there are so many great mods out there that aren't CMMO'ed that I'll do without it. Just my opinion. Besides I will use a certain mod for awhile and then have the fun of looking for another one and using it for awhile. So I guess I am just saying there is life without CMMO - in case no kind soul comes alone to help you.
  4. Excellent thanks Erwin. I shall go get it. This will add something to my playing the game. I am so sick and tired of that original tune this will be great for a change and one of my favorites to boot. Thanks for thinking of us.
  5. I normally have liked and actually just about mainly always played the American's cause I is one but I am fast becoming a fan of the Brits. Their armor is extremely deadly or at least in a current Pbem that I am playing where I am actually the German's for only the second time ever am getting my head handed to me by them. Course a lot of it could just be that I am a pretty crappy player right now but still I am in awe of their armor power. I may just have to switch over to playing them. Dandelion are you German? I know you don't live there right now but aren't you? Just curious. It sure seems that you know a great deal about them at least military wise so I assume that's why you would know so much about them being one yourself. I could be wrong you might just be fascinated because they were pretty fascinating.
  6. Yes I had wished dozens of times that that was possible but no I am afraid not. As Gonzo said too bad as it is rare that you get a map that you would like to play over a couple more times.
  7. Hey Big Ron I don't think everybody thinks the Brit's are useless - oh you mean in the game. I'm not so sure everybody thinks that way. I believe according to JasonC who I admire as one being pretty darn knowledgeable and learned on the game believes them to be actually pretty good out of the all the different Allied's.
  8. I love that song - well I guess it's actually music anyway I love it and that is one of my favorite shows of all times so yeah I would love to get it if you would be so kind. Thanks.
  9. Cool photo. No pun intended. Man that looks cold. Now I remember why I live in Texas. We know stuff like that is out there but that's all we want to know about it. [ April 30, 2003, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  10. Like the topic says I'm interested in what side everybody prefers and the why of it. I have an idea I know what most prefer but could be wrong. Please don't just say Allied's either but state the nationality. As far as why it could be something as simple as " I'm a German so I like playing them" or maybe " I like the weapons the Brit's have". If you want to go into detail that would be great too. Anyway, what do you prefer?
  11. Hey thanks a lot Flesh. I do know about those sites but I tried Tom's several times last night and it wasn't working so thought they maybe went by the wayside too. Glad to see they haven't. I do appreciate the help. I now have the Humber mod thanks to you.
  12. I thought I knew where every single mod was but I cannot find this one anywhere. Anybody happen to know? I sure would appreciate it if you'd tell me.
  13. Ted who? This topic is getting way out of hand. Let's just everybody calm down and reason this out. [ April 28, 2003, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  14. Well then I will have to try that idea Night thanks for the tip.
  15. Thanks for the feed back guys. Yeah that makes sense it's just that it is more fun seeing and knowing all but I see your points. For the entire 3 years that I've been playing this game against the AI I've used partial and now it is tough switching to full fog. I guess in time I'll catch on and that does seem to be what everybody prefers so if I'm going to play real opponents that's what I'll have to do. So thanks for the help.
  16. Would like to hear if you think learning the game would be better if played with full fog on or partial fog on? The reason I ask is to me I think I would learn more and faster if I could see what is going on. With full fog I'm really not able to see all that is happening to my opponents troops and therefore don't seem to be catching on very well. I'm not one of those that catch on quick anyway and never have been. Anyway just wanted to get some input on this. Also would most be willing or unwilling to play a Pbem with partial fog on? Your opinions please if you will?
  17. Ron I do agree with you about Dandelion being a good man. Few people I've seen or met on this forum that's as polite and nice as Dandelion. The only other one that I can think of is Pvt. Ryan. He moved on I guess since then but he also was an extremely considerate and helpful individual. Don't get me wrong lots of nice and helpful guys including yourself but these two just stand out - well besides myself don't you know?
  18. Ok sanman I think I'm going to try it and will post my review as you asked when done. Course that may be 6 months from now. PS: No way am I playing those stinking Huns.
  19. Well sanman I d/l'ed it and gave it a whirl and it actually runs pretty good. Just a tiny tiny bit jerky but I think very playable unless it would get worse. Do you think that it would get worse or is this the most taxing it would get? It sure looks interesting though. I am tempted to try it against the AI.
  20. Ok I understand now Ron I just couldn't figure out what you meant there and Yes it does help and I appreciate all the advice and suggestions and you taking the time to write it down. I think I am really to try some of these now to kind of practice with the them. So Cpl Carrott you feel so bad about beating up on me so much that you now decide to help me some. Well OK I'm not so bitter at you as to not listen to good advice.
  21. Sanman when I get home tonight I will d/l the game just to see how my machine handles it and will let you know. Least I could do. Later.
  22. Damn guys I've learned more in these last 2 posts not to mention the others Dandelion has already posted to advance my abilities 1000%. Thanks ever so much. I am printing these out and saving them because no way I can remember everything and they will be my "Bible For Battle". Now if I could only erase them so others can't see them . I do have one question however so if you don't mine Ghost you wrote: "And remember short arty rnds kill so dont be directly in fromt of a barrage but be off to the side slightly to avoid this." d? . What do you mean here? Don't be directly in front of a barrage? Isn't that up to the other guy and where he targets it? I mean how do you even know where the front is until it starts landing then it's too late? Again you guys are great. I really do appreciate you taking the time to write all that up. And Dandelion I think you outdid yourself on that last post. Tired aren't you?
  23. Well sanman I am certainly not experienced so you probably aren't even talking to me but thought I'd express my opinion anyway. Hope you don't mind? I believe most people enjoy the game but have time limits due to jobs, family etc and might just not want to get involved in something that could become to involved and time consuming at one setting. Also I think Kenfedorff is correct in that it could be very difficult for a lot of the machines out there. I know I wouldn't be able to handle it with my 750 processor and 32 video card. I have enough with just 5000 points. It's a shame really because I would love to play something like that commanding all those forces and stuff but just too much for me and my present machine. I do hope there's enough guys out there however that would so you can continue doing what you enjoy - creating them.
  24. Yes Dandelion he is one of them but I'm afraid there's 3 more doing the same. All really good guys just extremely gamey. Oh and moneymaxx I meant Wespe not Wasp, so there - in your face.
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