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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Looks like something I'd like to see in the game. I will go look at it. Thanks flesh. Appreciate you doing that. I've been looking for a lighter color base so my men would show up better and this looks good so far.
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. I will have to use that combo of movements and the different tempo's ideas in the future as it sounds like it would be the best alternative. I especially like giving each squad a different command. That sounds like good common sense. As far as running for it or stopping and firing back I know which in real life I would do but in the game I'm not so sure. The spraying an area idea is something I'll start doing also as my men are running towards it like you suggested Green Hornet but a lot of times especially when I'm snecking up on a position I don't want my opponent to hear me so I am reluctant to do any shooting. You know I've enjoyed this game for 3 years now but until recently when I started playing Pbem's all these ideas, facts and rules didn't really matter or make much difference to me but now that I am fighting against real opponents it does make a difference and it really is necessary to know what the best way to do something in the game is so thanks again for the help - you all.
  3. I am curious how everyone moves their men in the game. What I mean is it seems to me that the only realistic way to move them is by using the sneak command. If you use anything else they don't respond properly or so it seems to me. In real life when you are shot at wheather you are walking or running you are going to stop and at the very least and or dive for cover even if it's a shallow area or tree or whatever but you aren't going to just continue on your orginal course getting the crap shot out of you. So what do you do? I'm mainly referring to when you are close to the enemy not way back and not in wooded areas etc. A good example would be say you are in one wooded area and maybe you need to get to another wooded area about 100 yards away and it's open terrain in between the two. Anybody care to give me their views or thoughts?
  4. You Netherland guys have got a long way to go before taking the number one spot but you sure may be second. Enland has it right now with a total of 9 to The Netherlands 8. But I'm afraid that that is pretty much the whole population so unless somebody moves there real soon England is going to stay second.
  5. Well it's a well known fact that air borne troops are crazy as hell anyway. and now we find out that they are swampy too. But no Dandelion I've learned my lesson on rushing the flags too early. You have all the heavens fall down on your head that way. Nope, I'll be slowly advancing from now on. I do see the point of thick trees though. Like Vesku says in middle trees you pretty much know where the opponent's troops are and he knows yours. We need something between thick and medium.
  6. Well I have cable at home and DSL at work and it's still slow. Quite a lot actually. But if nobody else is having problems - who knows.
  7. Yeah this one's going to be the game! I can feel it. I wish they would hurry.
  8. Vesku I kind of agree with you although at this point I'm not sure what I think. I just recently and I mean real recently started playing Pbem's and finding out that playing against the computer is not very good practice. I'm getting the stuffing beat out of me by all 5 of my opponents. I am completely off my game with these live people. Anyway, like I said I do agree with you about the open space and how you get across it without getting wiped out or at least a large portion of your guys but some do it so there must be a way it just takes practice I suppose. But I do rush the flags figuring the other guys was going to do the same thing but have found out differently - the hard way- arty! I also agree and prefer lots of woods but I don't think most people like that so hesitate to suggest it, but I could be wrong. So I guess I'm a swamper like Dandelion states. I actually would prefer having some rules saying that you cannot swamp as I think it's more fun trying to get at them (flags) in a more real life manner. I doubt that real soldiers rarely just blindly charged a location not careing how many lifes they lost or at least they only did it once. Anyway I'll not be swamping anymore and will make sure I buy enough arty to make my opponent wish he hadn't. That's a very good term Dandelion, swamping. I'll have to start using it. Interesting post by the way.
  9. Thanks for the recommendions Kingfish. I am finishing up a pbem presently and we are discussing trying a scenario instead of a QB so will try one of these if Moneymaxx is in agreement. I guess I couldn't get beat any worst in a scenario then I have already with QB's.
  10. They are now called BFC aren't they? I think that's the last I heard anyway. As far as the new game I really really am looking forward to it as I just never could get excited about the Eastern Front.
  11. A good observation there Dandelion but I'm afraid I can't answer for the designers of scenario's as I am not one. Maybe they'll read this post and make some. But I certainly agree with you about the number of airborne scenario's there are. I guess air borne is more cool or something but I myself never use them. I want to see tanks in my games.
  12. I see what you mean Dandelion but I guess I'm just used to QB's. I guess if I knew for certain that a scenario was properly balanced I wouldn't worry so much. The other thing about doing QB's is at least you get to pick your force and that to me is important as I hate having to make do with a force I'm not happy with or a objective that is impossible to achive. I'll have to try a scenario some time though just to see. I also really really enjoy getting to play with tanks and so many scenario's don't have them or have those stupid, get killed if the enemy looks at them wrong M10's. Boy I sure wish the American's had beefed their M10's up a little bit in real life it sure would have been nice in this game.
  13. I was wondering what most people play when pbeming? Don't you feel that scenario's are balanced more to one side then the other since the designer sets everything up? Any opinions?
  14. Dandelion. I will assume it's New York and unless Louie states otherwise will count him as being from there.
  15. Darn! Will miss the site. It was nice while it lasted. Thanks to all that contributed to that fine site and brought so much fun to us gamers. You will be missed. Take care and thanks guys.
  16. Got it. Thanks Klapton. I was having a problem with the frequent times I've seen "Gun Hit" in the games and was a little troubled by it but now that I see some answers here it makes more sense and I can live with it mcuh better. So thanks for the input.
  17. That moneymaxx is so smart and not a bad Pbem player either.
  18. Well now I won't have to answer since you did such a fine job there Alsatian. Thank you.
  19. Must be something on my end but it is slow both at work and my computer at home so that doesn't make sense? Oh well thanks for the answer anyway.
  20. Excellent Panzer Ace. I've been waiting for it. Thanks a lot for your work and time. It'll look really good in the game with that color. I'm heading over to get it right now. Again, great work and thanks again.
  21. Is it just me or are the forums real slow? I have cable and it's still taking like forever to do anything. Anyone else having this problem? I don't mean a little slow either I mean real slow. Slower then I've ever seen it and actually until recently it never was a problem or seemed in the least bit slow. Just wondering.
  22. Dandelion - what the hell did you just ask? I've read it 3 times and still don't understand what you are asking. Course I am not the one you asked but if Rexford does answer and unless he gives some insight as to what the question was I'm not going to understand the answer and it sounds like a good question - I guess? :confused: You know me well enough not to think that I am trying to be cute or a wise guy just honestly not getting the question. Course could be it's just over my head. :confused: Also Dandelion thanks for that extra info. on how the game looks at hits. That answered my question as far as the game goes and is what I wanted to know. Oh and no problem hi-jacking the post. [ April 08, 2003, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  23. Alright Joshik I caught you. :mad: Now CMBB has enough guys modding for it let's just get back over to CMBO where you belong and behave yourself would you? I won't tell the other guys if you get right over there now and stop this silly stuff. Wanting to mod CMBB when you don't even have the game. Boy some people.
  24. I remember reading that it took like a 150MM cannon to take out a bunker and then it wasn't that it blew it up but caused the men inside to surrrender due to the shock, noise and terror. Can't remember the book but it was only a couple of months ago that I read it so remembered it.
  25. Thanks rexford. Very interesting and thanks for the help. You even said it in such a manner that I even understood completely. Appreciate it.
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